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Pereira Neto, Carlos; Schiffler, Rodrigo de Paiva; Andrade, Regiane Soares de; Giordani, Adelmo Jose; Segreto, Roberto Araujo
3. Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy; 2. Meeting on medical physics. Official program and scientific papers2001
3. Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy; 2. Meeting on medical physics. Official program and scientific papers2001
No abstract available
Original Title
Radioterapia para recidiva de doenca de Paget em vulva: relato de caso
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Radioterapia, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 20 p; 2001; p. 14; 3. Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy; 3. Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Radioterapia; Blumenau, SC (Brazil); 23-25 Aug 2001; 2. Meeting on medical physics; 2. Jornada de fisica medica; Blumenau, SC (Brazil); 23-25 Aug 2001; Available from the library of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission, Rio de Janeiro
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