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[en] Brown Boveri have developed new watertight ultraviolet irradiation units for surface sterilization. Their main application is in packing techniques in the foodstuffs and pharmaceutical industries. This article describes the construction, germicidal effect, and applications of these irradiation units. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Brown Boveri Review; ISSN 0007-2486; ; v. 66(1); p. 30-33
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] This article presents thoughts on how electricity generation in Switzerland can develop. A short, general review of the political and market situations is presented and various means of electricity generation, including geothermal, combined heat and power, hydropower and combined-cycle power stations are discussed. Also, the role of Switzerland in the European electricity network is looked at. Economical and ecological requirements placed on future generation facilities are examined. Combined-cycle power stations together with heat-pumps are proposed as a way of producing net-CO2-free electricity
Original Title
Gibt es die CO2-freie fossile Stromproduktion? Ein Gedankenanstoss zu einer moeglichen Weiterentwicklung in der schweizerischen Stromproduktion
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Bulletin des Schweizerischen Elektrotechnischen Vereins und des Verbandes Schweizerischer Elektrizitaetswerke; ISSN 1420-7028; ; v. 8; p. 13-17
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[en] High-speed d.c. switches for blocking-voltages of up to 120 kV have been built with Brown Boveri high-power tetrodes for nuclear fusion research. These switches also act as regulators capable of dissipating steady-state power losses of 1000 kW and above. (Auth.)
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Brown Boveri Review; ISSN 0007-2486; ; v. 66(1); p. 37-39
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Progress Report
Phys. Rev., B; v. 2 p. 4580-4585
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[en] Estimation of the annual and cumulated amount of radioactive wastes from nuclear power stations in the FRG until the year 1990. Present practice and thoughts on the future practice of waste management. (AK)
Abschaetzung der jaehrlichen und kumulierten Menge an radioaktiven Abfallstoffen aus Kernkarftwerken in der BRD bis zum Jahre 1990. Heutige Praxis und Ueberlegungen zur kuenftigen Gestaltung des Waste Managements. (RB)Original Title
Stand und kuenftig moegliche Entwicklung der Verarbeitung radioaktiver Betriebsabfaelle aus Kernkraftwerken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Primary Subject
Kerntechnische Gesellschaft im Deutschen Atomforum e.V., Bonn (F.R. Germany); p. 397-399; 1976; ZAED; Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, F.R. Germany; Reactor meeting; Duesseldorf, F.R. Germany; 30 Mar 1976; AED-CONF--76-013-099; 1 tab.
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[en] Analysis of the frequency and significance of small focal liver lesions (≤ 2 cm) detected on MRI in the presence or absence of a history of malignancy. Methods: 628 MRI examinations of the liver performed during 1994 - 1996 were evaluated. The inclusion criterion into the study was the detection of a focal liver lesion with a size ≤ 2 cm. The frequency, the size, the diagnostic proof, and the differential diagnosis of the focal liver lesions were analysed with regard to the patients history of a known malignant tumor. Results: Overall, 179 of the 628 patients (28.5%) had focal liver lesions ≤ 2 cm (n = 338). 58.9% of the lesions could be classified based upon follow-up studies by ultrasound, CT or MRI, or by biopsy. The remaining 41.1% of the lesions could not be classified due to the absence of follow-up examinations. 57.3% of all proven lesions were benign and 42.7% were malignant. A history of a malignant tumor was present in 76.7% of all patients with small liver lesions; however, lesions were benign in these patients in 50.6% of the cases. In patients with no known history of a malignancy, 75% of the lesions were benign and 25% were malignant. However, these malignant lesions were in 10/11 cases hepatocellular carcinomas in patients with liver cirrhosis. (orig.)
