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Sawhney, K.J.S.; Raghuvanshi, V.K.; Dhamgaye, V.P.; Kane, S.R.; Garg, C.K.
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian particle accelerator conference-20032003
Proceedings of the DAE-BRNS Indian particle accelerator conference-20032003
[en] Synchrotron radiation (SR) source Indus-2, under construction in our Centre, is a 2.5 GeV electron storage ring that would emit synchrotron radiation over a broad spectral range covering the hard and soft X-ray region of the electromagnetic radiation. X-ray radiation from less than 1 keV to several tens of keVs would be available with very high intensity. Indus-2 has provision to install up to 27 synchrotron photon beamlines so that diverse type of experiments can be done simultaneously. Typically these beamlines are 30 to 40 metres long. The first part of such beamlines, which is immediately outside the storage ring but inside the concrete shielding tunnel, is designated as the Front End (FE). The FE therefore acts as an interface between the X-ray source on the storage ring and the downstream optical components in the beamline hall. The front end has many critical functions to perform, the main functions being: storage ring vacuum protection, absorption of radiation when the beamline is shutdown and proper synchrotron-beam excitation at radiation, other components like photon beam position monitors etc. can also be installed in the FE. A front end essentially consists of a set of Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) components with associated controls and interlocks
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Bapna, S.C.; Joshi, S.C.; Hannurkar, P.R. (Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore (India)) (eds.); Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Mumbai (India); 773 p; ISBN 81-7764-407-6; ; 2003; p. 26-27; InPAC-2003: 1. DAE-BRNS Indian particle accelerator conference; Indore (India); 3-6 Feb 2003; 2 refs., 1 fig.
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