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[en] A parameter-free statistical model is used to study multiplicity signatures for coherent production of charged pairs of parabosons of order p=2 in comparison with those arising in the case of ordinary bosons, p= 1. Two non-negative real parameters arise because ''ab'' and ''ba'' are fundamentally distinct pair operators of charge ''+1'', A-quanta and charge ''-1'', B-quanta parabosons. In 3D plots of Pm(q)≡ ''the probability of m paraboson charged pairs+q positive parabosons'' versus left angle n right angle and left angle n2 right angle, the p=1 curve is found to lie on the relatively narrow 2D p=2 surface. (orig.)
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Journal Article
European Physical Journal. C; ISSN 1434-6044; ; v. 39(1); p. 109-121
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