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Kotaki, Hideyuki; Kando, Masaki; Kondo, Shuji; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Yokoyama, Takashi; Hosokai, Tomonao; Nakajima, Kazuhisa
Proceedings of the 25th linear accelerator meeting in Japan2000
Proceedings of the 25th linear accelerator meeting in Japan2000
[en] A photocathode RF-Gun was installed as a high quality electron source at JAERI-Kansai-APR for laser wakefield acceleration experiment. A charge of 730 pC was produced by a frequency quadrupled Nd:YLF laser whose energy was 60 μJ on a copper cathode surface. A photo-emitted charge increased as the RF-power increased. This enhancement of charge is known as Schottky effect. Quantum efficiency (QE) and a field emission dark current were measured during RF-conditioning. QE and the dark current were reduced with the progress of RF-conditioning after a leak of SF6 gas. In order to reduce the dark current, the RF-conditioning is been continuing. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Inst., Mikazuki, Hyogo (Japan); 446 p; 2000; p. 147-149; 25. linear accelerator meeting in Japan; Himeji, Hyogo (Japan); 12-14 Jul 2000; Available from Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, 1-1-1 Koto, Mikazuki-cho, Hyogo-ken 679-5198 Japan; 6 figs., 6 refs.
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