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[en] Within the framework of the sponsored project ''Method of consideration of personal actions in probabilistic safety analyses'' the existing computer code FAULT-TREE (fault tree and event tree calculation) was extended in order to realize also analyses of human actions with computer by means of HRA-Tree. The fundamentals were explained in this report. Furthermore a data base was developed in order to store human reliability data. The necessary data for a human reliability analysis with computer code FAULT-TREE will be provided by the data base in a disc file. The event reports of NPP Greifswald and accident simulations realized on an NPP simulator were used to obtain-special human reliability data for the NPP type WWER-440/W-230, W-213. A method of human reliability analysis with consideration of the time dependence of reliability in the HRA-Tree was developed. (orig.)
Im Rahmen des BMFT-Vorhabens ''Methode der Beruecksichtigung von Personalhandlungen in probabilistischen Sicherheitsanalysen'' wurde das bestehende Programmsystem FAULT-TREE (Systemfehlerbaum- und Ereignisbaumberechnung) so erweitert, dass zusaetzlich Analysen menschlicher Handlungen mittels HRA-Baum am Computer durchgefuehrt werden koennen. Die Grundlagen dazu werden im Bericht erlaeutert. Weiter wurde eine Datenbank (mit Nutzerprogramm) zur Speicherung von Personalzuverlaessigkeitsdaten entwickelt, die die benoetigten Daten fuer die Handlungsanalyse mit FAULT-TREE auf einem Diskettenfile bereitstellt. Zur Gewinnung von Personalzuverlaessigkeitsdaten speziell fuer die Kernkraftwerkstypen WWER-440/W-230, W-213 wurden die Ereignisberichte des Kernkraftwerkes Greifswald ausgewertet und Stoerfallsimulationen an einem Kraftwerkssimulator fuer diesen Reaktortyp realisiert. Mit Hilfe der Stoerfallsimulationen wurde eine Methode der Personalzuverlaessigkeitsanalyse entwickelt, die die Zeitabhaengigkeit der Zuverlaessigkeit im HRA-Handlungsbaum beruecksichtigt. (orig.)Original Title
Methode der Beruecksichtigung von Personalhandlungen in probabilistischen Sicherheitsanalysen. Abschlussbericht
Primary Subject
Aug 1993; 51 p; FOERDERKENNZEICHEN BMFT 1500944; Available from TIB Hannover: RR 8636(1993,7)
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Arndt, K.; Kirstein, B.M.; Dietrich, D.; Schulz, B.
ITGS Ingenieurgesellschaft fuer Technische Sicherheit mbH, Berlin (Germany). Funding organisation: Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)1995
ITGS Ingenieurgesellschaft fuer Technische Sicherheit mbH, Berlin (Germany). Funding organisation: Bundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)1995
[en] The paper describes the work done concerning the project 'Development of tools for an exact quantification of system reliability of structured systems and their application to VVER-1000 reactors using adapted PSA methods'. The first item of the project encloses extensions and improvements of the code FAULT-TREE, which are necessary for an efficient use of the code in probabilistic safety analyses. These extensions and improvements concern enlargement of code capacity, calculation of lower and upper probability bounds, logical switch gates, uncertainty analysis, calculation of fault trees with complementary events and calculation of event trees. The history of the code FAULT-TREE, the special features of the structure analysis and of the computation methods used in FAULT-TREE were described also. A short description of the code is added. The second item encloses the extension of the data base management code COBED, the development of an interface between COBED and FAULT-TREE, the test of the data evaluation code COCAD and the derivation of necessary extensions. These improvements of data base tools are a supposition to get improved quality and efficiency of data handling and data evaluation as a part of reliability analyses. The third item contains an event analysis for the event 'large LOCA' of a VVER-1000, considerations concerning component and system modelling and comparative computations. The basis for comparative computations using the codes FAULT-TREE and RISK SPECTRUM was given by the event sequence and fault tree analyses for the event 'small LOCA' carried out by the GRS in the frame of project RS 832 for the NPP Saporoshje unit 5 (VVER-1000). The results of the computations were compared with RALLY code computations of the project RS 832. (orig.)
Der Bericht dokumentiert die Arbeiten zum Vorhaben 'Weiterentwicklung von Instrumentarien zur exakten quantitativen Bestimmung der Zuverlaessigkeit strukturierter Systeme und ihre Anwendung mit angepassten PSA-Methoden auf Reaktoren des Typs WWER-1000'. Der Arbeitspunkt 1 beinhaltet Erweiterungen und Verbesserungen des Programmpakets FAULT-TREE fuer eine effektivere Nutzung des Codes in probabilitischen Sicherheitsanalysen. Das betrifft Massnahmen zur Kapazitaetserweiterung und Effizienzerhoehung, die Berechnung unterer und oberer Wahrscheinlichkeitsschranken, logische Schalter, die Unsicherheitsanalyse, die Berechnung von Fehlerbaeumen mit komplementaeren Ereignissen und die Berechnung von Ereignisbaeumen. Die Entwicklungsetappen des Codes FAULT-TREE und die Besonderheiten der in FAULT-TREE angewendeten Strukturanalyse und Berechnungsmethoden sind ebenfalls dokumentiert. Eine Kurzbeschreibung des Codes ist im Bericht enthalten. Der Arbeitspunkt 2 beinhaltet die Erweiterung des Datenbankverwaltungsprogramms COBED und dessen Anbindung an FAULT-TREE sowie den Test des Datenauswerteprogramms COCAD und die Herausarbeitung von notwendigen Erweiterungen. Durch diese Vervollkommnung von Instrumentarien wird eine Voraussetzung fuer hoehere Effektivitaet und Qualitaet der Datenarbeit als Bestandteil von Sicherheits- und Zuverlaessigkeitsanalysen geschaffen. Der Arbeitspunkt 3 beinhaltet eine Ereignisablaufanalyse fuer das Ereignis 'Grosses Leck im Primaerkreislauf' an einem WWER-1000, Betrachtungen zur Komponente- und Systemmodellierung sowie Vergleichsrechnungen. Gegenstand der Vergleichsrechnungen mit den Codes RISK SPECTRUM und FAULT-TREE waren Ereignisablauf- und Fehlerbaumanalysen fuer das Ereignis 'Kleines Leck im Primaerkreislauf', die von der GRS im Rahmen des Vorhabens RS 832 fuer das Kraftwerk Saporoshje Block 5 (WWER-1000) durchgefuehrt wurden. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit den RALLY-Rechnungen aus dem Vorhaben RS 832 verglichen. (orig.)Original Title
Weiterentwicklung von Instrumentarien zur exakten quantitativen Bestimmung der Zuverlaessigkeit strukturierter Systeme und ihre Anwendung mit angepassten PSA-Methoden auf Reaktoren des Typs WWER-1000. Abschlussbericht
Primary Subject
Jan 1995; 234 p; FOERDERKENNZEICHEN BMFT 1500943; Available from TIB Hannover: F95B2421+a
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Dahlhelm, H.; Arndt, K.; Groeger, G.; Schreiber, G.A.; Boegl, K.W.
Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie1994
Bundesgesundheitsamt, Berlin (Germany). Inst. fuer Sozialmedizin und Epidemiologie1994
[en] In this review, tasks and methods of food toxicology as well as the application of the different toxicity tests for the risk assessment of food ingredients are described. Particular reference is made to short-term genotoxicity tests. Enzymatic digestion and extraction methods for complex foodstuffs which are used in the toxicological testing of foods in in vitro systems are described. Radiolytic products which result from irradiation of foods or components of foodstuffs and corresponding results of toxicity testing are reviewed. Foodstuffs irradiated with doses of up to 10 kGy are regarded as toxicologically safe. A survey of the toxicologically tested irradiated foodstuffs as well as the applied maximum doses are given in tables at the end of chapter 8. Among the great number of toxicological studies of irradiated foods those are especially mentioned which have given rise to discussions on the health risks involved. In addition, the difficulties associated with the testing of toxicity of irradiated foodstuffs in feeding experiments are discussed. Short-term tests used to establish the benotoxicity of irradiated foods and essential results of toxicological testing are also presented in tables. An overview is given of the occurrence, frequency and health risks of natural toxins in foods and harmful substances produced by conventional methods of cooking and preservation, in order to enable a comparison with the health risks of irradiated foods. The relevance of animal experiments and in vitro investigations for the prediction of toxic effects of harmful substances of foodstuffs in man is discussed in the final chapter. (VHE)
Es werden Aufgaben und Methoden der Lebensmitteltoxikologie sowie der Einsatz der verschiedenen Toxizitaetstests bei der Pruefung der gesundheitlichen Unbedenklichkeit von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen beschrieben. Besonders eingegangen wird auf Kurzzeittests zur Pruefung der Genotoxizitaet. Ausserdem werden enzymatische Aufschlussverfahren und Extraktkonsmethoden fuer komplexe Lebensmittel dargestellt, die bei der toxikologischen Pruefung von Nahrungsmittlen in in-vito-Systemen verwendet wurden. Die durch Strahlenbehandlung von Lebensmitteln und Lebensmittelbestandteilen gebildeten Radiolyseprodukte und die Ergebnisse ihrer Toxizitaetspruefung werden behandelt. Lebensmittel, die mit Strahlendosen bis zu 10 kGy behandelt werden, gelten als toxikologisch sicher. Eine Uebersicht der toxikologisch geprueften bestrahlten Lebensmittel sowie der dabei applizierten Maximaldosen liefern Tabellen am Ende des Kapitels 8. Unter den toxikoligischen Untersuchungen an bestrahlten Lebensmitteln finden vor allem jene Erwaehnung, die Anlass zu Diskussionen ueber gesundheitlich bedenkliche Effekte so behandelter Produkte gegeben haben. Daneben wird auch auf die Schwierigkeiten der Toxizitaetspruefung strahlenbehandelter Lebensmittel im Fuetterungsezperiment eingegangen. Die verwendeten Kurzzeittests zur Ermittlung der Genotoxizitaet strahlenbehandelter Lebensmittel und wesentliche Ergebnisse der toxikologischen Pruefung sind in Tabellen dargestellt. Ein Ueberblick zum Vorkommen, der Haeufigkeit und den gesundheitlichen Risiken nativer Toxine und durch herkoemmliche Zubereitungs- und Konservierungsmethoden erzeugter Schadstoffe in Lebensmitteln soll den Vergleich mit eventuellen gesundheitlichen Gefahren strahlenbehandelter Lebensmittel ermoeglichen. Im Schlusskapitel wird die Aussagekraft von Tierexperimenten und von in-vitro-Untersuchungen fuer die Voraussage der toxischen Wirkung schaedlicher Substanzen in Lebensmitteln beim Menschen diskutiert. (VHE)Original Title
Vergleichende Darstellung der toxischen Wirkung nativer sowie durch herkoemmliche Verarbeitungsmethoden oder Strahlenbehandlung entstandener Schadstoffe in Lebensmitteln und Methoden ihrer toxikologischen Pruefung
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SozEp-Hefte; v. 3/1994; 1994; 148 p; ISBN 3-89254-197-3; ; Available from FIZ Karlsruhe
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[en] The CLEO collaboration has embarked on an ambitious upgrade of the CLEO detector to match the upgrade of the CESR accelerator to luminosities of 2 x 1033 cm-2sec-1. This will bring a factor ten improvement in the measurement of rare B decays and hence, increased sensitivity to physics at high mass scales and also the possibility of measuring CP violation. The upgrade includes a new four layer double-sided silicon detector. Each double--sided silicon wafer is 2.6 cm x 5.1 cm x 300 μm. To maximize solid angle coverage with minimal material in the detector volume the detector chains are very long, up to 5 detectors per electronic readout channel, resulting in large series resistance and large detector capacitance. Moderate backgrounds permit the electronics to operate with a 1-3 μs shaping time. A new front-end low noise preamplifier is being developed to maximize the signal to noise ratio, along with a modified SVX chip used for analog to digital conversion and sparsification. The detectors are connected to the electronics hybrid by a thin double sided kapton flex circuit. The length of the detector chains also requires novel mechanical support structures - CVD diamond beams are the baseline solution. We are currently near the end of the prototype stage for all aspects for the project and will move into production by late summer. The detector will be installed in early 1998. (orig.)
5. international conference on advanced technology and particle physics; Como (Italy); 7-11 Oct 1996; 5 refs.
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Weatherill, D.P.; Plackett, R.; Arndt, K.; Shipsey, I.P.J., E-mail:
[en] The shape and size of the stored charge packet within a CCD pixel after exposure has implications for optimal device operation, susceptibility to radiation damage and modelling of dynamic charge collection effects such as the 'Brighter-Fatter Effect'. Above the full well capacity, phenomena such as bleed trails and surface charge loss occur. In this paper we discuss why accurately reproducing saturation effects in simulations based on electrostatics is difficult, and present an approach to modelling the storage of charge in CCD pixels using commercial semiconductor simulation software. We suggest experimental measurements which can be connected to such modelling. Full well measurements on a thick, high resistivity back illuminated sensor (the e2v CCD261) are presented.
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Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 12(05); p. C05008
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Weatherill, D.P.; Arndt, K.; Plackett, R.; Shipsey, I.P.J., E-mail:
[en] We describe the commissioning of a system which has been built to investigate optimal operation of CCDs for the LSST telescope. The test system is designed for low vibration, high stability operation and is capable of illuminating a detector in flat-field, projected spot, projected pattern and Fe-55 configurations. We compare and describe some considerations when choosing a gain calibration method for CCDs which exhibit the brighter-fatter effect. An optimisation study on a prototype device of gain and full well with varying back substrate bias and gate clock levels is presented.
