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[en] In the case of chest tomography, particularly the mediastinum and the pulmonary hilar tomography are difficult to argue the matter without the exposure time factor. For that reason, these regions are much used rectilinear tomography for the shortening of the exposure time. However as for visualities of form, it is advisable for these regions to be used in multidirectional tomography. However, a longer exposure time is needed. Therefore, we experienced with stereozonography with a shorter exposure time by circuler direction using compensating filter and computed radiography. Shifting distance of X-ray tube for stereography was 10% of distance between the focal spot and object. The exposure time and exposure angle were 0.6 sec and 2θ=3deg, respectively. As a result, this stereozonography was excellent in the visuabilities of the mediastinal region, including bronchovascular shadows, allowing a detailed examination of the on images of these region. Compensating filter permitted improved image quality of the mediastinal region. On the other hand, using the computed radiographic system, even if an artifact arose from disagreement between the form of the compensating filter and the mediastinal region, we could easily restore the nondiagnostic image by overall density manipulation and unsharp mask filtering. (author)
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue