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[en] Two approaches to minimize the randomization have been proposed. One is to use crosslinking method and the other is to use high Tg polymers such as polyimides. Polyurethane matrix forms extensive hydrogen bond between urethane linkage and increases rigidity preventing the relaxation of induced dipoles. In this work we prepared new T-type polyurethanes containing dioxynitrostilbenyl group as a NLO-chromophore. We selected 2,5-dioxynitrostilbenyl group as NLO-chromophore because it will have a large dipole moment and is rather easy to synthesize. Furthermore 2,5-dioxynitrostilbenyl group constitutes a novel T-type NLO polyurthanes, in which the NLO chromophores are parts of polymer backbones. These T-type NLO polyurethanes are not shown in the literature. After confirming the structure of the resulting polymers we investigated the properties such as Tg and second harmonic generation (SHG) activity (d33). We now report the results of the initial phase of the work
Primary Subject
11 refs, 3 figs, 2 tabs
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society; ISSN 0253-2964; ; v. 24(12); p. 1727-1728
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue