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[en] There are many Monte Carlo biasing techniques that require approximate importance information. Often the geometry is complicated, and Monte Carlo estimates of the importance function are used in lieu of a deterministic calculation that has problems with the geometry. There are a number of Monte Carlo techniques that can be used to provide importance/biasing information. The technique described here is unique because it allows the user to divide the phase space into user-selected regions and use Monte Carlo to estimate the average region i to region j transport parameters and scores for the transport. This information is then used to form a discrete state transport problem that can be solved deterministically
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
American Nuclear Society winter meeting; Los Angeles, CA (USA); 15-19 Nov 1987; CONF-8711195--
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue