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Gorbunov, V.P.; Egorov, A.K.; Isaev, N.V.; Saprykin, E.M.
Physics and technology of nuclear reactors1987
Physics and technology of nuclear reactors1987
[en] Problems on development and operation of automated control system (ACS) software of NPPs with the RBMK reactors are discussed. The ES computer with large on-line storage (not less than 1 Mbite) and fast response (not less than 300.000 of operations per a second) should enter the ACS composition. Several program complexes are used in the NPP ACS. The programs collected into the EhNERGIYa library are used to provide central control system operation. The information-retrival system called the Fuel file is used to automate NPP fuel motion account, as well as to estimate efficiency of fuel application, to carry out calculations of a fuel component of electric and heat energy production cost. The automated information system for unit operation efficiency analysis, which solves both plant and unit-level problems, including engineering and economical factors and complexing of operation parameter bank, is under trial operation
Original Title
Nekotorye voprosy razrabotki matematicheskogo obespecheniya statsionarnogo urovnya ASU s reaktorami RBMK
Primary Subject
Adamov, E.O. (ed.); Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, Moscow; Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki; (no. 2); p. 84-86; 1987; p. 84-86
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue