[en] So-called ground truth events database was created and is being systematically supplemented in Data Center of IGR NNC RK. The database includes explosions with reliable data on the place of their execution and earthquakes with mostly specified localized hypocenters. The base of data is successfully used for hodograph of seismic waves specification, for SSSC-corrections verification to IASPEI-91 hodograph for Kazakhstani stations of International Monitoring System and for new software and localization methods testing. (author)
Original Title
Baza dannykh ehtalonnykh sobytij dlya zadach sejsmicheskogo monitoringa
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
7 refs., 16 figs., 3 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1729-7516; ; v. 2(22); p. 62-72
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A large amount of digital seismic data from the permanent and temporary seismic stations was acquired in the result of detonation of large chemical explosions at Semipalatinsk Test Site. All the records were collected, systematized and processed, and databases were created. Travel-time curves for regional Pn, Pg, Sn and Lg waves were created and compared with the ones used in routine earthquake processing practice. (author)
Original Title
Godograf sejsmicheskikh voln po rezul'tatam registratsii signalov ot khimicheskikh vzryvov
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
3 refs., 12 figs., 3 tabs. Issue 2. Geofizika i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya. June 2002
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1729-7516; ; v. 2(4); p. 46-54
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The values of Energy class K and MPV magnitude were calculated for 15 chemical explosions conducted in 1997 - 2000 on the former Semipalatinsk Test Site. It was estimated that at one and the same yield energy characteristics can vary significantly depending on the depth of burial, medium around the explosion and other factors. (author)
Original Title
Opredelenie ehnergeticheskikh magnitudnykh kharakteristik po sejsmicheskim zapisyam khimicheskikh vzryvov 1997-2000 gg. na Semipalatinskom ispytatel'nom poligone
Primary Subject
7 refs., 8 figs., 3 tabs. Issue 2. Geofizika i Problemy Nerasprostraneniya. June 2001
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1729-7516; ; v. 2(4); p. 93-97
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] New data on geodynamic process in the area of North Tien Shan, revealed earlier based in anomaly absorption of seismic waves, is being analyzed. It was established that here for last 5-7 years (since 1999 till 2005) features of S-wave absorption field in earth crust and upper mantle within anomaly area had been significantly changed - new elliptic structure had been formed, generated by focuses of relatively deep earthquakes. Within the boundaries of this area in 2005, earthquakes with mechanism of normal faulting and oblique normal prevailed. Amount of the obtained data indicate active increase of juvenile fluids in earth crust and in upper mantle within anomaly area that may testify preparation of a strong earthquake ( ∼6.5). (author)
Original Title
Novye dannye o geodinamicheskikh protsessakh v anomal'noj zone severnogo Tyan'-Shanya: vozmozhnaya podgotovka sil'nogo zemletryaseniya
Primary Subject
23 refs., 11 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Vestnik Natsional'nogo Yadernogo Tsentra Respubliki Kazakhstan; ISSN 1729-7516; ; v. 2(26); p. 60-70
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Belyashova, N.N.; Demin, V.N.; Mikhajlova, N.N.; Sokolova, I.N.; Smirnov, A.A.; Belyashov, A.G.; Germanova, T.I.; Aristova, I.L.; Sineva, Z.I.
Abstracts of International conference 'XXI century - towards the nuclear weapon free world'2001
Abstracts of International conference 'XXI century - towards the nuclear weapon free world'2001
[en] In 1997-2000 at fulfilment of the five-year program on the Semipalatinsk test site nuclear infrastructure liquidation (Agreement between Governments of USA and Kazakhstan, 1993) on the Balapan and Degelen areas a number of chemical explosions were conducted. The principal objective of its conducting is closing down of wells and boreholes prepared but not used for nuclear test conduction. During the program realization it was decided to applied the chemical explosions not only for nuclear objects liquidation but its also were used for calibration of the International Monitoring System created for control of fulfillment of the CTBT. In total 15 calibration explosions with capacity from 2 to 100 tons were conducted. Information on calibration explosions was compiled and systematized at the Center of compilation and processing of special seismic information of the Institute of Geophysical researches of the National Nuclear Center. The formed database includes the information about explosion sources, registration stations, kinematic and dynamical parameters, explosions wave shapes
Original Title
Kalibrovochnye vzryvy 1997-2000 gg. na Semipalatinskom ispytatel'nom poligone v interesakh sejsmicheskogo monitoringa
Primary Subject
Natsional'nyj Yadernyj Tsentr Respubliki Kazakhstan, Kurchatov (Kazakhstan); 108 p; ISBN 9965-9111-5-0; ; 2001; p. 69-70; International conference 'XXI century - towards the nuclear weapon free world'; Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya 'XXI vek - navstrechu miru, svobodnomu ot yadernogo oruzhiya'; Almaty (Kazakhstan); 29-30 Aug 2001
Record Type
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[en] Method of topological description of former nuclear tests is demonstrated using Semipalatinsk nuclear test site as an example. Information about the field extracted from the topology of 2D cross-section of 3D surfaces constructed on experimental data. Complexity of isolines system for each cross section is estimated by algebraic sum of contours bounded the areas where the field is higher than the given level. The method gives an opportunity to do morphological analysis of radionuclide fields using archive data and can be used for ecological diagnosis of different contamination
Предлагается метод топологического анализа площадных загрязнений радионуклидами территории бывших ядерных полигонов, на примере Семипалатинского испытательного ядерного полигона. Для этого используется информация, которая содержится в топологии 2D сечений (контурных карт) поверхностей, аппроксимирующих экспериментальные данные. Сложность системы изолиний каждого сечения оценивается алгебраической суммой контуров, ограничивающих области значений поля, повышающих заданный уровень. Метод позволяет проводить морфологический анализ радионуклидных полей с использованием архивных данных и применим для экологической диагностики различных загрязненийOriginal Title
Topologicheskij metod analiza ploshchadnykh zagryaznenij territorij byvshikh yadernykh poligonov
Primary Subject
13 refs., 6 figs.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue