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Azhar Mohamad; Peng, C.S.
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Transforming Malaysian Gaharu Industry with Science, Technology and Innovation2017
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Transforming Malaysian Gaharu Industry with Science, Technology and Innovation2017
[en] It is important to get the right planting material and or seedling to clonally propagate starter sources. Commercial planting of Aquilaria spp. in Malaysia is carried out for downstream purposes and is currently becoming a big industry for gaharu resin production. Planters will buy purportedly good quality Aquilaria seedlings from an established nursery without knowing if the seedlings could produce high quality resin at maturity. The easiest way to identify Aquilaria species is through their morphological characteristics or the phenotypic characterization of the leaves, stems or trunks, flowers and fruits. (author)
Primary Subject
Khairuddin Abdul Rahim; Mat Rasol Awang; Rusli Ibrahim (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)) (eds.); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 176 p; ISBN 978-983-49-0726-6; ; 2017; p. 11-24; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; 7 figs.
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[en] Gaharu trees (Aquilaria) is in danger of extinction in the wild due to illegal logging. Its resin (Gaharu) is used for the production of highly valued incense throughout Asia. In Aquilaria sp. systemic induction of defense genes in response to mechanical wounding in nature is regulated by an 18-amino-acid peptide signal protein called systemin. This protein is produced in response to the natural stress at the vicinity of the wound and is also influenced by its genetic background. As the protein can be differentiated by its locality, the protein expressed is also found to be significantly different which, in turn, can be used for identification of this plant species. In this work, A. malaccensis and A. hirta were evaluated based on the targeted genes related to systemin. Targeted gene refers to specific sequence in genomic DNA. Sequence mining from public databases is part of the crucial process in getting the specific genes. The sequences will go through alignment step to identify conserved region prior to primer design. The primers were used in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques to amplify the conserved regions. It was found that both samples can be differentiated. This would be useful for plant breeders, trader and planter in ensuring authentic planting materials. This paper will describe the use of targeted genes primers as markers in identifying the Aquilaria species. (author)
Primary Subject
2012; 5 p; R and D Seminar 2012: Research and Development Seminar 2012; Bangi (Malaysia); 26-28 Sep 2012; Also available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center by email:; Oral presentation
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Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
No abstract available
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Primary Subject
Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 78 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-54-8; ; 2018; p. 1-10; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency library; 2 figs. 1 tab.
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Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
No abstract available
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Primary Subject
Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 78 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-54-8; ; 2018; p. 71; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency library
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[en] The gamma greenhouse makes use of chronic irradiation from a 137Cs source (double encapsulated 800 Ci caesium-137 pencil) producing a low dose rate, which is considered to be more effective in recovering and producing useful mutants in comparison to acute irradiation. The irradiation facility comprises an open topped irradiation area 30 m in diameter, protected by a partial concrete wall with entry maze and site topography. For safety, the facility is protected by a sophisticated interlock system, which only allows the source to be exposed when all the prerequisite safety conditions are met, and automatically returns the source to the safe storage position if any safety device is compromised. The main irradiation area is further protected by a 300 m diameter exclusion zone that is also protected by the safety interlock circuit. The facility can accommodate a wide range of plant materials such as seeds, seedlings in pots, cuttings, callus, somatic embryos and suspension cell cultures. Plant samples will be exposed to low dose gamma radiation over long periods of time (hours, weeks, months), depending on their nature and sensitivity. There was evidence whereby exposure of tissue culture materials to continuous low dose gamma irradiation resulting in considerably elevated somaclonal variation frequency without negative effects on culture response. It is not surprising that in vitro culture generating somaclonal variation together with in vitro mutagenesis inducing mutation lead to a higher variation frequency due to possible addition of mutagenic effect by in vitro mutagenesis to somaclonal variability arising from in vitro culture as well as the interaction between them. (Author)
Primary Subject
2009; 8 p; International Nuclear Conference 2009: strengthening partnerships in nuclear energy; Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia); 29 Jun - 1 Jul 2009; Available from Malaysian Nuclear Agency Document Delivery Center,; NP15/INC09-821; author e-mail:
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Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
No abstract available
Original Title
Penanaman Cendawan Volvariella
Primary Subject
Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 78 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-54-8; ; 2018; p. 26-60; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency library; 25 figs. 3 tabs.