Primary Subject
Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Instrumentation; ISSN 1748-0221; ; v. 12(12); p. C12019
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Warburton, A.; Arndt, K.; Bebek, C.; Cherwinka, J.; Cinabro, D.; Fast, J.; Gittelman, B.; Lee, Seung J.; McGee, S.; Palmer, M.; Perera, L.; Smith, A.; Tournear, D.; Ward, C., E-mail: AndreasWarburton@mailaps.org2002
[en] We describe a novel approach to particle-detector cooling in which a modular farm of active coolant-control platforms provides independent and regulated heat removal from four recently upgraded subsystems of the CLEO detector: the ring-imaging Cherenkov detector, the drift chamber, the silicon vertex detector, and the beryllium beam pipe. We report on several aspects of the system: the suitability of using the aliphatic-hydrocarbon solvent PFTM-200IG as a heat-transfer fluid, the sensor elements and the mechanical design of the farm platforms, a control system that is founded upon a commercial programmable logic controller employed in industrial process-control applications, and a diagnostic system based on virtual instrumentation. We summarize the system's performance and point out the potential application of the design to future high-energy physics apparatus
Primary Subject
S0168900202004643; Copyright (c) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 488(1-2); p. 451-465
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Plackett, R.; Arndt, K.; Bortoletto, D.; Horswell, I.; Lockwood, G.; Shipsey, I.; Tartoni, N.; Williams, S., E-mail: richard.plackett@cern.ch2018
[en] We report on the production and testing of an array of active edge silicon sensors as a prototype of a large array. Four Medipix3RX.1 chips were bump bonded to four single chip sized Advacam active edge n-on-n sensors. These detectors were then mounted into a 2 by 2 array and tested on B16 at Diamond Light Source with an x-ray beam spot of 2um. The results from these tests, compared with optical metrology demonstrate that this type of sensor is sensitive to the physical edge of the silicon, with only a modest loss of efficiency in the final two rows of pixels. We present the efficiency maps recorded with the microfocus beam and a sample powder diffraction measurement. These results give confidence that this sensor technology can be used effectively in larger arrays of detectors at synchrotron light sources.
Primary Subject
S0168900217309907; Available from; Copyright (c) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 879; p. 106-111
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Gottlieb, R.; Henke, A.; Ulanski, P.; Rosiak, J.M.; Arndt, K.-F.
Abstracts of European Young Investigator Conference 20052005
Abstracts of European Young Investigator Conference 20052005
No abstract available
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Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw (Poland); Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland); 89 p; 2005; p. 28; European Young Investigator Conference 2005; Gniezno (Poland); 7-12 Jun 2003; NATO PST.MEM.CLG. 980622 EC MCTS HPMT-CT-2001-00228; Available at Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Dorodna 16, 03-195 Warsaw (PL); 2 refs
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Fast, J.; Alam, M.S.; Alexander, J.; Anastassov, A.; Arndt, K.; Bean, A.; Bebek, C.; Boyd, R.; Brandenburg, G.; Cherwinka, J.; Darling, C.; Duboscq, J.; Gan, K.K.; Gao, Y.; Hopman, P.; Kagan, H.; Kass, R.; Kim, D.; Lee, J.; Menon, N.; Miller, D.; Oliver, J.; Rush, C.; Severini, H.; Shipsey, I.; Skubic, P.; Spencer, M.; Timm, S.; Tourne, E.; Ward, C.; Zoeller, M., E-mail: fast@purdd.physics.purdue.edu1999
[en] The CLEO III silicon detector is part of a general upgrade of the CLEO detector to allow for operation at a luminosity of 2x1033 cm-2 s-1, which will be provided by the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring (CESR) beginning in 1999. The silicon detector is a four-layer barrel design covering radii from 2.5 to 10.2 cm with 93% solid angle coverage. The silicon sensors are DC-coupled and double-sided with double-metal readout on the p-side. The n-type strips measure phi, with 50 μm pitch while the p-type strips measure z, the coordinate along the beam axis, with 100 μm pitch. The readout electronics are mounted on BeO hybrids attached to the conical support structure and connected to the silicon sensors via a thin kapton flex cable. The electronics consist of an R/C chip with bias resistors and decoupling capacitors, a low-noise preamp/shaper chip and a digitizer/sparsifier chip. Readout is done using VME-based sequencer boards. Production of all detector components is nearing completion and installation of the detector will take place in early 1999. (author)
Primary Subject
S0168900299004052; Copyright (c) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, All rights reserved.; Country of input: India
Record Type
Journal Article
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment; ISSN 0168-9002; ; CODEN NIMAER; v. 435(1-2); p. 9-15
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