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[en] The project was reviewed new current IAEA documents on Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources GSR Part 3. The revised International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (commonly referred to as “the BSS”) are structured on the basis of 'planned exposure situations' , 'emergency exposure situations' and 'existing exposure situations', with each main section of the text having the same layout covering occupational exposure, public exposure and (for planned exposure situations only) medical exposure, following the ICRP 2007 recommendations. There is also a main section dealing with generic requirements that are applicable in all exposure situations. The revised BSS covers protection of the environment and is consistent with the Fundamental Safety Principles. It also covers protection of the Public exposure due to radon indoors and Exposure due to radionuclides in commodities. The revised BSS finally also cover protection against Exposure of aircrew and space crew due to cosmic radiation. Framework for source-related dose constraints and reference levels with examples of constraints for workers and the public from single dominant sources for all exposure situations that can be controlled are also covered .Some changes have been introduced for Tissue weighting factors and radiation weighting factors. Dose limits have not changed. Member States of IAEA are required to comment on the documents and adopt or adapted to update their radiation protection programmes to be consistent with the new recommendations. (author)
Primary Subject
Apr 2013; 29 p; Available from the University of Ghana, School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, P. O. Box AE1, Atomic, Legon (Ghana); 10 refs., 1 tab., 2 figs.; Thesis(Pg.Dip)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue