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[en] The strong interaction theory, Quantum Chromodynamic (QCD), predicts a new phase of nuclear matter at very high temperature and/or very high density. This state is composed of deconfined quarks and gluons known as the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). The measurement of its composition and properties is a challenge for the nuclear physics of the 21. century and should lead to a better understanding of the fundamental symmetries and mechanisms related to the quarks confinement inside hadrons and the strong interaction generally.The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) allows to reach the thermodynamic conditions required to create the quark-gluon plasma using ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions (Pb). The ALICE experiment (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) allows to access several probes to characterize the QGP through particles reconstruction and. Among these probes, high energy parton energy loss is used to access medium characteristics such as density or temperature. Parton energy loss is estimated from the modification of the energy distribution of hadrons produced by fragmentation.This thesis is dedicated to the photon-hadron correlations analysis in order to study the modification of the parton fragmentation due to the quark-gluon plasma. First part of this thesis is devoted to the characterization of the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal), the central detector for energy measurement and photon identification. The second part is dedicated to the photon-hadron correlation measurement, for the 7 TeV proton-proton collisions and 2.76 TeV Lead-Lead collisions. An important work has been done to improve the prompt photon identification, one of the key point of this analysis. (author)
La theorie de l'interaction forte, ou Chromodynamique Quantique (QCD), predit l'existence d'une nouvelle phase de la matiere nucleaire a tres haute temperature et/ou tres haute densite. Cet etat est compose de quarks et de gluons deconfines connu sous le nom de plasma de quarks-gluons (PQG). La mesure de sa composition et de ses proprietes est un enjeu important pour la physique nucleaire du XXIeme siecle afin de parvenir a une meilleure comprehension des symetries et des mecanismes fondamentaux a l'origine du confinement des quarks au sein des hadrons et de l'interaction forte dans son ensemble. L'accelerateur LHC (Large Hadron Collider) au CERN (Organisation Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire) permet d'atteindre les conditions thermodynamiques necessaires a la formation du plasma de quarks-gluons a l'aide de collisions d'ions lourds (Pb) ultra relativistes. L'experience ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) permet d'acceder a un grand nombre d'observables pour caracteriser le PQG a partir de la reconstruction et de l'identification des particules produites lors des collisions. Parmi ces observables, la perte d'energie des partons (quarks, gluons) de haute impulsion transverse permet une etude des caracteristiques du milieu telle que sa densite et sa temperature. La perte d'energie des partons est mise en evidence par la modification de la distribution en energie des hadrons produits par fragmentation. Cette these s'articule autour de l'analyse des correlations photon-hadron dans le but d'etudier la modification de la fragmentation partonique par le plasma de quarks-gluons. La premiere partie de cette these est consacree a la caracterisation du calorimetre electromagnetique EMCal, detecteur central pour la mesure en energie et l'identification des photons. La seconde partie est dediee a la mesure des correlations photon-hadron, dont l'analyse a portee sur les collisions proton-proton d'energie √s = 7 TeV, avant d'etre appliquee aux collisions Plomb-Plomb d'energie √sNN = 2.76TeV. Un effort particulier a ete fourni pour optimiser l'identification des photons prompts, un des points cles de cette analyseOriginal Title
Etude de la fragmentation des partons par mesure de correlations photon-hadrons aupres de l'experience ALICE au LHC
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19 Sep 2013; 229 p; 215 refs.; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS-NKM website for current contact and E-mail addresses:; Also available from SICD1 BP 66 38402 Saint-Martin d'Heres Cedex (France); Physique Subatomique et Astroparticules
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[en] We present an overview of the photon analysis in pp and Pb-Pb collisions with data taken by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The ALICE detectors reconstruct photons by using the two electromagnetic calorimeters (photon spectrometer, sampling calorimeter) and central tracking systems for photon converted e+e- pairs in the material of the inner ALICE layers. In Pb-Pb collisions the direct photon calculations underpredict the data below 4 GeV/c where it is expected to have a contribution from thermal radiations. The direct photon measurement also shows evidence for a non-zero elliptic flow for 1 < pT < 3 GeV/c. The nuclear modification factor of the π0 production at different collision centralities shows a clear pattern of strong suppression in a hot QCD medium with respect to pp collisions. Finally, parton fragmentation following hard collisions is investigated by correlating high momentum direct photons and charged hadrons with the goal of revealing new insights into medium effects in the QGP. (authors)
Primary Subject
26 Nov 2013; (v.60) 4 p; EDP Sciences; Les Ulis (France); LHCP 2013: Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics 2013; Barcelona (Spain); 13-18 May 2013; Available from doi:; Country of input: France; 17 refs
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Arbor, N.; Nourreddine, A.; Riffaud, J.; Kuntz, F.; Nasreddine, A.; Strasser, A.