Analyse der Haeufigkeit und der Bedeutung von kleinen Leberlaesionen (≤ 2 cm) in der MRT in Abhaengigkeit einer vorbestehenden Tumoranamnese. Methode: Es wurden insgesamt 628 MRT-Untersuchungen der Leber aus dem Zeitraum von 1994-1996 ausgewertet. Einschlusskriterium in die Studie war der Nachweis von Leberlaesionen mit einer Groe paragraph e ≤ 2 cm, wobei die Haeufigkeit, die Groe paragraph enverteilung, die Diagnosesicherung und die Differenzialdiagnose in Abhaengigkeit von der Anamnese einer Tumorerkrankung untersucht wurden. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wiesen 179 der 628 Patienten (28,5%) fokale Leberlaesionen ≤ 2 cm (n = 338) auf. 58,9% der Laesionen konnten aufgrund von Verlaufskontrollen durch US,CT oder MRT oder durch Biopsie klassifiziert werden, waehrend die restlichen 41,1% aufgrund fehlender Follow-up-Untersuchungen nicht gesichert werden konnten. 57,3% aller gesicherten Laesionen waren benigne und 42,7% waren maligne. Bei 76,7% der Patienten mit kleinen Leberlaesionen, die eine Tumoranamnese aufwiesen, waren die Laesionen in 50,6% der Faelle benigne. Bei fehlender Tumoranamnese lagen bei 75% der Patienten benigne Laesionen vor und in einem Viertel der Faelle waren kleine maligne Leberlaesionen vorhanden. Dies waren in 10/11 Faellen kleine hepatozellulaere Karzinome bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose. (orig.)Original Title
Haeufigkeit und Bedeutung von kleinen fokalen Leberlaesionen in der MRT
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der Bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 1438-9029; ; v. 173(5); p. 424-429
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[en] Purpose: Budd-Chiari syndrome is a fairly uncommon disease in Europe. This often leads to its late diagnosis. The syndrome is characterised by portal hypertension and splanchnic congestion due to obstruction of hepatic venous outflow. This paper describes the treatment of three patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome by interventional therapeutic techniques and discusses alternative treatment modalities. Patients and Methods: The first patient presented with veno-occlusive disease and was treated by the placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stentshunt. The second patient showed an occlusion of the major hepatic veins. After percutaneous recanalisation, a stent was placed in the right hepatic vein which remained patent. The third patient had a membranous obstruction of the right hepatic vein which was treated by percutaneous balloon dilatation. Results: In all patients the clinical symptoms resolved completely after treatment and no complications were encountered. Conclusions: The authors conclude that interventional therapeutic techniques offer a wide variety of possibilities for the treatment of patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome and are safe, effective and relatively inexpensive. However, further studies are required to assess the long-term results and survival rates of these patients. (orig.)
Unter dem Oberbegriff Budd-Chiari-Syndrom wird ein heterogenes Krankheitsgeschehen subsumiert, dessen gemeinsames Merkmal eine Behinderung des venoesen Abflusses aus der Leber ist. Entscheidend fuer die Therapieplanung ist, ob die Flussbehinderung im Bereich der zentilobulaeren Venen, den grossen Lebervenen oder der Vena cava inferior lokalisiert ist. Da es sich in Europa um ein relativ seltenes Krankheitsbild handelt, wird die Diagnose oft verzoegert gestellt. In dieser Arbeit wird anhand von Fallbeispielen das diagnostische Vorgehen erlaeutert und verschiedene radiologisch-interventionelle Therapiemoeglichkeiten dargestellt. Diese haben sich in den letzten Jahren zunehmend als Alternative zur Shuntchirurgie mit dem Ziel der Reduzierung der portalen Hypertension etablieren koennen. Obwohl eine endgueltige Bewertung dieser Methoden zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht vorgenommen werden kann, sind die bisher berichteten Ergebnisse so vielversprechend, dass bei jedem Patienten die Moeglichkeiten eines Einsatzes interventionell-radiologischer Methoden in der Therapie des Budd-Chiari-Syndroms ueberlegt werden sollte. (orig.)Original Title
Diagnostik und Therapie des Budd-Chiari-Syndroms
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
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[en] PROMETHEUS is a Fortran IV program system for investigation of anharmonic thermal vibrations in crystals, using elastic X-ray or neutron data. Three different anharmonic-temperature-factor equations can be used, one of them up to sixth-order terms. The corresponding probability densities and mean effective atomic potentials can be calculated. Programs for correction of isotropic thermal diffuse scattering and of isotropic and anisotropic extinction are included. Fast averaging of symmetrically equivalent reflections combined with extended reflection statistics is possible. Calculations of Fourier syntheses and their errors and of Patterson functions can be carried out and the corresponding contour maps can be plotted. (Auth.)
Secondary Subject
Program consists of about 30,000 Fortran statements and can be used in segmented form. The segmented form needs about 50 K words of storage. Program available on request from authors.
