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[en] Let ΩR = Rninverse slantBR, where n ≥ 3 and BR = {x element of Rn:vertical strokexvertical stroke ≤ R}. We investigate the asymptotics of real valued solutions ψ element of L2(ΩR) of the Schroedinger equation (-Δ+V-E)ψ = 0, where E < 0 and V(x) → 0 for vertical strokexvertical stroke → ∞: Let D denote an unbounded nodal domain of ψ (i.e. a component of ΩRinverse slant{x:ψ(x) = 0}), and let S(r) = {y element of Sn-1:ry element of D} with Sn-1 the unit sphere in Rn. Under suitable assumptions on V it is shown that for some γ > 0, limsub(r → ∞) inf rγ ∫sub(S(r)) ψ2dσ / ∫sub(Sn-1) ψ2dσ > 0 and limsub(r → ∞) inf ln (Volume(D intersection Br))/ln r ≥ (n+1)/2. Results of this type are already non-trivial for radial problems with ψ satisfying non-radial boundary conditions on dΩR or for excited states of the Hydrogen atom if one considers linear combinations of different l-waves. (orig.)
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue