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[en] The properties of the continuum X-ray spectra observed in relatively slow collisions between two atoms with atomic numbers Z(p) and Z(t) have been investigated for 36 different systems having combined atomic numbers Z(u)=Z(p)+Z(t) between 22(F+Al) and 184(U+U) at beam energies between 3 and 980 MeV. In all cases the spectra exhibit an anisotropy which has a photon-energy dependent structure. The structure appears to be caused by molecular-orbital transitions occurring predominantly at the distance of closest approach of the two colliding nuclei. Possible mechanisms responsible for this effect and its application for a spectroscopy of superheavy quasi-molecules are discussed
Die eienskappe van die kontinuum X-straalspektra wat in stadige botsings tussen twee atome met atoomgetalle Z(p) en Z(t) waargeneem is, is vir 36 verskillende stelsels met saamgestelde atoomgetalle Z(u)=Z(p)+Z(t) tussen 22(F+Al) en 184(U+U) by bundel-energiee tussen 3 en 980 MeV ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat die spektra in alle gevalle 'n anisotropie vertoon wat 'n foto-energie-afhanklike struktuur het. Dit kom voor asof die struktuur deur molekulerebaanoorgange veroorsaak is wat oorwegend op die kleinste afstand tussen die twee botsende kerne plaasvind. Moontlike meganismes wat vir hierdie effek verantwoordelik is en sy toepassing vir 'n spektroskopie van superswaar kwasimolekules word bespreekPrimary Subject
International conference on dynamical properties of heavy-ion reactions; Johannesburg, South Africa; 1 - 3 Aug 1978
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
South African Journal of Physics; ISSN 0379-4377; ; v. 1(3-4); p. 229-235
Country of publication
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