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Konstantinova, M.M.; Minin, A.A.; Nekrasova, I.V.; Dontsova, G.V.; Smirnova, I.B.
The problems of natural and modifyed radiosensitivity1983
The problems of natural and modifyed radiosensitivity1983
[en] Data testifying to the fact that the level of endogenous glutathion determines the value of anoxia protection and makes a considerable contribution to antiradiation effect of sulphur-g containing protectors (MEhAn MPG) are presentedm possible mechanism of endogenous glutatheine participation in radioprotective effect is discussed
Original Title
Rol' ehndogennogo glyutationa v modifikatsii radiochuvstvitel'-- nosti kletok astsitnoj kartsinomy Ehrlikha
Primary Subject
AN SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Biologii Razvitiya; AN SSSR, Moscow. Nauchnyj Sovet po Problemam Radiobiologii; p. 108-114; 1983; p. 108-114; Nauka; Moscow (USSR); 14 refs.; 2 figs.
Record Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue