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[en] In this project, the experimental study was conducted in a 1kJ-class laser facility. We have been configuring large optical system and performing precise alignment experiments to improve the stability and quality of high energy laser beam. The wavelength converting system was established using a large KDP optics and 1064nm laser pulse with high energy has been converted into 532nm laser pulse. In this experiment, conversion efficiency for second harmonic wave (532nm) was reached up to -30%. The target injector adjustable to the target position in the unit 1 ų was installed in the large spherical chamber. The manufactured monitoring device enable high energy laser beam to be effectively focused onto the target. Various diagnostic tools including x-ray spectrometer, x-ray pinhole camera, faraday cup have been installed to collect data relevant to high energy density plasma. The behavior of the laser-plasma in accordance with the waveform of the laser beam as well as the structure and material of the target has been analyzed using Hyades simulation code. We have investigated the absorbency of the major material used in a nuclear fusion according to the energy distribution of the neutron. The possibility of nuclide conversion caused by neutron capture of radioactive material has been also analyzed.
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Mar 2015; 147 p; Also available from KAERI; 9 refs, 123 figs, 12 tabs
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue