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[en] We report on the Ile Longue strategic site and describe the medical and dosimetric monitoring of nuclear submarine crews. Over the past eleven years, dosimetric results of nuclear submarine crews have been gathered. We have compared these results to those of workers employed by outside enterprises and the directorate of naval constructions. During this period, neither the crew members nor the workers have been over-exposed. Considering each group, we show a more or less distinct diminution of equivalent doses. (authors)
Original Title
Surveillance dosimetrique: resultats des equipages des forces sous-marines de 1989 a 1999
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] This workplace study is allowed to cosmic radiation of aircraft-crews. In a first time, the work is based on measurements of the ambient dose equivalent rates on board the E-3F aircraft. These results are supplemented by measurements of individual exposure using passive and active gamma and neutrons dosemeters. Above 10 000 meters and 200 hours per year, the aircraft-crews flying on board the E-3F aircraft are likely to annually receive an effective dose higher than 1 mSv. It is therefore necessary to organize a specific radiological and medical survey of the aircraft-crews corresponding to these flight criteria. (authors)
Original Title
Exposition au rayonnement cosmique: surveillance du personnel de l'Armee de l'air navigant sur E-3F
Primary Subject
Available from doi:; 10 refs., 3 tabs., 1 fig.
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[en] This workplace study was first based on measurements of the ambient dose rates on board the E-3F (2000 to 2001). These results have been complemented by a series of measurements of individual exposure using passive and active gamma and neutrons dosimeters (2004 to 2005). We show that, from level 300 and after more than 200 flying hours per year, the air-crews of the French Air Force flying on board the E-3F are likely to annually receive an effective dose higher than 1 mSv. It is therefore necessary to organize a specific radiological and medical survey in favour of the air-crews of the E-3F and other aircraft with the same flight criteria. (authors)
Original Title
Surveillance de l'exposition professionnelle aux rayonnements ionisants dans l'armee de l'air. Exemple d'une etude de poste concernant les personnels navigants sur E-3F
Primary Subject
12 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs.
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This document answers new lawful obligations in a practical and simplified way: it presents on the same page an exposure data sheet and a fitness for work assessment form. A copy must be included in the individual radiobiological and medical file. In a first time, the P.C.R. (person competent in radiation protection) has to describe precisely radiological hazards of the working station during usual conditions of exercise. In a second time, the occupational physician gives a decision on the aptitude based on these informations. (N.C.)
Original Title
Fiche d'exposition et d'aptitude du personnel expose aux rayonnements ionisants
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Castagnet, X.; Amabile, J.C.; Cazoulat, A.; Lecompte, Y.; Carbonnieres de, H.; Laroche, P., E-mail:
IM 2005. European workshop on individual monitoring of ionizing radiation. Book of abstracts2005
IM 2005. European workshop on individual monitoring of ionizing radiation. Book of abstracts2005
[en] Full text: To support the patient management of possible radiation casualties in case of a radiological or a nuclear event, the Defence Radiation Protection Service (SPRA) is able, 24 hours a day, to settle intervention means in France and overseas if requested by military authorities or civilian institutions. SPRA has developed mobile laboratories for the diagnostic of internal radionuclide contaminations. The mission of this mobile unit is to study sanitary and environment risks linked to radiological hazards for exposed people: workers, soldiers, but also civilians. The mobile laboratories are able to be deployed in all types of nuclear or radiological events, and give the results of analysis to physicians and authorities in a short time. The vehicles are fully equipped to detect and to survey exposure to alpha, beta and gamma emitters alter the initial phase (to adjust the therapy) and in the restoration phase (occupational medicine), by whole body counting or analysis of biological samples. Environmental survey by analysis of swipes, soils, water, vegetation, or air filters can also be achieved. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH, Health Physics Division, 2444 Seibersdorf (Austria); 196 p; 2005; p. 159; IM 2005. European workshop on individual monitoring of ionizing radiation; Vienna (Austria); 11-15 Apr 2005; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record
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[en] We report on the strategic site of Ile Longue in Brittany and describe the medical and dosimetric monitoring of nuclear submarine crews. Over the past eleven years, dosimetric results of nuclear submarine crews have been compared to those of workers employed by outside companies and the Directorate of naval constructions. Since the utilization of the first nuclear submarine, none of the crew members has been overexposed. (author)
Original Title
Aspects de la radioprotection dans les forces sous-marines
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Castagnet, X.; Amabile, J.C.; Laroche, P.; Carbonnieres, H. de; Pennacino, A.
