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Lunin, G.L.; Voznesenskij, V.A.; Kosourov, K.B.; Nikopets, Yu.G.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] There are main stages of nuclear power's development in base of water-water power reactors beginning from design of projects, creating scientific-technical base and finishing of works about improving of NPP power lump operating to increase direction of reactor core operational reliability and improving of fuel cycle measures. The main conceptional peculiarities of WWER-440, WWER-1000 and integral WWER-AST project for new generation NPP, differed of elevated safety, improving of technical-economical characteristics and operational properties are presenting. The variants of using this type reactors, accounting of Republic Kazakstan power systems conditions are proposed
Original Title
Sovremennoe sostoyanie razrabotok, issledovanij i perspektiv razvitiya vodo-vodyanykh ehnergeticheskikh reactorov tipa WWEHR-AST
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.); Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); Minesterstvo Ehnergetiki i Ugol'noj Promyshlennosti, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEhP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr 'Kurchatovskij Inst.', Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); Yadernoe Obshchestvo, Moscow (Russian Federation); 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 11; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya (YaEh-96); Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Biryukov, G. I.; Afrov, A. M.; Nikitenko, M. P.
Abstracts of reports of the conference on nuclear energy in Kazakhstan1993
Abstracts of reports of the conference on nuclear energy in Kazakhstan1993
[en] Following general decisions decided in the base of processed project of reactor installation with WWER reactor of large power (NP-1100): - reactor device is located inside double containment shell; - increasing of work term of general equipment up to 50 years; - improvement of fuel use and promotion of self-protection; - steam generator of vertical arranging; - wide use of passive safety systems; - register in the project the beyond design accidents. Basis of reactor installation safety is conducting in the base of determinist and probability methods of safety analysis
Original Title
Reaktornaya ustanovka s VVEHR bol'shoj moshchnosti (NP-1100) dlya AS navogo pokoleniya
Primary Subject
Agentstvo Po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki i Ugol'noj Promyshlennosti, Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan); 162 p; Sep 1993; p. 47; Nuclear energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: development concepts, basis, safety; Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan: kontseptsiya razvitiya, obosnovannost', bezopasnost'; Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 13-17 Sep 1993
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National nuclear centre of the Republic of Kazakstan: the programme, the perspectives of development
Batyrbekov, G.A.; Takibaev, Zh. C.
Abstracts of reports of the conference on nuclear energy in Kazakhstan1993
Abstracts of reports of the conference on nuclear energy in Kazakhstan1993
[en] Short communication
Original Title
Natsional'nyj yadernyj tsentr Respubliki Kazakhstan: programma, perspektivy razvitiya
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki i Toplivnykh Resursov, Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan); 162 p; Sep 1993; p. 10; Nuclear energy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: development concepts, basis, safety; Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan: kontseptsiya razvitiya, obosnovannost', bezopasnost'; Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan); 13-17 Sep 1993
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Konoplev, K.A.; Mityukhlaiev, V.A.; Pikulik, R.G.
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on advanced reactors safety: Volume 21997
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on advanced reactors safety: Volume 21997
[en] In depth studies of cold neutron sources have been carried out at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute since the early 1970's. The 18 MW WWR-M reactor has been developed to allow a cold source to produce at experimental installation a polarized cold neutron flux of 6x108n/cm2s and an ultracold neutron flux of 6x103 n/cm2s. Experience gained with the WWR-M and other reactors has resulted in a safety strategy. That includes the hazards of operating hydrogen and also provided insight into the reactivity effects of a cold source on the reactor core. 10 refs., 5 figs
Primary Subject
American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (United States); 715 p; 1997; p. 640-645; American Nuclear Society, Inc; La Grange Park, IL (United States); ARS '97: American Nuclear Society (ANS) international meeting on advanced reactors safety; Orlando, FL (United States); 1-5 Jun 1997; American Nuclear Society, Inc., 555 N. Kensington Ave., La Grange Park, IL 60526 (United States)
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Baytelesov, S.A.; Dosimbaev, A.A.; Koblik, Yu.N.; Khalikov, U.A.; Salikhbaev, U.S.; Yuldashev, B.S.