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Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)2018
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)2018
[en] This book is a basic guide to Volvariella mushroom cultivation in particular. The writing is treated in such a way as to provide a basic understanding of the importance, nutritional content, morphological and physiological properties of Volvariella mushrooms, breeding cycles and the suitability of this mushroom growth habitat in particular. The method of cultivation is detailed with a flow of process and a brief description to enable the reader to understand every aspect of the mushrooms cultivation. Methods that include planting site selection, basic equipment requirements, seed handling, substrate selection, planting site preparation, planting process and harvesting process are described graphically. In addition, the volvariella mushroom storage and preservation process is also described easily and low cost is described to enable the reader to understand and practice it. Cost forecasts for Volvariella mushroom cultivation are also included in this book to provide guidance on capital requirements and yield expectations. Case studies are also included in this book to enable effective sharing of the experience of this mushroom entrepreneur. (author)
Original Title
Teknologi Penanaman Cendawan Volvariella
Primary Subject
2018; 78 p; Malaysian Nuclear Agency; Bangi (Malaysia); ISBN 978-967-9970-54-8; ; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency library
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Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
No abstract available
Original Title
Pengalaman Penanaman Cendawan Volvariella
Primary Subject
Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 78 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-54-8; ; 2018; p. 61-69; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency library; 8 figs.
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Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)
Technology on Volvariella Mushrooms Cultivation2018
No abstract available
Original Title
Aplikasi Teknologi Nuklear
Primary Subject
Azhar Mohamad; Mohamad Yuzaidi Azmi; Nur Hafizah Sharudin (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia)); Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi, Kajang, Selangor (Malaysia); 78 p; ISBN 978-967-9970-54-8; ; 2018; p. 70; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency Library; Available in Malaysian Nuclear Agency library
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Azhar Mohamad; Ahsanulkhaliqin Abdul Wahab, E-mail:
[en] Full-text: Gamma irradiation is one of the most common procedures in plant mutagenesis and agrobiotechnology activities. The procedures consist of chronic and acute gamma radiation. Generally, 60Co and 137Cs are gamma radiation sources for radiation processing with relatively high energy (half-life 5.27 years for 60Co and 30.1 years for 137Cs). The energy associated with gamma radiation is high enough to break the molecular bonds and ionize atoms without affecting structure of the atomic nucleus (avoiding induction of radioactivity). The Gamma Green House (GGH) is the only chronic irradiation facility in Malaysia, located at Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia). GGH is used for induction of mutation in plants and other biological samples at low dose radiation over period of time depending on the nature and sensitivity of the plant species. The GGH consist of circular green house with 30 meters radius, control room and irradiator with interlock system. The irradiator produces low dose gamma radiation derived from Caesium-137 radioactive source. The biological samples can be exposed to low dose radiation in days, weeks, months or years. The current irradiation rate for GGH is 2.67 Gy/ hr at 1 meter from the source. Chronic gamma irradiation produces a wider mutation spectrum and useful for minimizing radiation damages towards obtaining new improved traits for research and commercial values. The prospect of the gamma greenhouse is its uses in research, educations and services on induced mutation techniques for the improvement of plant varieties and microbes. In generating awareness and attract users to the facility, Nuclear Malaysia provides wide range of irradiation services for plant species and mutagenesis consultancies to academicians, students scientists, and plant breeders, from local universities, other research institutes, and growers. Charges for irradiation and consultancy services are at nominal rates. The utilization activities of the gamma greenhouse mainly cover Research and Development, Research Collaboration, Exchange of Information, Irradiation Services, Training Programs, Education, Exchange of Scientists and Seminars/ Conferences. (author)
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2013; 1 p; INUSTEC 2013: International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2013; Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia); 30 Sep - 2 Oct 2013; Available in abstract form only, full text entered in this record; Oral presentation.
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