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Yu Suyuan; He Shuyan; Liu Junjie; Xiong Dunshi
Transactions of the 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMiRT). Volume F: Pressure components, design technologies and research for regulatory needs1993
Transactions of the 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology (SMiRT). Volume F: Pressure components, design technologies and research for regulatory needs1993
[en] In this paper, the following two aspects are analyzed with thermal-elastic finite element method: - The stress intensity and deformation of some significant parts of LTHR-200 pressure vessel are calculated. - The influence of LTHR-200 pressure vessel structure on sealing behavior of main flanges is analyzed in the condition of start, shutdown and operation. (author)
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Kussmaul, K.F. (ed.); 312 p; ISBN 0-444-81515-5; ; 1993; p. 227-232; SMiRT 12: 12. international conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology; Stuttgart (Germany); 15-20 Aug 1993; 5 refs, 6 figs
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