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
Nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2006
[en] Full text: In the work results of neutron flux density determination in the reactor active zone for vertical and horizontal channels after the complete replacement of IRT-3M type fuel assemblies with 36 percent enrichment U 235 are presented. Calculations for the optimal configuration finding of the FA disposition in the reactor active zone with the aim of obtaining of the uranium fuel minimal expense and the maximal power at the minimal factor of volumetric non-uniformity were carried out. Accordance of experimental data with results of calculations will allow us to use these results for the choice of the optimal regimes of the exploitation of reactor to provide its safety at the researches
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Gabulov, I. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Zafer, A. (TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)); Garibov, A. (ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Kerimov, M (President of ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Cakiroglu, Okay (President of TAEA, Ankara (Turkey)) (and others); ANAS, Baku (Azerbaijan); Turkish Atomic Energy Authority; International Atomic Energy; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences; National Academy of Sciences Of Uzbekistan; Institute of Nuclear Physics of Kazakhstan; National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan. Funding organisation: Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (Turkey); 234 p; Nov 2006; p. 34; 4. Eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2006; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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[en] The paper summarizes and analyses the results of post-irradiation examinations of under cladding gas pressure and composition in more than 300 fuel rods of different designs from 26 fuel assemblies of the WWER-1000 reactors operated at different nuclear power plants. In their design (the diameter of the fuel pellet, its central hole, and the cladding wall thickness), all the fuel rods fall into three groups. The fuel burnup in the fuel rods under study varied from 16 to 72 MW·day/kg U. Each group showed a growth of gas pressure under cladding with an increase of the fuel burnup and was well approximated by linear dependencies within the burnup range considered. The pressure increase rate for the fuel rods with thinner cladding and a fuel pellet 7.8 mm in diameter without a central hole (group 1) was higher than for the fuel rods with standard cladding and pellets with a central hole (groups 2 and 3). A phenomenological model of under cladding gas pressure in spent fuel rods was developed. The model’s fundamental principle is Dalton’s law for gas mixtures and empirical dependencies of changes in the free volume of the fuel rods and changes in the quantity of krypton and xenon under cladding on the fuel burnup. For each group of fuel rods, the quantity of gaseous fission products (xenon and krypton) released under the cladding was well described by the exponential burning-up function corresponding to the specific group of fuel rods. The gas pressure calculations by the phenomenological model showed that for each group of fuel rods the rate of pressure rise inside the fuel rods started to increase with a growth of burnup beginning from ~ 55 MW·day/kg U. An experimental verification of this phenomenon requires an additional study of the fuel rods with increased fuel burnup. The phenomenological model developed can be used for the verification of the computer codes describing the behavior of the WWER-1000 fuel rods during normal operation in the reactor and long-term «wet» and «dry» storage of spent fuel assemblies
В работе обобщены и проанализированы данные результатов послереакторных исследований давления и состава газов под оболочкой более чем 300 твэлов ВВЭР1000 различного конструктивного исполнения из состава 26-ти тепловыделяющих сборок, эксплуатировавшихся на различных АЭС. По конструктивному исполнению (диаметр топливной таблетки и центрального отверстия в ней, толщина стенки оболочки) все твэлы разделены на три группы. Выгорание топлива в исследованных твэлах находится в диапазоне от 16 до 72 МВт·сут/кгU. Показано, что для каждой группы твэлов давление газа под оболочкой увеличивается с ростом выгорания топлива и в исследованном диапазоне выгораний хорошо аппроксимируется линейными зависимостями. Скорость увеличения давления для твэлов с утоненной оболочкой и топливной таблеткой диаметром 7,8 мм без центрального отверстия (первая группа твэлов) больше, чем для твэлов со штатной оболочкой и с таблетками, имеющими центральное отверстие (вторая и третья группы твэлов). Разработана феноменологическая модель давления газа под оболочкой твэлов после их эксплуатации. В основу модели положены закон Дальтона для смеси газов и эмпирические зависимости изменения свободного объема твэлов и количества криптона и ксенона под оболочкой твэлов от выгорания топлива. Показано, что для каждой группы твэлов количество газообразных продуктов деления ядерного топлива (ксенон и криптон), вышедших под оболочку, хорошо описывается соответствующей конкретной группе твэлов степенной функцией от выгорания топлива. Расчеты давления газа по феноменологической модели показали, что для каждой группы твэлов начиная с выгорания ~ 55 МВт·сут/кгU скорость роста давления в них начинает увеличиваться при повышении выгорания. Для экспериментального подтверждения этого эффекта необходимо провести дополнительные исследования твэлов с повышенным выгоранием топлива. Разработанная феноменологическая модель может быть использована для верификации расчетных кодов, описывающих поведение твэлов ВВЭР-1000 при штатной эксплуатации в реакторе и при длительном «мокром» и «сухом» хранении отработавших ТВСoperation in the reactor and long-term «wet» and «dry» storage of spent fuel assembliesOriginal Title
Model' davleniya gazov pod obolochkoj tvehlov VVEHR-1000 posle ehkspluatatsii
Primary Subject
20 refs., 5 fig., 1 tab.
Record Type
Journal Article
Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Yadernaya Ehnergetika; ISSN 0204-3327; ; (no.1); p. 147-158
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Abdukadirova, I. Kh.
