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Asadov, F.G.
Integration processes of the world science in the 21st century. International youth forum, Book of abstracts2016
Integration processes of the world science in the 21st century. International youth forum, Book of abstracts2016
[en] Study of photoelectric features of the irradiated samples of p-Ga S showed that the defect formation process leads to a strong change in concentrations of local levels, including r-centers of photosensitivity within gamma-irradiation. For the purpose of determination of the mechanism of recombination parameters of the recombination centers, the scheme of electronic transitions in Ga S crystals, we used a set of stationary and kinetic methods. Study of photoelectric features of the irradiated samples of p-Ga S showed that the defect formation process leads to a strong change in concentrations of local levels, including r-centers of photosensitivity within gamma-irradiation.
Primary Subject
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan); Executive Power of Ganja City, Ganja (Azerbaijan); 489 p; ISBN 978-9952-8304-1-5; ; 2016; p. 7-8; International youth forum; Ganja (Azerbaijan); Oct 2016; Available from Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (AZ)
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[en] In the paper it is studied the influence of γ irradiation and annealing on optic properties of gallium sulfide in IR spectrum range (wavenumber of 4000-400 cm-1). Comparative analysis of IR spectra of original, γ-irradiated and annealed samples of gallium sulfide shows that, change in temperature, annealing condition and selection of γ-irradiation (140 krad) leads to modification of the structure.The obtained data suggest that the effect of radiational change in IR absorption occurs as a result of defect reconstruction in band gap of the crystal and concentration of photosensitivity centers and their hole filling.
Primary Subject
9 figs.; 5 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Proceedings of Young Scientists; ISSN 2410-2040; ; v. 28(13); p. 13-18
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Change kinetics, as well as life span of charge carriers in layered single crystals GaS irradiated at different doses have been experimentally studied at room temperature.From the study of photocurrent under different conditions it has been determined that the dependence of photocurrent on temperature and light intensity does not depend on the change of hole mobility.It is mainly related with the presence of t-level which serves as an adhesion level for charge carriers.It has been established that the photoconductivity increases when the samples are irradiated up to 150 krad.But after 150 krad dose the photoconductivity decreases.The relaxation of photoconductivity of single crystal GaS has been studied in the of photoelectric properties of γ-irradiated single crystal GaS shows that the concentration of local levels, including recombination centers strongly changes in defect formation process. the change of radiation efficiency of photosensitivity is related with the change of life span of unbalanced state of radiation defects is 0,17-0,22 eV and concentration is 1013-1015cm-3
Primary Subject
3 pics.; 6 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Qafqaz University Physics; ISSN 2310-8975; ; v. 4(1); p. 34-37
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] In the paper it is studied the influence of gamma irradiation and annealing on optic properties of gallium sulfide in IR spectrum range (wavenumber of 4000-400 cm''-1). Comparative analysis of IR spectra of original, γ-irradiated and annealed samples of gallium sulfide shows that, change in temperature, annealing condition and selection of γ-irradiation (140 krad) leads to modification of the structure. The obtained data suggest that the effect of radiation change in IR absorption occurs as a result of defect reconstruction in band gap of the crystal and concentration of photosensitivity centers and their hole filling
Primary Subject
Translated from Azerbaijan
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Journal of Radiation Researches; ISSN 2312-3001; ; v. 77(2); 5 p
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Huseynov, N.I.; Mustafayev, Y.M.; Asadov, F.G.
