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Original Title
Magnetische Eigenschaften von Typ II Supraleitern mit kleinem Ginzburg-Landau Parameter kappa
Primary Subject
May 1972; 56 p; 26 figs.; 2 tabs.; 37 refs. With abstract.
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Record Type
Journal Article
Phys. Rev., B; v. 7(1); p. 136-145
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[en] Not only diminished societal acceptance, but also economic reasons currently advocate opting out of the generation of nuclear power. Prices of substitute energies, such as oil, natural gas, and imported hard coal, have dropped considerably over the past few years. In addition, technical progress has been achieved mainly in gas-fired power plants. Power utilities nowadays would not build nuclear power plants, but decide to invest into modern combined cycle plants fired by natural gas. The capital costs of building new combined cycle plants (DM 1000/kW) are clearly below those of nuclear power plants (DM 4300/kW). Analyses of three opt-out scenarios show that the least harmful way would be to seek a soft landing by phasing out nuclear power in a natural way in Germany without exerting any political pressure. This would meet the four targets of energy policy: There would be no price increases and no destruction of capital; the continuity of power supply would not be jeopardized; natural resources would be conserved, and environmental goals would be achievable. (orig.)
- Neben der verminderten gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz sprechen derzeit auch oekonomische Gruende fuer einen Ausstieg aus der Kernenergieerzeugung. Die Preise fuer Substitutionsenergien sind in den letzten Jahren erheblich gefallen. - Energieversorgungsunternehmen wuerden heute keine Kernkraftwerke mehr bauen, sondern Investitionsentscheidungen zugunsten moderner GuD-Kraftwerke treffen. - Die Analyse dreier Ausstiegs-Szenarien zeigt: Ein Soft Landing durch 'natuerliches' Auslaufen der Kernenergie in Deutschland ohne politische Einflussnahme waere gemessen am Zielviereck der Energiepolitik am unschaedlichsten. (orig.)Original Title
Ausstieg ist in zwanzig Jahren finanziell zu verkraften und oekologisch zu vertreten
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Atw. Internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie; ISSN 1431-5254; ; v. 45(6); p. 392-395
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[en] Nb-1 percent Zr polycrystalline foils of commercial purity were He-implanted at 50 and 6000C by a cyclotron α-particle beam of variable energy to homogeneous concentrations in the 10-6 to 10-4 at. range. Tensile tests were made after implantation at a 10-4 s-1 strain rate and temperatures from 20 to 8000C. The material implanted at 500C exhibited radiation damage effects that annealed out when tested at the higher temperatures. In the whole temperature range the mode of foil fracture is transgranular and its characteristics appear unaffected by He concentrations of up to 80 at. ppM even when the foils are annealed under stress at temperatures between 650 and 10000C prior to the tensile test. The material implanted at 6000C presents some reduction in ductility but still shows transgranular fracture. T.E.M. samples were prepared from the tensile specimens and from implanted material subjected to anneal under stress at up to 13000C, and preliminary examinations reveal no features that can be identified with He segregation. Helium release measurements are discussed together with the T.E.M. results in terms of He distribution during implantation and posttreatment
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Watson, J.S.; Wiffen, F.W.; Bishop, J.L.; Breeden, B.K. (eds.); Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn. (USA); p. II.331-II.343; Mar 1976; International conference on radiation effects and tritium technology for fusion reactors; Gatlinburg, Tennessee, USA; 30 Sep 1975
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[en] The 300 nuclear generating units with an aggregate capacity of approx. 180,000 MW currently in operation worldwide generate some 10% of the world's electricity production. In the Federal Republic of Germany, the electricity generated in nuclear power plants in 1983 was some 20% of the public electricity production. The report outlines the availability of the capacities of German pressurized water and boiling water reactors compared with the international scene and draws attention to some major sources of non-availability. Also the contributions by failures of individual systems and components to the non-availability of German pressurized water reactors are investigated. Attention is also devoted to the question whether further reductions in the present, optimized, revision periods are feasible and worthwhile. The minimum length of revision periods at present corresponds to a non-availability in terms of time of 9.3%. On the basis of operating experience, finally, the influence of safety systems on availability is sketched. (orig.)
Zuverlaessigkeit und Verfuegbarkeit der Kernkraftwerke sind ein Massstab fuer ihre Sicherheit und ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit und damit fuer den Erfolg der friedlichen Nutzung der Kernenergie. Die Verfuegbarkeit der deutschen Leichtwasserreaktoren hat weltweit eine Spitzenstellung erreicht, wie der internationale Vergleich erkennen laesst. Beispiele aus dem Kernkraftwerksbetrieb zeigen die Ursachen fuer die Nichtverfuegbarkeit. Aus technischen, organisatorischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten ergibt sich die optimale Revisionsdauer, die sich nur noch durch eine Verringerung des Massnahmenumfangs reduzieren laesst. Die Betriebserfahrungen lassen auch den Einfluss der Sicherheitssysteme auf die Verfuegbarkeit erkennen. Ihr Anteil an der Nichtverfuegbarkeit ist sehr gering. (orig.)Original Title
Zuverlaessigkeit und Verfuegbarkeit von Kernkraftwerken
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Atw. Atomwirtschaft, Atomtechnik; ISSN 0365-8414; ; v. 29(5); p. 260-265
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[en] Radiography of the equine hoof is often used to obtain a diagnosis. Quantitative interpretation, especially for research purposes requires high quality and accuracy of radiographs. The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate a radiographic technique for the lateromedial (LM) and the dorsopalmar (DP) view of the equine hoof. Ten radiographs for each view from one cadaver limb and from both front feet in a standing horse were taken in order to assess repeatability of the radiographic technique. The method requires easy to use adjustable and portable equipment and strictly defined external radio opaque markers on the hoof capsule. The digitalised radiographs were processed and analysed with the software package Metron PXTM, measuring 13 parameters in the LM view and 10 parameters in the DP view, respectively. Results show that with few exceptions measurements of these parameters revealed a coefficient of variation that was smaller than 0.05. It was concluded that this easy to use standardised radiographic technique ensures excellent accuracy and repeatability for both the LM and DP view. Hence, this method provides an adequate tool for quantitative assessment of the equine hoof, inter- and intraindividually
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Secondary Subject
ARN: CH2004000248; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Schweizer Archiv fuer Tierheilkunde (Print); ISSN 0036-7281; ; v. 146(11); p. 507-514
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No abstract available
Original Title
Verhalten radioaktiver Nuklide im System Pflanze - Boden
Primary Subject
ARN: DE9420626; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
ZALF-Berichte; ISSN 0943-7266; ; (no.7); 60 p
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No abstract available
Original Title
Qualitaetspruefung bei der Herstellung von Wiederaufarbeitungskomponenten
Primary Subject
Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); Kerntechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); 648 p; ISSN 0720-9207; ; 1986; p. 245-248; Annual meeting on nuclear technology (JK '86); Aachen (Germany, F.R.); 8-10 Apr 1986; Available from Deutsches Atomforum e.V., Bonn (Germany, F.R.); Published in summary form only.
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Secondary Subject
Blatt, R. (Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Leopold Franzens Universitaet, Technikerstrasse 25, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria)); Maerk, T. (Institut fuer Ionenphysik, Leopold Franzens Universitaet, Technikerstrasse 25, 6020 Innsbruck (Austria)) (eds.); Oesterreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Vienna (Austria); 149 p; 1999; p. 137; 49. annual symposium of the Austrian Physical Society; 49. Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft; Innsbruck (Austria); 20-25 Sep 1999
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Auer, J.; Berent, R.; Punzengruber, C.; Maurer, E.; Lassnig, E.; Weber, T.; Eber, B., E-mail: johann.auer@khwels.at2002
[en] Restenosis following angioplasty represents a major clinical problem in the field of percutaneous coronary interventions. Intravascular brachyotherapy reduces risk of restenosis following percutaneous interventions of native lesions and in-stent restenosis up to 50 % - 60 %. This effect can be shown for at least one to two years. This novel therapeutic strategy is limited by a higher rate of target vessels re-interventions, and late coronary thrombosis, when platelet inhibiting drugs has been withdrawn or after implantation of multiple stents. Currently, intracoronary brachyotherapy is mainly considered for treatment of in-stent-restenosis. (author)
Original Title
Intrakoronare Brachytherapie - ein Update
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