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[en] Heavy damage to cabbage plantations in Indonesia as caused by plutella maculipennis and crocidolomia binotalis furnished economic justification of research on the sterile-male approach to eradication of this species. The sterile-male technique requires a mass-production of these insects, therefore studies were initiated on rearing larvae in artificial diets. A series of media based on biochemical and biological ingridients were tested. Larvae of the second instar were kept on artificial medium up to 14 days reaching the fourth instar (prepupae). The observation was carried out on the rates pupation, adult emergence and eggs production, continuoous to their progenies. No morphological damaged are found on the diet-reared insects. A complete absence of cholesterol in the diet for crocidolomia binotalis brought on the emergence of non-fecund adults. (author)
Original Title
Perkembangan dan pembiakan hama kubis (Plutella maculipennis dan crocidolomia binotalis) pada makanan buatan
Primary Subject
18 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Majalah BATAN; ISSN 0303-2876; ; v. 16(2); p. 92-1U2
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue