Ritchie, A B. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States). Funding organisation: USDOE Office of Defense Programs (United States)1999
[en] It is shown that the reaction field induced in an atom by a strong magnetic field is of order Bα in atomic units (for magnetic field strength B and fine structure constant α). The reaction field causes a dipole-dipole interatomic potential energy to exist between a pair of atoms of order B3/2α7/2, such that B must be of order α-7/3 for the interatomic energy to be of order one atomic unit. B of this order corresponds to a field strength of 1.66 x 1012 G, which is within the regime of field strengths considered in recent studies of atoms and molecules in the presence of a strong magnetic field
23 Mar 1999; 680 Kilobytes; CONTRACT W-7405-ENG-48; Available from OSTI; NTIS; URL:http://www.llnl.gov/tid/lof/documents/pdf/235376.pdf; US Govt. Printing Office Dep; DP0102011