Smith, R.W.; Adamson, G.E.
Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, D.C. (USA)1975
Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington, D.C. (USA)1975
[en] The transducer is suited for application at high temperatures in the presence of active corrosive sodium. Its basic element is a piezoelectric active element enclosed in a casing of sodium-compatible material such as stainless steel. The lead circonate or lead titanate ceramics crystal together with the rear side of the transducer front plate is connected coaxially to an ultrasonic transducer lens. The transducer lens is a concave cutout segment in the bottom side of the transducer front plate. A spring-loaded contact piece provides the electrical connection of the back electrode of the crystal. A supporting element between the rear side of the crystal and the contact piece serves to maintain the electrical voltage between them. The supporting element consists of a loosely interweaved wire ball with multiple points of contact between the contact piece and the crystal, but it may also be an attenuator pad of high-temperature silicon rubber with a heavy addition of tungsten powder. The crystal is connected to the transducer front plate with a lead alloy bob (1.5% Ag; 5% Sn; 93.5% Pb) which is resistant to the temperatures and radiation values of fast breeder reactors. Before installation, the crystal is covered with a copper electrode of a thickness of 2 microns on the side facing the transducer front plate and with a platinum electrode of a thickness of 2 microns on the opposite side. The lead alloy will then cover the copper electrode and not expose the platinum electrode to corrosion. (ORU/AK)
Der Wandler ist fuer Hochtemperaturanwendungsfaelle in einer reaktiven korrodierenden Natriumumgebung geeignet. Als Grundelement weist er ein piezoelektrisches aktives Element auf, das von einem Gehaeuse umschlossen ist. Das Gehaeuse besteht aus einem Material, das mit dem Natrium kompatibel ist, wie rostfreier Stahl. Der Kristall aus Bleizirkonat oder Bleititanatkeramik ist mit der Rueckseite der Wandlerstirnplatte koaxial mit einer Wandlerlinse fuer den Ultraschall verbunden. Die Wandlerlinse ist als konkaver Ausschnittsteil in der Unterseite der Wandlerstirnplatte ausgebildet. Ein unter Federdruck stehendes Kontaktstueck stellt die elektrische Verbindung der hinteren Elektrode des Kristalls her. Zwischen der Hinterseite des Kristalls und dem Kontaktstueck ist ein Stuetzglied angeordnet, um die elektrische Kontinuitaet zwischen beiden aufrechtzuerhalten. Das Stuetzglied wird von einer locker verwebten, elastischen Drahtkugel gebildet, die eine Vielzahl diskreter Beruehrungspunkte zwischen Kontaktstueck und Kristall aufweist. Das Stuetzglied kann aber auch ein Daempfungsglied sein, das aus Hochtemperatur-Silikongummi, stark versetzt mit Wolframpulver, besteht. Die Befestigung des Kristalls an der Wandlerstirnseite erfolgt mit einem Bleilegierungslot (1,5% Ag; 5% Sn; 93,5% Pb), das auch Temperaturen und Strahlungspegeln standhaelt, die bei schnellen Brueterreaktoren auftreten. Zuvor erhaelt der Kristall auf der der Wandlerstirnseite zugewandten Seite eine 2 Mikron dicke Kupferelektrode und auf die entgegengesetzte Kristallseite eine 2 Mikron starke Platinelektrode aufgesprueht. Die Bleilotlegierung kann die Kupferelektrode benetzen and setzt die Platinelektrode keiner Oxidation aus. (ORU)Original Title
Akustischer Wandler und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
20 Feb 1975; 15 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2436328/A/; 4 figs.
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Smith, R.W.; Adamson, G.E.
USAEC Directorate of Licensing, Washington, D.C1974
USAEC Directorate of Licensing, Washington, D.C1974
[en] The invention relates to an acoustic transducer able to endure the high temperatures, high levels of radiations and the surrounding caustic media involved inside fast breeder reactors, said transducer being intended for reliable sodium control. A new process insures a continuous maximum acoustic coupling at the interface between the active piezoelectric element (made of ceramics, lead zirconate or lead titanate) and the face of the transducer. Said interface is obtained by coating the juxtaposed facing plate of the transducer and active surface of the element with wetting agents compatible with the bonding alloy subsequently used in view of ensuring the acoustic bonding
L'invention concerne un transducteur acoustique pouvant supporter les temperatures elevees, les niveaux eleves de radiations et les milieux environnants caustiques existant dans les reacteurs surregenerateurs a neutrons rapides et destine a un systeme sur de controle du sodium. Un nouveau procede assure un couplage acoustique maximal continu a l'interface entre l'element actif piezoelectrique (en ceramique au zirconate de plomb ou titanate de plomb) et la face du transducteur. L'interface est obtenue par revetement de la plaque de face du transducteur et de la surface de l'element actif juxtaposees avec des agents de mouillage compatibles avec l'alliage de liaison utilise ensuite pour etablir la liaison acoustiqueOriginal Title
Transducteur acoustique et procede pour le former
Secondary Subject
26 Jul 1974; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2296986/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Priority claim: 27 Jul 1973, US.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Significantly increased stripper foil lifetimes have resulted from the use of carbon fibers to suspend a carbon stripper foil in an 800 MeV proton beam. Two carbon foils, each 16 mm x 16 mm and 100 μg/cm2, were superimposed on each other to produce an equivalent 200 μg/cm2 'postage stamp' foil which was then sandwiched between two fine grids composed of 4-5 μm diameter carbon fibers. The carbon foils were made by electron-beam evaporation-condensation techniques. The 'postage stamp' foil survived irradiation with 800 MeV protons at a flux of 6.6x1016 cm-2s-1 to a fluence of 1.1x1023 protons/cm2. The effective lifetime of the foil was determined by reduced stripping efficiency due to foil shrinkage. Compared to previously used carbon foils, the new foil extended stripper lifetimes by up to 300% and reduced beam losses by 30%. This allowed an increase of average stored beam current by 30% and decreased radiation exposure to operations personnel by one third, for foil changes. (orig.)
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Secondary Subject
15. world conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society (INTDS): Special high-purity materials and targets; Santa Fe, NM (USA); 10-14 Sep 1990
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAE; v. 303(1); p. 63-68
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue