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Bozek, E.; Cassagnou, Y.; Dayras, R.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1982
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France)1982
[en] A detailed study was made of the different processes which may compete with fusion in the energy domain where the cross section for fusion deviates from the reaction cross section. Both reactions 14N + 12C and 16O + 10B were used to form the compound nucleus 26Al at the same excitation energy of 44 MeV
Primary Subject
Jan 1982; 13 p; 20. International winter meeting on nuclear physics; Bormio, Italy; 25 - 30 Jan 1982
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Numerical Data
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue