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Akkulov, Zh.I.; Mukimbekov, M.Zh.
Materials of Kazakstan-Russian scientific and practical conference1997
Materials of Kazakstan-Russian scientific and practical conference1997
[en] In the paper spline and its modifications were studied during recover of geological and geophysical indications an interpolation, as well as approximation of recovering function by harmonic (potential) functions have been considered. Optimal conditions laid upon on recovering technology of geophysical indications were calculated. Applied sub-software are created on language of visual programming 'Delphi', which allows to recover geological and geophysical performances on the whole
Original Title
Tekhnologiya vosstanovleniya geologo-geofizicheskikh priznakov priblizhennymi funktsiyami v NGDU
Primary Subject
Balakaeva, G.T. (ed.); Kazakhskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ., Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inzhenernaya Akademiya Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Ministerstvo Ehnergetiki i Pripodnykh Resursov Respubliki Kazakhstan, Almaty (Kazakhstan); Inst. Gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk (Russian Federation); 130 p; 1997; p. 19; Mathematical simulation of scientific-technological and ecological problems in petroleum and gas industry; Matematicheskoe modelirovanie nauchno-tekhnologichesikh i ehkologicheskikh problem v neftegasodobyvayushchej promyshlennosti; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 16-17 Oct 1997; 2 refs.
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