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Determination of horizontal burnup gradient of PWR spent nuclear fuel assembly by gamma spectrometry
Park, K. Z.; Cho, I. J.; Kim, K. S.; Am, S. H.; Park, S. W.
Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society spring meeting2001
Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society spring meeting2001
[en] Horizontal burnup gradients were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry for the PWR spent nuclear fuel assemblies discharged from Kori Unit-1 and Unit-2 power reactors in 1985 and 1992, respectively. Gamma-ray Measurements of 4 faces of the fuel assembly were carried out using a under-water burnup measuring device in a pool of PIEF at KAERI. As a result of data analysis, horizontal burnup gradients of F02 assembly burned in Kori Unit-1 for 3 cycles were 11 % for the 1-3 faces and 7% for the 2-4 faces, and those of J44 assembly burned in Kori Unit-2 were 4 % and 19%. These values will be employed to determine the average burnup of fuel assembly with the axial burnup distribution determined by gross gamma scanning
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KAERI, Taejon (Korea, Republic of); [ONE CDROM]; May 2001; [6 p.]; 2001 spring meeting of the Korean Nuclear Society; Cheju (Korea, Republic of); 24-25 May 2001; Available from KNS, Taejon (KR); 2 refs, 4 figs, 2 tabs
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