International Conference on Accelerators for Research and Sustainable Development: From Good Practices Towards Socioeconomic Impact. Book of Abstracts2022
International Conference on Accelerators for Research and Sustainable Development: From Good Practices Towards Socioeconomic Impact. Book of Abstracts2022
[en] X-ray photons produced by electron accelerator are increasingly used for industrial irradiation. More penetrating than electrons, easier to manage than radioactive sources, X-rays are very interesting for various processes such as sterilization. But the question of the maximum energy that can be used without risk has been open for many years and is currently being debated worldwide. Using energies higher than 5 MeV would certainly improve the DUR (Dose Uniformity Ratio) while reducing the cost of utilization. However, it is essential to take into account the risk of photonuclear activation, which can lead to the production of radioactive nuclei. These nuclear processes can occur both in the irradiation room (walls, supports), the accelerator components and the irradiated object. The issue of the maximum irradiation energy thus requires being able to assess with high precision the total quantity of radioactivity produced during a given industrial process, as well as the corresponding risks in terms of radiation protection of workers and populations. (author)
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International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Vienna (Austria); 294 p; 2022; p. 164-165; International Conference on Accelerators for Research and Sustainable Development: From Good Practices Towards Socioeconomic Impact; Vienna (Austria); 23-27 May 2022; IAEA-CN--301-40; Also available on-line:; 4 refs., 1 fig.
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Bourrion, O; Arbor, N; Conesa-Balbastre, G; Furget, C; Guernane, R; Marcotte, G, E-mail: olivier.bourrion@lpsc.in2p3.fr2013
[en] The ALICE experiment at the LHC is equipped with an electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) designed to enhance its capabilities for jet, photon and electron measurement. In addition, the EMCal enables triggering on jets and photons with a centrality dependent energy threshold. After its commissioning in 2010, the EMCal Level 1 (L1) trigger was officially approved for physics data taking in 2011. After describing the L1 hardware and trigger algorithms, the commissioning and the first year of running experience, both in proton and heavy ion beams, are reviewed. Additionally, the upgrades to the original L1 trigger design are detailed.
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TWEPP-12: Topical workshop on electronics for particle physics 2012; Oxford (United Kingdom); 17-21 Sep 2012; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 8(01); p. C01013
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[en] Purpose: The quantification of the intrinsic performances of proton computed tomography (pCT) as a modality for treatment planning in proton therapy. The performance of an ideal pCT scanner is studied as a function of various parameters. Methods: Using GATE/Geant4, we simulated an ideal pCT scanner and scans of several cylindrical phantoms with various tissue equivalent inserts of different sizes. Insert materials were selected in order to be of clinical relevance. Tomographic images were reconstructed using a filtered backprojection algorithm taking into account the scattering of protons into the phantom. To quantify the performance of the ideal pCT scanner, we study the precision and the accuracy with respect to the theoretical relative stopping power ratios (RSP) values for different beam energies, imaging doses, insert sizes and detector positions. The planning range uncertainty resulting from the reconstructed RSP is also assessed by comparison with the range of the protons in the analytically simulated phantoms. Results: The results indicate that pCT can intrinsically achieve RSP resolution below 1%, for most examined tissues at beam energies below 300 MeV and for imaging doses around 1 mGy. RSP maps accuracy of less than 0.5 % is observed for most tissue types within the studied dose range (0.2–1.5 mGy). Finally, the uncertainty in the proton range due to the accuracy of the reconstructed RSP map is well below 1%. Conclusion: This work explores the intrinsic performance of pCT as an imaging modality for proton treatment planning. The obtained results show that under ideal conditions, 3D RSP maps can be reconstructed with an accuracy better than 1%. Hence, pCT is a promising candidate for reducing the range uncertainties introduced by the use of X-ray CT alongside with a semiempirical calibration to RSP.Supported by the DFG Cluster of Excellence Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics (MAP)
Primary Subject
(c) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Elazhar, H; Deschler, T; Nourreddine, A; Arbor, N; Létang, J M, E-mail: halima.elazhar@iphc.cnrs.fr2018
[en] The out-of-field dose in radiation therapy is a growing concern in regards to the late side-effects and secondary cancer induction. In high-energy x-ray therapy, the secondary neutrons generated through photonuclear reactions in the accelerator are part of this secondary dose. The neutron dose is currently not estimated by the treatment planning system while it appears to be preponderant for distances greater than 50 cm from the isocenter. Monte Carlo simulation has become the gold standard for accurately calculating the neutron dose under specific treatment conditions but the method is also known for having a slow statistical convergence, which makes it difficult to be used on a clinical basis. The neutron track length estimator, a neutron variance reduction technique inspired by the track length estimator method has thus been developped for the first time in the Monte Carlo code GATE to allow a fast computation of the neutron dose in radiotherapy. The details of its implementation, as well as the comparison of its performances against the analog MC method, are presented here. A gain of time from 15 to 400 can be obtained by our method, with a mean difference in the dose calculation of about 1% in comparison with the analog MC method. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Nourreddine, A.; Arbor, N.; Riffaud, J.; Chefson, S.; Courson, O.; Salem, Y.O.; Sellam, A.; Wilhelm, E.; Strasser, A.; Kuntz, F.; Ludwig, N.; Nasreddine, A.; Belafrites, A.
