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Kittaka, Shunichiro; Nakamura, Shota; Sakakibara, Toshiro; Kadowaki, Hiroaki; Takatsu, Hiroshi, E-mail:
[en] We developed a new technique for measuring the thermodynamic entropy as a function of the magnetic field angle. This technique enables high-resolution angle-resolved measurements of the entropy in an unprecedentedly short measuring time. When the magnetic field is rotated under adiabatic conditions, the sample temperature changes owing to the field-angle variation of its entropy, which is referred to as the rotational magnetocaloric effect. By investigating this effect along with the specific heat, the field-angle dependence of the entropy can be determined. To demonstrate this technique, we chose the spin-ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 as a benchmark and showed good agreement between the measured and theoretical entropies as a function of the field angle. This development provides a new approach to studying condensed-matter physics, in which multiple degrees of freedom play an important role. (author)
Primary Subject
Available from; 32 refs., 6 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Online); ISSN 1347-4073; ; v. 87(7); p. 073601.1-073601.5
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue