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Zhantikin, T.M.; Krechetov, S.V.
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
Abstracts of reports of the international scientific-practical conference1996
[en] Kazakstan had joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a country that has not this weapons. This fact sets defined obligation for measuring a providing a non-proliferation regime in the republic. In the frame of the Treaty, in 1994 Republic Kazakstan had signed the Agreement on Safeguards with IAEA that was ratified by the Presidential Decree in 1995. The legal basis of regulation of nuclear activity in Kazakstan consists of a set of documents which can be divided into six categories: 1) Law of the Republic Kazakstan, Decrees and Orders of the President, Decrees of the Parliament; 2) Decrees of the Government and governmental regulatory bodies, Provisions on regulatory and supervision authorities; 3)Norms and regulations; 4)State and industrial standards, construction norms and rules; 4)Authorities' regulation documents; 5)Operational and technological documents. The current status of legal regulation of the nuclear activity in Kazakstan has peculiarities that is originating from the fact that all operating nuclear power and industry facilities in the country were constructed under the norm and rules of USSR. Therefore, Atomic Energy Agency issued an Order expanding force of all the earlier issued regulations and norm documents in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. The programme of creation of the nuclear legal system in the country assumes implementation of four basic laws: -Law on use of atomic energy; -Law on radiation safety of population; - Law on radioactive waste management; - Law on export/import control of nuclear materials. In absence of the legal framework, regulation of the atomic energy use is based on decrees of the country government. Interaction, obligation and responsibilities of different state authorities of Kazakstan are defined in the Temporary Provisions; nuclear export and import control is regulated by corresponding provisions. The State System of Accountancy and Control of nuclear materials is established and began its work
Original Title
Regulirovanie yadernoj deyatel'nosti v Respublike Kazakhstan
Primary Subject
Koltysheva, G.I.; Perepelkin, I.G. (eds.); Ministerstvo Nauki-Akademiya Nauk, Almaty (Kazakstan); Minesterstvo Ehnergetiki i Ugol'noj Promyshlennosti, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Ehkonomiki, Almaty (Kazakstan); Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Natsional'naya Aktsionernaya Kompaniya KATEhP, Almaty (Kazakstan); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Ehksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki Natsional'nogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Almaty (Kazakstan); Agentstvo po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Alma-Ata (Kazakstan); Yadernoe Obshchestvo Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakstan); Aktauskaya Gorodskaya Administratsiya, Aktau (Kazakstan); Mangyshlakskij Atomno-Ehnergeticheskij Kombinat, Aktau (Kazakstan); Ministerstvo Rossijskoj Federatsii po Atomnoj Ehnergii, Moscow (Russian Federation); Rossijskij Nauchnyj Tsentr 'Kurchatovskij Inst.', Moscow (Russian Federation); Gosudarstvennyj Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. NPO Luch, Podol'sk (Russian Federation); Yadernoe Obshchestvo, Moscow (Russian Federation); 150 p; Jun 1996; p. 15; Sigma; Kurchatov (Kazakstan); International scientific-practical conference: nuclear power engineering in the Republic of Kazakstan. Perspectives of development (NE-96); Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: yadernaya ehnergetika v Respublike Kazakhstan. Perspektivy razvitiya (YaEh-96); Aktau (Kazakstan); 24-27 Jun 1996
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