Anno, Jacques; Escarieux, Emile
Proceedings of the 4. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association. Paris, 24-30 April 19771977
Proceedings of the 4. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association. Paris, 24-30 April 19771977
[en] An assessment of the results given by a study carried out for the development of qualitative and quantitative analysis, by γ spectrometry, of plutonium in solid waste drums is presented. After having reminded the standards and their incidence on the quantities of plutonium to be measured (application at industrial Pu: 20% of Pu240) the equipment used is described. Measurement station provided with a mechanical system consisting of: a rail and a pulley block to bring the drums; a pit and a hydraulic jack with a rotating platform. The detection instrumentation consisting of: a high volume coaxial Ge(Li) detector with a γ ray resolution of 2 keV; an associated electronic; a processing of data by a 'Plurimat 20' minicomputer. Principles of the identification and measurements are specified and supported by experimental results. They are the following: determination of the quality of Pu by measuring the ratio between the γ ray intensities of the 239Pu 129 keV and of the 241Pu 148 keV; measurement of the 239Pu mass by estimating the γ ray counting rate of the 375 keV from the calibrating curves given by plutonium samples varying from 32 mg to 80 g; correction of the results versus the source position into the drum and versus the filling in plastic materials into this drum. The experimental results obtained over 40 solid waste drums are presented along with the error estimates
On fait le bilan d'une etude de mise au point de l'analyse qualitatve et quantitative par spectrometrie gamma de plutonium dans les futs de dechets solides. Apres avoir rappele les normes et leur incidence sur la quantite a mesurer de plutonium (application a du Pu industriel: 20% de Pu240) on decrit l'equipement utilise. Station de mesure, avec systeme mecanique: rail et palan pour amener les futs; fosse et verin hydraulique avec plateau tournant. Instrumentation: GeLi coaxial de gros volume, de 2 keV de pouvoir de resolution; electronique associee; traitement par miniordinateur (Plurimat 20). Les principes de l'identification et de la mesure sont precises et etayes par des resultats experimentaux: determination de la qualite du Pu par le rapport mesure des raies a 129 keV et 148 keV du Pu239 et Pu241; masse de Pu239 mesuree par le taux de comptage de la raie a 375 keV, d'apres les courbes d'etalonnage obtenues pour du Pu de masses variant de 32 mg a 80 g; correction des resultats en fonction de la position des sources dans le fut et en fonction du remplissage en materiau plastique dans ce fut. Enfin, apres en avoir estime les erreurs, la methode est appliquee a une campagne de mesure de 40 futs de dechetsOriginal Title
Analyse qualitative et quantitative du plutonium dans les futs de dechets solides
Primary Subject
Anon; v. 1 p. 159-162; 1977; v. 1 p. 159-162; Association Internationale de Protection contre les Rayonnements; Fontenay-aux-Roses, France; 4. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association: radiation protection as an example of action against modern hazards; Paris, France; 24 - 30 Apr 1977; Copies available: M. Gilbert Bresson, General Secretary IRPA, B.P. no.33, 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)
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Leclaire, Nicolas; Anno, Jacques; Courtois, Gerard; Poullot, Gilles; Rouyer, Veronique
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
[en] Up to now, criticality safety experts used density laws fitted on experimental data and applied them in and outside the measurement range. Depending on the case, such an approach could be wrong for nitrate solutions. Seven components are concerned: UO2(NO3)2, U(NO3)4, Pu(NO3)4, Pu(NO3)3, Th(NO3)4, Am(NO3)3 and HNO3. To get rid of this problem, a new methodology based on the thermodynamic concept of binary electrolytes solutions mixtures at constant water activity, so called 'isopiestic' solutions, has been developed by IRSN to calculate the nitrate solutions density. This article shortly presents the theoretical aspects of the method, its qualification using benchmarks and its implementation in IRSN graphical user interface. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Kashiwa, Chiba (Japan); 466 p; Oct 2003; p. 37-43; ICNC2003: 7. international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 20-24 Oct 2003; Also available from JAEA; 12 refs., 7 figs.; This record replaces 35060797
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Anno, Jacques; Jacquet, Olivier; Miss, Joachim
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
[en] After shortly recalling one among the many pertinent recent features of the French criticality CRISTAL package i.e. the perturbation algorithm (so called MORET 4 'Perturbation' or MP), this paper presents original MP validations. Numerical and experimental validations are made using close fission products (FP) experiments. As results, it is shown that, all being equal, MP can detect FP's absorption cross-section variations in the range 0.3-1.2%. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Kashiwa, Chiba (Japan); 486 p; Oct 2003; p. 472-476; ICNC2003: 7. international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 20-24 Oct 2003; Also available from JAEA; 4 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs.; This record replaces 35060877