Development of Electron Beam and X Ray Applications for Food Irradiation. Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project2022
Development of Electron Beam and X Ray Applications for Food Irradiation. Final Report of a Coordinated Research Project2022
[en] The aim of the study is to investigate the amount of potentially induced radioactivity in food after irradiation by high energy X rays produced by an electron accelerator. The ultimate objective is to quantify with a high precision the induced radioactivity as a function of accelerator and food characteristics. The approach consists of combining experimental measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of radiation-matter interactions, so as to define a protocol that will enable levels of induced radioactivity to be assessed. Such assessments may be important for controlling the irradiation processes. (author)
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Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, Food Safety and Control Section, Vienna (Austria); 372 p; ISBN 978-92-0-137022-8; ; ISSN 1011-4289; ; Sep 2022; p. 193-214; Also available on-line:; Enquiries should be addressed to IAEA, Marketing and Sales Unit, Publishing Section, E-mail:; Web site:; 19 refs., 10 figs., 9 tabs.
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[en] Monte Carlo methods have become widespread in the field of radiation protection and in particular in medical physics where the use of voxelized volumes for the reconstruction of dosimetric quantities is increasing. Changing the resolution of a dose map can be useful to compare dosimetric results coming from voxelized volumes with different resolutions, or to reduce computation time. This can be done by superimposing a dosel grid with a different resolution than that of the voxelized volume. In this case, each dosel will cover several voxels, leading the Monte Carlo code to calculate the dose in heterogeneous volumes. Two algorithms are available in GATE to perform these calculations, the Volume-Weighting (V-W) and the Mass-Weighting (M-W) algorithms, the latter being the subject of this work. In a general way, the M-W algorithm tends to reconstruct a higher dose than that the V-W one. In dosels involving heavy and lightweight materials (air-skin, bone-tissue), the M-W reconstructed dose is better estimated than the V-W one (up to 10% better at the air-skin interface). Moreover, the statistical uncertainty of the M-W dose can be up to 80% lower than the V-W one at air-skin interfaces. These results show that the M-W algorithm is more suitable for radiological protection applications and must be preferentially used in GATE for dose calculations in heterogeneous volumes. (authors)
Primary Subject
Available from doi:; 13 refs.
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Journal Article
Radioprotection; ISSN 0033-8451; ; v. 54(no.2); p. 125-132
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Arbor, N; Dauvergne, D; Testa, E; Dedes, G; Parodi, K; Létang, J M; Quiñones, C T; Rit, S, E-mail: nicolas.arbor@iphc.cnrs.fr2015
[en] Proton computed tomography (CT) has been described as a solution for imaging the proton stopping power of patient tissues, therefore reducing the uncertainty of the conversion of x-ray CT images to relative stopping power (RSP) maps and its associated margins. This study aimed to investigate this assertion under the assumption of ideal detection systems. We have developed a Monte Carlo framework to assess proton CT performances for the main steps of a proton therapy treatment planning, i.e. proton or x-ray CT imaging, conversion to RSP maps based on the calibration of a tissue phantom, and proton dose simulations. Irradiations of a computational phantom with pencil beams were simulated on various anatomical sites and the proton range was assessed on the reference, the proton CT-based and the x-ray CT-based material maps. Errors on the tissue’s RSP reconstructed from proton CT were found to be significantly smaller and less dependent on the tissue distribution. The imaging dose was also found to be much more uniform and conformal to the primary beam. The mean absolute deviation for range calculations based on x-ray CT varies from 0.18 to 2.01 mm depending on the localization, while it is smaller than 0.1 mm for proton CT. Under the assumption of a perfect detection system, proton range predictions based on proton CT are therefore both more accurate and more uniform than those based on x-ray CT. (paper)
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Salem, Y.O.; Nourreddine, A.; El Bitar, Z.; Arbor, N.; Bolusset, O., E-mail: youbba-ould.salem@iphc.cnrs.fr2019
[en] Highlights: • Beta particle energy and angular dependence of incident radiation on the RPL signal emitted from the detectors. • Estimation of the gaps on the calibration according the angle of incidence on the detector. • Tampering of accurate dose assessment if the detector calibration is performed with beta-rays different from those monitored. -- Abstract: The radiophotoluminescent (RPL) signal of Ag-doped phosphate glass detectors to β-radiation is significantly influenced by β-particle energy. We investigate the β-particle energy and angular dependence of incident β radiation on the RPL signal emitted from the detectors. The results of measurements and MCNPX simulations show that the detector sensitivity decreases with increasing β-energy and has little dependence on the angle of incidence. The consequence is that a dose assessment will be strongly biased if the detector calibration is performed with β-rays different from those monitored.
Primary Subject
S1350448719301179; Available from; Copyright (c) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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