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Nakayama, Shinsuke; Iwamoto, Osamu; Kimura, Atsushi
Book of Abstracts: Wonder 2023. 6th International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications (WONDER)2023
Book of Abstracts: Wonder 2023. 6th International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications (WONDER)2023
[en] We have started a project entitled 'Development of Nuclear Data Evaluation Framework for Innovative Reactor' in 2021. The objective of this project is to establish a scheme to improve the accuracy of nuclear data required in the development of innovative nuclear reactors within a short time period through collaboration between experiments and evaluations. Graphite is a candidate of moderator in innovative nuclear reactors such as molten salt reactors. Scattering of thermal neutrons by the moderator material has a significant impact on the reactor core design. Currently, ENDF/B-VIII.0 provides practically the only thermal scattering law (TSL) data for nuclear-grade graphite, and JENDL-5 adopts them. However, it has recently been pointed out that the TSL evaluation for nuclear-grade graphite employed in ENDF/B-VIII.0 have several concerns. Under these circumstances, we newly evaluated TSL for nuclear-grade graphite. The inelastic scattering component due to lattice vibration was evaluated based on the phonon density of states computed with first-principles lattice dynamics simulations. The simulations were performed for ideal crystalline graphite. This is based on the assertion that the vacancies in nuclear-grade graphite are larger in size than the crystals and other non-vacant region are highly crystalline. This is also in contrast to the modelling in ENDF/B-III.0 evaluation, in which carbon atoms are randomly removed from the crystal. The present evaluation and that of ENDF/B-VIII.0 were compared with the double differential cross sections we have recently measured in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in the J-PARC in the temperature up to 500 K. The coherent elastic scattering component due to crystal structure was evaluated based on neutron scattering and transmission experiments we recently performed in the MLF in J-PARC. The intensities of the individual Bragg peaks were evaluated through comparison with the experimental angular distribution of scattered neutrons. The sum of the inelastic and coherent elastic scattering components evaluated by the methods described above reproduced the experimental total cross sections well in the incident energy range above 10 meV. Below 10 meV, however, the experimental values were significantly underestimated. To resolve this discrepancy the small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) component was quantified. By adding the SANS component, the evaluated values reproduced the experimental total cross sections well. This work was supported by MEXT Innovative Nuclear Research and Development Program. (authors)
Primary Subject
Danon, Y.; Brain, P.; Cook, K.; Fritz, D.; Golas, A.; Siemers, G.; Singh, S.; Wang, B. (Gaerttner LINAC Center Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 12180, (United States)); Andrzejewski, J.; Gawlik, A.; Perkowski, J. (University of Lodz, Pomorska 149/153, Lodz, 90-236, (Poland)); Barry, D.; Daskalakis, A.; Epping, B.; Lewis, A.; Rapp, M.; Trumbull, T. (Naval Nuclear Laboratory, P.O. Box 1072, Schenectady, NY 12301, (United States)); Atsushi Kimura; Shunsuke Endo; Shoji Nakamura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4 Shirakata, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195, (Japan)); Sanchez-Caballero, A.; Alcayne, V.; Cano-Ott, D.; Gonzalez-Romero, E.; Martinez, T.; Mendoza, E.; Perez de Rada, A. (Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnoligicas - CIEMAT, Av. Complutense 40, Madrid, 28040, (Spain)); Cardinaels, T.; Dries, P.; Leinders, G.; Van Hecke, K.; Vanaken, K.; Verguts, K.; Verwerft, M. (SCK CEN, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, Boeretang 200, Mol, B-2400, (Belgium)); Heyse, J.; Moens, A.; Plompen, A.; Paradela, C.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Sibbens, G.; Vanleeuw, D.; Wynants, R.; Oprea, A. (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Retieseweg 111, Geel, B- 2440, (Belgium)); Perez-Maroto, P.; Guerrero, C.; Millan, M.A.; Rodriguez, T. (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, Universidad de Sevilla, 41092 Sevilla, (Spain); Dept. de Fisica Atomica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, 41012 Sevilla, (Spain)); Casanovas, A.; Calvino, F.; Tarifeno, A. (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 08034 Barcelona, (Spain)); Babiano, V.; Balibrea, J.