Funding organisation: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan)
The seventh eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2014
Funding organisation: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan)
The seventh eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application. Book of abstracts2014
[en] Full text : The investigation of recombination processes is a necessary essential stage in the study of the physical properties if semiconductor materials and devices based on them. Namely a mechanism of recombination of charge carriers determines the special features of the photovoltaic, fluorescent and injection phenomena underlying most areas of the practical use of semiconductors. GaS layered crystals are promising materials for various types of radiation detectors, as well as for photovoltaic devices. The most important interesting and the main area of their application is the manufacturing of detectors based on their X-ray and gamma radiation, operating at room temperature
Primary Subject
Alizade, A. (President, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan)); Garibov, A.A. (Director, Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (Azerbaijan)) (and others); Azerbaijan National Academy of Siences, Baku (AZ)); Institute of Radiation Problems, Baku (AZ)); Ministry of Communication and High Technologies, Baku (AZ)); National Nuclear Center, Institute of Nuclear Physics (KZ)); National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics (UZ)); National Academy of Sciences (KG)). Funding organisation: Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku (Azerbaijan); 415 p; Oct 2014; p. 239; 7. eurasian conference on nuclear science and its application; Baku (Azerbaijan); 21-24 Oct 2014; Available in abstract form only, full text is entered in this record; Available from Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
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[en] In this paper, we investigate the features of the Fourier-IR reflection spectra of γ-irradiated GaS crystals in the region of absorbed doses of Φγ = 30-200 krad at room temperature. Dispersion dependences of the real ε1(ν) = n2-k2 and imaginary ε2(ν=2nk of the parts of the dielectric constant, the function Ιmε-1(ν)=ε2/(ε12+ε22), as well as the absorption n(ν) and refraction k(ν) coefficients for the initial and γ irradiated GaS samples were obtained and studied.The effect of γ quanta on the optical parameters of these crystals was considered. It has been established that at relatively low doses of 30 ≤Φγ≥100 krad are not radiation-resistant.
Primary Subject
12 refs
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radiation Researches; ISSN 2312-3001; ; v. 5(1); p. 51-56
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Madatov, R.S.; Gadjiyev, N.N.; Guseynov, N.I.; Asadov, F.G.
The first international scientific conference of young researches2017
The first international scientific conference of young researches2017
[en] Single crystals of Ga S are promising materials for creating semiconductors particle detectors of elementary particles and receivers of electromagnetic radiation. These compounds have a high photosensitivity to visible, ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma radiation. According to the presence in the layered crystals of large number of packaging defects, as well as the formation of complex radiation defects under the effect of radiation in layers and interlayers leads to a violation of the periodicity of the structure and interaction between interlayer and intra layer domains.
Primary Subject
1142 p; 2017; p. 89-91; 1. international scientific conference of young researches; Baku (Azerbaijan); 5-6 May 2017; Available at Baku Engineering University, Baku, Azerbaijan; 1 pic.; 1 tab.
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] During this experimental study, samples of double-barrier structures were irradiated with various doses from a 60Co source. The current-voltage characteristics of two-barrier structures from a silicon-based nanostructured base and the change in their spectral photocurrent before and after gamma irradiation were recorded and studied. Experimental results show that voltage values such as open-circuit voltage (VOC) as well as short-circuit current (ISC) and efficiency (η) change with the magnitude of the collection-dissipation voltage. (author)
Record Type
Journal Article
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki; ISSN 1562-6016; ; (no.2-144); p. 157-159
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] It has been calculated the electronic band structure, density of states, band gap, total energy of the ideal and defective semi magnetic semiconductors Cd1-xMnxSe (0.01≤x≤0.06) by ab-initio method using the Functional Density Theory. It has been established that, with an increase in the concentration of Mn atoms, the band gap decreases. Vacancy-type defects lead to an increase in the band gap, a change in the total energy, and the formation of local levels in the band gap. It has been defined, that Mn atoms form magnetic moments, and the ferromagnetic state is more stable.
Primary Subject
4 figs.; 9 refs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Radiation Researches; ISSN 2312-3001; ; v. 5(2); p. 46-50
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The radiation modification of the structure of a layered GaS crystal by the Fourier-IR and Raman spectroscopy methods in the absorbed dose Φγ ≤ 50 = 30...200 krad) of gamma-irradiation was studied. It was established that at irradiation doses of Φγ ≤ 50 krad a half-width and intensities Raman lines and IR adsorption bands the characterizing the layer oscillations does not change, which is due to the stability of the crystal lattice. At absorbed doses of Φγ ≤ 50 krad, changes in these parameters are observed, which lead to a change in the degree of structural disorder and, consequently, of the radiation structural modification of the layered crystal. Fourier-IR reflection spectra revealed that gamma-irradiation at doses of Φγ ≥ 50 krad leads to a deterioration of the surface state of gallium sulphide.
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki i Tekhniki; ISSN 1562-6016; ; (no.5-117); p. 116-120
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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