Instutute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Perspectives of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. IV International conference2011
Instutute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)
Perspectives of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. IV International conference2011
[en] Full text: At present work analysis were carried out on mechanical properties of some constructional materials, their stability under influence of external factors. Specifically for implementation of the problem put by acoustic methods were attracted. New information was received on stability of elasticity properties available for reactor technology of constructional materials type of aluminum alloys SAV-1, applied in manufacturing of fuel elements' shell for the WWR-SM reactor in thermal neutrons using ultrasonic methods. The experiment was carried out in 2008 at the WWR-SM reactor with power 10 Mt and active core fuel loading UO2 -Al 36% enrichment on U with fuel assemblies IRT-3M type on series on prepared identical samples in the form of disks. Data on elasticity properties were identified, dispersion dependence of main normal alloy modules before and after action of ionizing radiation on the basis of taken spectrums of bending vibration and their main characteristics: vibrational amplitude (A), resonance frequency (f), and also appropriate calculations.
Original Title
Nuve enerjisinin dinc megsedlerle istifadesi perspektivleri
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Mahmud, K. (Ch; President, ANAS, Baku (AZ)); Adil, G. (Director, ANAS, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (AZ)); Dinara, A. (ANAS, Science advisor, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (AZ)) (and others); Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan). Funding organisation: Ministry of Communication and Information technologies, Baku (Azerbaijan); 147 p; Nov 2011; p. 51; 4. International conference on perspectives of peaceful uses of nuclear energy; Perspectives of peaceful use of nuclear energy; Baku (Azerbaijan); 23-25 Nov 2011; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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[en] Short communication
Original Title
Atomnye stantsii na baze reaktornykh ustanovok s integral'nym vodo-vodyanym reaktorom kak sposob resheniya ehnergeticheskikh problem otdel'nykh regionov Kazakhstana
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.). Funding organisation: Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041869KZ); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041851KZ); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); (7041949KZ); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); (4205390RU); (7041774RU); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); (7041736RU); 150 p; 1996; p. 39; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya; Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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Zbytovski, A.; Valenta, V.; Kralovets, J.
Problems of radiation safety provision at nuclear power plants operation. Vol. 11976
Problems of radiation safety provision at nuclear power plants operation. Vol. 11976
[en] The basic conceptions of provision of the WWR reactor nuclear power plant safety used at ''Skoda'' plant are briefly anumerated. The main ways of further evolution of the WWR safety system are presented. Noted is the necessity of nuclear power plant safety principles observance at the stages of the station development, construction and operation
Original Title
Kontseptsiya obespecheniya problemy radiatsionnoj bezopasnosti VVEhR na zavode stroitel'stva yadernykh ehlektrostantsij ''Shkoda'', g. Plzen'
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sovet Ehkonomicheskoj Vzaimopomoshchi, Moscow (USSR). Postoyanniya Komissiya po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii v Mirnykh Tselyakh; p. 176-182; 1976; p. 176-182; Czechoclovakian Atomic Energy Commission; Prague; Scientific and technical conference of CMEA; Usti nad Labem, Czechoclovakia; 8 - 12 Sep 1975; 18 refs.
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Neklyudov, I. M.; Voevodin, V.N.; Rudenko, A. G.; Shilyaev, B.A.
Nuclear and radiation physics. Abstracts1999
Nuclear and radiation physics. Abstracts1999
[en] Under current time condition there were studied dependences of vacancies clusters concentration in steel 15X2HMFA for various radiation conditions of fission neutron flux population and clusters lifetime, depended on ambient temperature. Vacancies clustering cross-section in the center of cascade (sub cascade) zones is produced with convolution of energy dependences of sub cascades/cascades on energy spectrum of primary-knocked-out atoms. Sink density of vacancies clusters is computed subjecting to concentration of alloying elements and additives depending on the processes of spontaneous recombination and defects survival in shift cascades, and vacancies collapsing in clusters. The ratio of fixed outlets density, intake in the material before irradiation, and equilibrium density of vacancies clusters outlet, produced when being irradiated, determines the coefficient value for radiation-excited diffusion, competition of free-migrating defects fluxes on outlets and dividing process. At low equilibrium density of the vacancies clusters outlet the coefficient of the radiation-excited diffusion is close to its top value
Original Title
Radiatsionno-stimulirovannye protsessy v okhrupchivanii stalikorpusa reaktora WWR-1000
Primary Subject
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan); National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan); Institute of Nuclear Physics (Kazakhstan); 327 p; ISBN 9965-9051-1-8; ; 1999; p. 156; 2. International conference on nuclear and radiation physics; II Mezdunarodnaya konferentsiya po yadernoj i radiatsionnoj fizike; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 7-10 Jun 1999
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