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[en] By the end of the 1960's a large number of food items were being considered for irradiation treatment. Because of the potential importance of the process, the cost of biological tests and the danger of unnecessary duplication, international collaboration became desirable. The International Food Irradiation Project (IFIP) was established in 1970. Membership at the present time numbers 25 countries. Objectives of the Project: The basic function has been to facilitate the objective evaluation of the wholesomeness of irradiated foodstuffs. It is not concerned with promoting the use of the process or with assessing or improving its economical feasibility. (a) Wholesomeness Testing: Studies were initiated on irradiated potatoes, wheat and wheat products. Additional foodstuffs were chosen on the basis of certain factors. Products chosen included fish, rice, spices, mangoes, dates and onions. In none of these studies was any significant effect observed which could be attributed to the feeding of irradiated food. (b) Methology Research: IFIP has devoted considerable attention to reviewing and up-dating its testing procedures. A continuous study of the scientific literature and the publications of regulatory bodies has been linked with practical research work in IFIP's laboratory and consultation with many experts in toxicology. (c) Information Activities: The results of scientific investigations sponsored by IFIP, as well as information of more general interest, are published. (d) Assistance to National and International Authorities: IFIP does not judge the acceptability of irradiated foods. However, when requested by regulatory bodies responsible for such decisions, IFIP is willing to provide information and advice
Aan die einde van die sestigerjare, is 'n groot verskeidenheid voedselprodukte vir bestraling oorweeg. As gevolg van die potensiele belangrikheid van bestraling, die koste van biologiese toetse en die voorkoming van onnodige duplisering van navorsing, het internasionale samewerking wenslik geword. Die Internasionale Voedselbestralingsprojek (IVBP) is in 1970 gestig en 25 lande is tans verteenwoordig. Doelstellings van die Projek: Die basiese funksie is om met die objektiewe evaluering van die voedsaamheid van bestraalde voedsel behulpsaam te wees. Daar word nie beoog om die proses te bevorder of die ekonomiese moontlikhede daarvan te verbeter nie. (a) Voedsaamheidstoetse: Bestraalde aartappels, graan en graanprodukte is aanvanklik bestudeer. Bykomende voedselsoorte is op grond van sekere faktore gekies. Die gekose voedselsoorte het vis, rys, speserye, mango's, dadels en uie ingesluit. In geeneen van hierdie studies is betekenisvolle effekte waargeneem wat aan die voer van bestraalde voedsel toegeskryf kan word nie. (b) Metodologiese Navorsing: Die IVBP het baie aandag aan die hersiening en instandhouding van hulle prosedures geskenk. 'n Voortdurende studie van wetenskaplike literatuur en publikasies van regulatoriese liggame is met praktiese navorsing in IVBP-laboratoriums en met raadpleging van deskundiges in toksikologie verenig. (c) Inligtingsbedrywighede: Die resultate van wetenskaplike navorsing wat deur IVBP geborg word en inligting van algemene belang word gepubliseer. (d) Hulp van Nasionale en Internasionale Owerhede: Die IVBP beoordeel nie die aanvaarbaarheid van bestraalde voedsel nie. Hy is egter gewillig om inligting en advies, op versoek, aan regulatoriese liggame te verstrek wat vir sodanige besluite verantwoordelik isPrimary Subject
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Beyers, M.; Brodrick, H.T.; Van Niekerk, W.C.A. (eds.); Atomic Energy Board, Pelindaba, Pretoria (South Africa); 132 p; ISBN 0 86960 711 1; ; 1980; p. 2.1-2.8; National symposium on food irradiation; Pretoria, South Africa; 4 - 5 Oct 1979; See also RN 499706.
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