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Ellahrah, M.S.; Arfa, N.S.
Proceeding of the eighth arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy2007
Proceeding of the eighth arab conference on the peaceful uses of atomic energy2007
[en] Isomers for elements far a way from line of stability are a new field for research to produce artificial isomers that can store considerable amount of energy in small amount of mass without the dangerous hazards on life and environment. These isomers could have very short life time or very long one 10th and 100th of years. It will be possible to get the stored energy by stimulated emission . The purpose of this work to use a theorical model based on Bcs method to find out the possible isomers in the mass reg on 178-192 even -even isotopes so that experimentalists can concentrate their research on these predicted isomers.
Primary Subject
Jordan Atomic Energy Commission; v. 1; 1437 p; 2007; p. 369-381; Jordan; Amman (Jordan); Available from Jordan Atomic Energy Commission, P.O. Pox:70 Amman (11934) (Jordan)
Record Type
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue