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[en] An estimate is presented of the energy balance of Quebec for 1991 (unconventional energy sources excluded), and the definitive energy balance for 1990. The estimates for 1991 are based on sales data for the whole year for electric power, petroleum products, and natural gas, and on the first 9 months of data for coal and coke. In 1990, the energy consumption of Quebec reached 32.2 M TEP (tonnes of equivalent petroleum), or a decrease of 1.8% with respect to 1989. In 1991, it reached 31.1 M TEP, or a decrease of 3.5% with respect to 1990. The electric power consumption in 1991 was 149.1 TWh, an increase of 1.0% with respect to 1990, attributed in part to the economic effects of the recession. The consumption of petroleum products for energy uses attained 93.5 M bbl in 1991, or a drop of 7.3% with respect to 1990. This drop is also attributed to economic reasons. Natural gas sales in 1991 totalled 193.2 billion ft3, or a decrease of 2.3% from 1990. In the residential sector, natural gas sales fell 8%, while sales in the industrial and commercial sectors fell 1.6% and 1.3% respectively. Data on energy consumption are given as a function of the energy source (petroleum, coal and coke, natural gas and electric power), as a function of the consuming sector (for electric power and natural gas) or as a function of the nature of the product (for petroleum products). 4 figs., 4 tabs
Original Title
Le bilan energetique du Quebec en 1991: La consommation d'energie diminue pour une deuxieme annee consecutive et la part de l'electricite augmente
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue