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[en] The relationship between the ion exchange reaction in a column and temperature was examined in the system cadmium-ion exchanger resin Lewatin S 1080. Cadmium was bound by 0.02 M NHO3 and then eluted by 2.0 M HCl. Working temperature was gradually increased from 273 to 333 K. Cadmium concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Thermostated columns were of our own construction. The distillation plate theory was applied for the same ion eluated at different temperatures. It was necessary to determine graphically the following parameters: cex, cmax, Vmax, and the width of elution band. These parameters obtained for elution curves were related to temperature. The elution curves were found to be temperature specific. Deviations from Gauss normal distribution are larger at higher temperatures. This value can be determined from the segment of the elution curve with the ordinate cmax/e. Consequently, we suggest the width of elution curve to be a measure of elution conditions at higher temperatures. (author). 19 refs, 1 fig., 1 tab
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