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, BP72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)2006
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, BP72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)2006
[en] The French armed forces health service has set up in France specialized installation only designed and used to take care of radio contaminated patients. These installations can be used for the military and for the civilians, e.g. in case of an accident in a civilian nuclear installation or in case of terrorist attack with a few injured. The main principles of the medical management of a radio contaminated wounded are: - Trauma care is the first priority, - External decontamination has to be treated as fast and reasonably as possible, - Medical treatment for internal contamination is more efficiency that is given earlier (stable iodine, DTPA). Three type of installations have been developed to take charge of contaminated patient or with a suspicion of contamination: - The hasty decontamination post, to take into account the involved victims physically fit, - The advance post for radio-contaminated wounded (P.A.B.R.C.), for the relative emergency whom evacuation can be delayed after medical examination, - The center for the treatment of radio-contaminated wounded(C.T.B.R.C.), in an hospital area, for the absolute emergencies (needing some resuscitation and emergency surgery for saving life, like stopping an hemorrhage). Each military hospital in France has is own C.T.B.R.C. These structures are dedicated to the decontamination, that means that all type of decontamination would be conducted here: skin decontamination, internal decontamination by specific de-contaminant if needed, and decontamination of a contaminated wound by surgical means. This type of surgery might be associated with a precise detection. At his arrival, in a first time, the victim is examined by an emergency physician who is in charge of the structure. Secondly, he makes a triage concerning the medical emergency to identify the type of emergency, life threatening emergency or not. - If the patient is a critical case then the medical treatment takes precedence over contamination - If the patient is not a critical case then the decontamination sequence is conducted before the medical treatment. (authors)
Primary Subject
2006; 1 p; 2. European IRPA congress on radiation protection - Radiation protection: from knowledge to action; Paris (France); 15-19 May 2006
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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[en] A radiological hazard (e. g. a detonating dirty bomb or accidental radionuclide dispersion) leading to a large number of contaminated or irradiated people needing immediate medical assistance is one of the main threats our troops deployed in an operational environment are facing. Immediate first aid anyway shall take precedence over decontamination but the unique nature of these injuries necessitates specific medical knowledge and training. A contaminated victim needs a rapid -clinical physical and biological- medical evaluation which will determine the amount of required medical support. A person with external contamination needs to be rapidly cleansed to limit spreading surface burns as well as limiting the possible contamination internally spreading into the body. A person with internal contamination requires rapid decontamination at the wound point and antidotes to internally cleanse the body. In France, the Military Health Service has developed a centre of expertise at the Percy military hospital near Paris which is geared up to deal with the victims of radiological attacks. It also has a mobile laboratory equipped with full radio toxicology equipment and body dosimeters to enable rapid and effective results when required. (authors)
Original Title
Risque radiologique en operation exterieure: prise en charge initiale d'un blesse irradie ou contamine
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Secondary Subject
8 refs.
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Gagna, G.; Michel, X.; Wassilieff, S.; Padilla, A.; Amabile, J.C.; Laroche, P.; Gauron, C.
Institut national de recherche et de securite - INRS (France)2012
Institut national de recherche et de securite - INRS (France)2012
[en] This document reports a dosimetric study performed during prostate curie-therapy sessions, illustrates the importance of the workstation study, and proposes a practical example of prevention approach. After having briefly recalled the legal requirements, the authors present the objectives, interests, and modalities of a workstation study, and outline the annual dose legal limits and the arrangements concerning the delimitation of work areas. Then, after a presentation of the adopted methodology, they describe the various equipment used in the dosimetric study to assess efficient dose, equivalent dose at the extremities and at the crystalline level, overall dosimetry, and to determine the radiological zoning. Then, after a description of the surgical technique and of the characteristics of the radioactive sources, they discuss the results for the different concerned workstations (radiotherapist, urologist, radio physician, and so on). General exposure parameters are analysed and results of the dosimetric study are presented and discussed. Recommendations are made regarding radiological zoning, personnel classification, use of individual protection equipment, and radiation protection with respect to patient
Original Title
Etude des postes de travail en curietherapie de prostate : Exemple d'une demarche de prevention - Documents pour le medecin du travail No. 129 - 1er trimestre 2012
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
2012; 12 p; 20 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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[en] The 5. January 2010 Act concerning 'the acknowledgement and compensation for victims of French nuclear tests' will improve the ability of victims to claim compensation in a easier, quicker and more understandable manner. Any victim can send a request form to a 'compensation committee' in accordance with a single procedure regardless of their status or their nationality. Victims who can prove to have lived within well defined areas during set periods of time and who can prove to have a disease possibly as a result of radiation, will be assumed a causality of the tests. At the end of an investigation according to the principles of adversarial legal procedure and Defence laws, the 'Compensation Committee' will make a recommendation to the Minister of Defence. Within a required time scale, The Minister of Defence has to propose to the victim an offer of compensation with complete acknowledgement of each injury according to the Dintilhac's nomenclature. A 'consultative commission monitoring the consequences of nuclear tests' consisting of representatives of victims's associations, will oversee the enforcement of this law which may be changed by decrees based on scientific evidence. (authors)
Original Title
La reconnaissance et l'indemnisation des victimes des consequences sanitaires des essais nucleaires francais
Primary Subject
7 refs.
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Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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