[en] This set of articles proposes an overview of developments and innovations in the field of renewable gas production. It evokes the high number of projects which are currently being undertaken or studied, the evolution of the regulation which may lead to a higher level than the objective defined by the French energy multi-year planning. It discusses the development of specific technologies like power-to-gas and pyro-gasification which may help in reaching the 100 per cent renewable gas mix by 2050, provided that all actors are committed to pass from a pilot and demonstrator stage to industrial units. Projects for a better energy valorisation of inputs and of their co-methanisation are also evoked: it is based on the use of bio-wastes, partly from domestic origin, which will be sorted by 2025. Innovation in the field of valorisation of carbon dioxide obtained during biogas purification will also be crucial. The importance of labels is outlined (Qualimetha, for example), as well as the importance of support to local projects
Original Title
Dossier biogaz - Gaz renouvelables: developpement et innovations a l'horizon. Annee decisive pour le biogaz. Power-to-gas et pyrogazeification: les deux autres filieres du gaz vert. Co-methanisation: un projet d'envergure pour le developpement d'une filiere complete innovante. Tri a la source des biodechets, un levier pour le biogaz. Quels debouches pour le CO2? Un label pour securiser les porteurs de projets. 'La rentabilite des projets doit etre bien regardee'. Methanisation: comment favoriser l'appropriation