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Ladarescu, I.; Lerendegui-Marco, J (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular - IFIC-CSIC, 4680 Valencia, (Spain)); Cabellos, O. (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - UPM, 28040 Madrid, (Spain)); Capote, R. (International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA, 1220 Vienna, (Austria)); Cristallo, S. (INFN Sezione Perugia, 06123 Perugia, (Italy)); Kopecky, S.; Paradela, C.; Schillebeeckx, P. (EC Joint Research Centre - JRC, 2440 Geel, (Belgium)); Leal, L. (Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire - IRSN, 92260 Fontenay-aux- Roses, (France)); Chatel, Carole; Kerveno, Maelle; Dessagne, Philippe; Henning, Greg (Universite de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC/DRS UMR 7178, 23 Rue du Loess, F-67037 Strasbourg, (France)); Wilson, Jonathan (CNRS, IJClab Orsay, bat 100, 15 rue G. Clemenceau, 91406 Orsay Cedex, (France)); Mathieu, L.; Aiche, M.; Marini, P.; Czajkowski, S.; Kattikat-Melcom, D.; Kurtukian, T.; Tsekhanovich, I. (Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, LP2I, UMR 5797, F-33170 Gradignan, (France)); Bouland, O.; Serot, O.; Chebboubi, A.; Litaize, O.; Sabathe, M.; Tamagno, P.; Bazelaire, Guillaume; Bernard, David (CEA, DES, IRESNE, DER, SPRC, Physics Studies Laboratory, Cadarache, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, (France)); Chatel, C. (Universite de Strasbourg, CNRS, IPHC/DRS UMR 7178, 23 Rue du Loess, F-67037 Strasbourg, (France)); Oberstedt, S. (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Directorate G - Nuclear Safety and Security, Unit G.2 SN3S, 2440 Geel, (Belgium)); Chasapoglou, S.; Vlastou, R.; Diakaki, M.; Kokkoris, M.; Amanatidis, L. (Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, Athens, 15772, (Greece)); Axiotis, M.; Harissopulos, S.; Lagoyannis, A. (Tandem Accelerator Laboratory, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, N.C.S.R. 'Demokritos', Athens, 15341, (Greece)); Stamatopoulos, A.; Koehler, P.; Leal-Cidoncha, E.; Couture, A.; Ullmann, J. (Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 87545, NM, (United States)); Rusev, G. (Chemistry Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 87545, NM, (United States)); Chevalier, A.; Lecolley, FR.; Lecouey, JL.; Marie-Nourry, N.; Lehaut, G. (LPC Caen, 6 Bd Marechal Juin, Caen 14000, (France)); Manduci, L. (EAMEA, BP 19 50115, Cherbourg Armees 50100, (France)); Ledoux, X. (GANIL, Bd Henri Becquerel, Caen 14000, (France)); Beyer, R.; Junghans, A. (HZDR, Bautzner Landstrasse 400, Dresden 01328, (Germany)); Leconte, Pierre (CEA Cadarache, DES/IRESNE/DER/SPRC/LEPh, 13108 Saint Paul Lez Durance Cedex, (France)); Geslot, Benoit; Kooyman, Timothee (CEA Cadarache, DES/IRESNE/DER/SPESI/LP2E, 13108 Saint Paul Lez Durance Cedex, (France)); Tadafumi Sano; Takashi Kanda; Jun-ichi Hori (Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kindai University, Kowakae, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka, 577-8502, (Japan)); Satoshi Chiba (NAT Research Center, Tokai, Naka Ibaraki 319-1112, (Japan); Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8550, (Japan)); Kazuya Shimada (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8550, (Japan); Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, (Japan)); Chikako Ishizuka (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8550, (Japan)); Dore, D.; Berthoumieux, E.; Ballu, M.; Herran, P.; Kaur, G.; Letourneau, A.; Materna, T.; Miriot-Jaubert, P.; Mom, B.; Thulliez, L.; Vandebrouck, M. (Irfu, CEA, Universite Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, (France)); Ramos, D.; Ducret, J.E.; Ledoux, X.; Pancin, J.; Frelin, A.M.; Sharma, P.; Jangid, I. (GANIL, Caen,14000, (France)); Marini, P. (GANIL, Caen,14000, (France); Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, LP2I, UMR 5797, F-33170 Gradignan, (France)); Porta, A.; Estienne, M.; Fallot, M.; Bonnet, E.; Pepin, J. (Laboratoire Subatech, University of Nantes, CNRS/IN2P3, Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique, 44307 Nantes, (France)); Marini, P. (LP2I Bordeaux, UMR5797, Universite de Bordeaux, CNRS, F-33170, Gradignan, (France); CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, (France)); Taieb, J.; Belier, G.; Chatillon, A.; Laurent, B.; Morfouace, P. (CEA, DAM, DIF, F-91297 Arpajon, (France); Universite Paris-Saclay, CEA, LMCE, 91680 Bruyeres-le-Chatel, (France)); Neudecker, D.; Devlin, M.; Gomez, J.A.; Haight, R.C.; Kelly, K.J.; O'Donnell, J.M. (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM-87545, (United States)); Etasse, D. (Normandie Univ, ENSICAEN, UNICAEN, CNRS/IN2P3, LPC Caen, 14000 Caen, (France)); Tudora, Anabella (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, str. Atomistilor 405, Magurele, Ro-77125, (Romania)); Sidorova, Olga; Zeynalov, Shakir (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, (Russian Federation)); Ogawa, Tatsuhiko (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4, Shirakata, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, (Japan); Universite Paris-Saclay, CEA, Service d'Etudes des Reacteurs et de Mathematiques Appliquees, Gif-sur-Yvette 91191, (France)) (and others); CEA IRESNE, DES, CEA Cadarache, St Paul lez Durance (France); NEA France, 2, rue Andre Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 (France); Metropole Aix-Marseille-Provence Le Pharo 58, boulevard Charles-Livon 13007 Marseille (France); 59 p; 2023; p. 58; Wonder 2023: 6. International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications; Aix-en-Provence (France); 5-9 Jun 2023; 1 ref.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses
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