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Original Title
Nekotorye rezul'taty issledovaniya dinamiki pozitronnogo puchka metodom modelirovaniya na EhVM
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki; no. 1; p. 27; 1977; p. 27; 5. All-union conference on linear accelerators; Khar'kov, Ukrainian SSR; 2 - 6 Jun 1977; Short note.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] A device for measuring the profile and position of a charged particle beam, comprising an ionization chamber with parallel measuring and high-voltage electrodes, is suggested. The purpose of the invention is to improve the spatial resolution of the device. This purpose is attained in that the measuring electrode is in the form of a filament movable in the plane normal to the beam. Behind the filament, in the direction of the beam and parallel to the chamber electrodes, an additional electrode is placed whose potential should be close to that of the measuring electrode. The suggested device enables one to obtain non-discrete data on the beam
Original Title
Ustrojstvo dlya izmereniya profilya i polozheniya puchka zaryazhennykh chastits
4 Jun 1972; 1 p; SU PATENT DOCUMENT 479417/A/
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] To increase the acceptance of accelerating focusing channel of the LU-2 GeV linear accelerator, magnetic quadrupole lense with the aperture of 150 mm is prepared. This aperture permits to establish the lense in any place of accelerator, as well as directly on the case of accelerating section. The design is described, technical characteristics of the lense are given. Magnetic characteristics and harmonic composition of magnetic field of the lense are measured. The gradient of the magnetic field remains stable in the limits of 0.7 radius of the aperture and constitutes 0.9 Tl/m. The effective lense length is 356/nm with the geometrical length of 310 mm. The contribution of harmonics of higher orders in the limits of really used aperture part proves to be insignificant. The discrepance of magnetic and geometrical axes does not increase 0.5 mm
Original Title
Magnitnaya kvadrupol'naya linza dlya LU-2 GeV s aperturo 150 mm
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 2(11); p. 12-13; 1982; p. 12-13; 2 refS.; 2 figs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Main factors which affect the lateral dimensions of an electron beam with an energy of 300 MeV focussed by a quadrupole lenses doublet are analyzed. Basic requirements for focusing system parameters are stated. It is shown that under these conditions a beam with a cross-section area of 4 mm2 can be produced. Results of an experimental investigation of the system during which a beam with a density of 36 μA/mm2 current has been produced are presented. Some aspects of measuring the profile of a high-density beam are considered
Original Title
Formirovanie puchka ehlektronov s malym poperechnym secheniem na LU-2
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 1(3); p. 47-49; 1979; p. 47-49; 6. All-union seminar on linear accelerators; Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR; 5 - 7 Jun 1979; 2 refs.; 2 figs.; 3 tables.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Modelirovanie dinamiki chastits v linejnykh uskoritelyakh (programma EHMITRA)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 1(3); p. 18; 1979; p. 18; 6. All-union seminar on linear accelerators; Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR; 5 - 7 Jun 1979; Short note.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Vakuumnye kondensaty, obrazovannye odnovremennym ispareniem iz dvukh istochnikov
Primary Subject
Published in summury form only; for English translation see the journal Phys. Met. Metallogr.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie; v. 42(5); p. 1100-1102
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Artemov, V.I.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Peev, F.A.
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst1981
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst1981
[en] The EMITRA-program for simulation of electron (positron) beam dynamics in linear accelerators and transport systems is described. The program is written in FORTRAN for BESM-6 computer, the graphic program complex GRAFOR is used. The program algorithm is considered. The simulation is based on trajectory method. The interconnection between particle energy and phase is taken into account, which is due to nonisochronous character of particle trajectory as well as its slippage relative to the accelerating wave. Calculation results may be printed out in the form of tables or graphs. The instruction on usage and a simulation example for the channel containing specific elements of the linear accelerator: drift graphs, quadrupole lenses, accelerating sections with and without solenoid are given
Original Title
EhMITRA-programma dlya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya dinamiki puchkov zaryazhennykh chastits v linejnykh uskoritelyakh i sistemakh transportirovki
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
1981; 36 p; 11 refs.; 7 figs.; 6 tabs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The origination of texture in molubdenum layers produced by inclined molecular beams upon the substrates of Al2O3 and Mo2C has been investigated. It has been shown that the high intensity of the confined texture in the coating arises form a crystallographic rotation of its plane. We have proven experimentally an essentially new mechanism of formation of the confined textures, the ''seeding-out'' mechanism, that is, the formation of confined textures by rejecting all orientations but one
Original Title
Nekotorye osobennosti vozniknoveniya ogranichennykh tekstur rosta v sloyakh, poluchennykh kondensatsiej parov molibdena
Primary Subject
5 refs.; 4 figs.; for English translation see the journal Phys. Met. Metallogr.
Record Type
Journal Article
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie; v. 42(4); p. 764-769
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Artemov, V.I.; Dem'yanenko, G.K.; Kovalenko, N.A.; Peev, F.A.
Nuclear science and engineering problems1972
Nuclear science and engineering problems1972
No abstract available
Original Title
Usovershenstvovanie fokusiruyushchej sistemy LUEh-2 Gehv
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Proceedings series; no. 1(1) p. 64-66; 1972; 9. Seminar of the accelerator department of the KFTI AN Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR; Jan 1972
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Some up-dated features of the 2 GeV linac systems, changes in beam parameters and new operating modes are described. The beam absorber design and biological shielding are modernized; a new injector with a removable source is installed; the synchronization system allowing to realize the operating mode at two frequencies of 100 and 50 Hz simultaneoUsly is up-dated; the waveguide line seals are replaced. Using the modernized units the 53 mA pulse current is obtained at the accelerator output at 1450 MeV energy and 1.6 μs pulse duration. In view of expanding the scope of experiments on physics of crystals a new mode with low divergence and intensity Up to (1-2)x10-10 A is worked out. The reliability facrors and effective accelerator time are presented
Original Title
Rezul'taty ehkspluatatsii i usovershenstvovaniya uskoritelya LU-2 GeV KhFTI v 1981-1982 gg
Primary Subject
AN Ukrainskoj SSR, Kharkov. Fiziko-Tekhnicheskij Inst; Voprosy atomnoj nauki i tekhniki; no. 2(14); p. 3-6; 1983; p. 3-6; 8. All-union seminar on linear accelerators; Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR); Jun 1983; 2 refs.; 3 tabs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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