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Anno, Jacques; Rouyer, Veronique; Leclaire, Nicolas
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
[en] This paper provides for various cases of 235U enrichment or Pu isotopic vectors, and different reflectors, new minimum critical values of uranyl nitrate and plutonium nitrate solutions (H+=0) obtained by the standard IRSN calculation route and the new isopiestic density laws. Comparisons are also made with other more accurate routes showing that the standard one's results are most often conservative and usable for criticality safety assessments. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Kashiwa, Chiba (Japan); 466 p; Oct 2003; p. 89-93; ICNC2003: 7. international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 20-24 Oct 2003; Also available from JAEA; 9 refs., 2 figs., 5 tabs.; This record replaces 35060807
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Anno, Jacques; Duhamel, Isabelle; Lavarenne, Caroline; Duluc, Matthieu
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
[en] This paper presents recent actinides (reflected or not, moderated or not) critical masses calculations performed by the French standard route (APOLLO2 Sn 8 P3, 20 energy groups cross-section collapsed from 172 energy groups CEA 93 library). Comparisons are also presented against more accurate routes of the French criticality package CRISTAL, showing the fair conservatism of the standard values. Checks of the Paxton Woodcock rule for transportation exemption limit were also made. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Kashiwa, Chiba (Japan); 466 p; Oct 2003; p. 94-98; ICNC2003: 7. international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 20-24 Oct 2003; Also available from JAEA; 17 refs., 1 fig., 4 tabs.; This record replaces 35060808
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Anno, Jacques; Barreau, Anne; Hudelot, Jean Pascal; Girault, Emmanuel; Fouillaud, Patrick; Toubon, Herve
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
ICNC2003: Proceedings of the seventh international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety2003
[en] Cofunded by Cogema, two complementary experimental programmes on burn up credit (BUC) related to fission products (FPs) are performed by CEA and IRSN at Cadarache and Valduc. After shortly recalling the main characteristics of each experiment, a first comparison of some results is presented, especially the energy range in which most part of cross section absorption are qualified. Both experiments exhibit great quality and accurate results, giving a high degree of confidence to the whole experimental French process of qualification devoted to BUC. (author)
Primary Subject
Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Kashiwa, Chiba (Japan); 486 p; Oct 2003; p. 666-671; ICNC2003: 7. international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Challenges in the pursuit of global nuclear criticality safety; Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan); 20-24 Oct 2003; Also available from JAEA; 8 refs., 5 figs., 4 tabs.; This record replaces 35060911
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[en] Up to now, criticality safety experts used density laws fitted on experimental data and applied them outside the measurement range. Depending on the case, such an approach could be wrong for nitrate solutions. Seven components are concerned: UO2(NO3)2, U(NO3)4, Pu(NO3)4, Pu(NO3)3, Th(NO3)4, Am(NO3)3, and HNO3. To obviate this problem, a new methodology based on the thermodynamic concept of mixtures of binary electrolytes solutions (one electrolyte + water) at constant water activity, a so-called 'isopiestic' solution, has been developed by the Institute de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN) to calculate the nitrate solutions density. This paper presents its qualification by using criticality experiments. The theory and the implementation are also given.Qualification results of the uranyl and plutonium nitrate solutions show that the new density law (also called the isopiestic law) is in good agreement with the benchmarks. Thus, no bias is put into evidence for the uranium solutions, and a small negative bias equal to 0.2% is found for the plutonium solutions.Moreover, the isopiestic law corrects the observed 1% overestimation of keff due to the empirical IRSN Leroy and Jouan density law for uranium solutions and the observed 3.4% underestimation of keff due to the ARH-600 density law for plutonium solutions.The isopiestic density law has been implemented in CIGALES V2.0, the graphical user interface of the French criticality safety package CRISTAL that calculates the atom densities of nuclides (and writes the input file for CRISTAL computations)
Primary Subject
Copyright (c) 2006 American Nuclear Society (ANS), United States, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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