Record Type
Journal Article
Journal of Applied Crystallography; ISSN 0021-8898; ; v. 16(3); p. 358
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[en] Purpose: The increased T1 relaxation times at 3.0 Tesla lead to a reduced T1 contrast, requiring adaptation of imaging protocols for high magnetic fields. This prospective study assesses the performance of three techniques for T1-weighted imaging (T1w) at 3.0 T with regard to gray-white differentiation and contrast-to-noise-ratio (CNR). Materials and Methods: Thirty-one patients were examined at a 3.0 T system with axial T1 w inversion recovery (IR), spin-echo (SE) and gradient echo (GE) sequences and after contrast enhancement (CE) with CE-SE and CE-GE sequences. For qualitative analysis, the images were ranked with regard to artifacts, gray-white differentiation, image noise and overall diagnostic quality. For quantitative analysis, the CNR was calculated, and cortex and basal ganglia were compared with the white matter. Results: In the qualitative analysis, IR was judged superior to SE and GE for gray-white differentiation, image noise and overall diagnostic quality, but inferior to the GE sequence with regard to artifacts. CE-GE proved superior to CE-SE in all categories. In the quantitative analysis, CNR of the based ganglia was highest for IR, followed by GE and SE. For the CNR of the cortex, no significant difference was found between IR (16.9) and GE (15.4) but both were superior to the SE (9.4). The CNR of the cortex was significantly higher for CE-GE compared to CE-SE (12.7 vs. 7.6, p<0.001), but the CNR of the basal ganglia was not significantly different. Conclusion: For unenhanced T1w imaging at 3.0 T, the IR technique is, despite increased artifacts, the method of choice due to its superior gray-white differentiation and best overall image quality. For CE-studies, GE sequences are recommended. For cerebral imaging, SE sequences give unsatisfactory results at 3.0 T. (orig.)
Original Title
Vergleich einer T1-gewichteten Inversion-Recovery-, Gradienten-Echo- und Spin-Echo-Sequenz zur zerebralen Bildgebung bei 3,0 Tesla
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 1438-9029; ; CODEN RFGNDO; v. 177(4); p. 536-542
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[en] Purpose: To determine the value of a dynamic Gd-enhanced ultrafast T1-weighted 3D-turbo-gradient-echo sequence (3D-TFE) in the detection and characterization of focal liver lesions. Results: On 3D-TFE images more lesions (107/124) were identified than on T1-weighted SE (101/124) and T1-weighted FFE images (106/124), but less compared to T2-weighted TSE SPIR images (115/124). The 3D-TFE-sequence provided additional information in 65/107 (61%) detected lesions by delineating the dynamic enhancement pattern, most valuable in patients with HCCs in 90%. Conclusions: On dynamic 3D-TFE images more lesions could be depicted than on conventional T1-weighted SE and T1-weighted FFE images. Visualization of the dynamic enhancement pattern provided additional information for tumor characterization in 61% of the detected lesions on the 3D-TFE images. (orig./AJ)
Ziel: Bestimmung des Stellenwerts einer dynamischen Gd-DTPA-verstaerkten schnellen T1-gewsichteten 3D-Turbo-Gradienten-Echo-Sequenz (3D-TFE) fuer die Detektion und Charakterisierung fokaler Leberlaesionen. Ergebnisse: Von den 124 Leberlaesionen wurden mit der 3D-FFE-Sequenz 107, mit der T1-gewichteten SE 101 und mit der T1-gewichteten FFE-Sequenz 106 nachgewiesen. In der T2-gewichteten TSE-SPIR-Sequenz konnten 115 Laesionen detektiert werden. Bei 65/107 in der 3D-TFE-Sequenz nachgewiesenen Tumoren ergaben sich aus der Beruecksichtigung des dynamischen Anreicherungsverhaltens gegenueber den anderen Sequenzen wichtige Zusatzinformationen, die bei den hepatozellulaeren Karzinomen mit 90% die groesste Bedeutung hatten. Schlussfolgerung: Die dynamische 3D-TFE-Sequenz ist den nicht dynamischen T1-gewichteten SE- und FFE-Sequenzen in der Detektion ueberlegen und erbringt bei 61% der Herde wichtige Zusatzinformationen fuer die Tumorcharakterisierung. (orig./AJ)Original Title
MRT fokaler Leberlaesionen: Stellenwert Gadolinium-verstaerkter dynamischer Untersuchungen des gesamten Organs mit einer schnellen 3D-Turbo-Gradienten-Echo-Sequenz
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
RoeFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der neuen bildgebenden Verfahren; ISSN 0936-6652; ; CODEN RFGNDO; v. 170(4); p. 351-357
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