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Gonzalez, E.; Alvarez, F.; Blazquez, J.; Cano-Ott, D.; Fernandez Ordonez, M.; Guerrero, C.; Martin-Fuertes, F.; Martinez, T.; Vicente, C.; Villamarin, D.
Empresa Nacional de Residuos, S.A (ENRESA), Madrid (Spain)2008
Empresa Nacional de Residuos, S.A (ENRESA), Madrid (Spain)2008
[en] This technical report of ENRESA refers to the transmutation of some transuranic elements, mainly plutonium and minor actinides (Np, Am and Cm). The transmutation of minor actinides (MA) could be efficiently made by very energetic neutrons, using fast reactors of Generation IV or accelerator driven systems (ADS). This publication is dedicated to expose the state-of-the-art situation of the ADS, mainly the activities developed by CIEMAT within the R+D projects of the EU. This technical publication of ENRESA on Transmutation is the second volume, of a set of two, on Partitioning and Transmutation. The first volume, entitled Partitioning of transuranic elements and some fission products from spent nuclear fuels, was published in 2006. The present report has ten chapters; the first one is an introduction on the spent fuels management, mainly in Spain. In the second one a summary of the main characteristics of spent fuels is provided; in the third the transmutation concept including their nuclear reactions is described; and in the fourth one a description of the present management options of the spent fuels is given. In the fifth chapter several new advanced closed cycles with transmutation of Pu and MA are given and in the sixth one the main proposed transmutation systems are de scribed. Among these, a great emphasis is given to the ADS including its main parts, as they are: the proton accelerator, the spallation source for neutrons production and the subcritical core. Also a re view of different fuels and proposed cool ants for the ADS is made, as well as proposed reprocessing of the transmuted spent fuel from ADS. In this chapter a description of some R+D projects is given, most of them supported by the European Union, with participation of CIEMAT. Chapters seven and eight show the progress on the measurement of new nuclear data to complete the simulation of the transmutation basic processes and systems, together in chapter nine with new R+D activities on transmutation. Finally, chapter ten lists the bibliographic references. (Author)
Original Title
Transmutacion de elementos transuranicos presentes en los combustible nucleares irradiados
Primary Subject
2008; 110 p; Available
Record Type
Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL