Interim design status and operational report for semiremote handling fixtures: size reduction system
Ballard, A.S.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1977
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1977
[en] Crushing of HTGR fuel elements is accomplished by a three-stage crushing system consisting of two overhead eccentric jaw crushers, a double-roll crusher, and an oversize reduction system to ensure complete reduction to the desired size. The crushing system is mounted in a special framework which enables gravity flow, eliminates material transport, and minimizes material holdup. The system has been designated UNIFRAME because of the integrated nature of the equipment. This report addresses the demonstration of semiremote maintenance of the crusher in a nonradioactive environment. Although the crusher maintenance system has some remote handling capability inherent in its design, the scope of this initial program is limited to the handling of selected components and allows for manual assistance in certain circumstances. This mode of operation is designated semiremote maintenance and is intended as an effort to gather experience
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Secondary Subject
Feb 1977; v p; Available from NTIS., PC A09/MF A01
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Ballard, A.S.; Cooper, R.G.; Davis, D.E.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1974
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1974
[en] A moulding cavity is partially filled with nuclear fuel particles, the volume of said cavity is reduced in order that it be fully filled by these particles, a fluid binder is injected for filling interstices between the particles, and the rod is ejected once said binder has solidified. This applies to the manufacture of nuclear fuel rods of the type comprising fuel-particles in suspension in a binder
On remplit partiellement une cavite de moulage avec des particules de combustible nucleaire, on reduit le volume de cette cavite de sorte qu'elle se trouve entierement remplie de ces particules, on y injecte un liant fluide qui remplit les interstices entre particules, on attend qu'il devienne solide, et on ejecte la barre. Ceci concerne la fabrication de barres de combustible nucleaire du type a particules de combustible en suspension dans un liantOriginal Title
Fabrication de barres de combustible nucleaire
Primary Subject
04 Oct 1974; 12 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2247790/A/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); priority claim: 10 Oct 1973, USA.
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Ballard, A.S.; Cooper, R.G.; Davis, D.E.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, CA (USA)1979
General Atomic Co., San Diego, CA (USA)1979
[en] A fuel rod is manufactured by partially filling a mould cavity with fuel particles, closing and reducing its volume, and injecting a fluid solidifiable binder to fill the interstices between the particles. Binder should be thermoplastic and may be pitch. Advantages of method include reduction in spillage of the particles and in cost of collecting these. (U.K.)
Primary Subject
23 May 1979; 6 p; GB PATENT DOCUMENT 1546242/A/
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Ballard, A.S.; Cooper, R.G.; Davis, D.E.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1976
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1976
[en] An improvement in filling nuclear fuel rods is proposed, where a hollow rod is filled with pellets, and a liquid, hardening binder is subsequently injected into the still existing cavities. According to the invention, so much binder is filled in that it flows out of the end of the rod opposite to the charging end. The release opening must be dimensioned so that no nuclear fuel pellets can escape. An explicit example gives details. (UWI)
Es wird eine Verbesserung bei der Fuellung von Kernbrennelementstaeben vorgeschlagen, bei denen ein hohler Stab mit Pellets gefuellt wird und die noch vorhandenen Hohlraeume anschliessend mit einem fluessigen, sich verfestigenden Bindemittel ausgespritzt werden. Erfindungsgemaess wird so viel Bindemittel eingefuellt, dass es an dem dem Einfuellende entgegengesetzten Ende des Stabes wieder austritt. Die Austrittsoeffnung muss so bemessen sein, dass keine Kernbrennstoffpellets entweichen koennen. Ein ausfuehrliches Beispiel erlaeutert die Einzelheiten. (UWI)Original Title
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines nuklearen Brennelementstabes
Primary Subject
30 Dec 1976; 13 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2625602/A/; Also available from Dt. Patentamt, Muenchen (FRG); 6 figs.
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Ballard, A.S.; Cooper, R.G.; Davis, D.E.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1975
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1975
[en] The method designs the manufacture of e.g. rod-shaped fuel element fillings in which fuel particles are suspended within a liquid and solidifiable binder such as graphite powder in pitch. The fuel particles are filled into cavities whose cross-sections correspond to those of the fuel rods. After closing with a covering plate, a piston exerts a force from below on it until its solidification. To follow, the liquid binder is injected through lower openings in the cavities. Due to the lubricity of the binder, the cavities are heated to 150 to 1750C, the packing of particles are homogenized. This procedure is further supported by the constant pressure of the pistons. Excess binder and air can flow out through openings in the covering plate. After cooling and solidification of the binder as well as after removal of the covering plate, the piston thrusts out the formed bodies or fuel rods from the cavities by an upwards movement. (DG/LH)
Das Verfahren sieht die Herstellung von z.B. Brennelementfuellungen in Stabform vor, bei denen Brennstoffteilchen innerhalb eines fluessigen und verfestigungsfaehigen Bindemittels, wie Graphitmehl in Pech, suspendiert werden. Hierzu werden die Brennstoffteilchen in Hohlraeume geschuettet, deren Querschnitte denen der Brennstaebe entsprechen. Nach Verschluss mit einer Abdeckplatte uebt ein Kolben von unten eine Kraft bis zu ihrer Verfestigung auf sie aus. Danach erfolgt eine Einspritzung des fluessigen Bindemittels durch untere Oeffnungen in die Hohlraeume. Aufgrund der Schmierfaehigkeit des Bindemittels, die Hohlraeume werden dabei auf 150 bis 1750C erwaermt, wird die Packung der Teilchen vergleichmaessigt. Unterstuetzt wird dieser Vorgang noch durch den konstanten Druck des Kolbens. Ueberfluessiges Bindemittel und Luft koennen durch Oeffnungen in der Abdeckplatte abstroemen. Nach Abkuehlung und Verfestigung des Bindemittels sowie nach Abnahme der Abdeckplatte stoesst der Kolben die Formlinge bzw. Brennstaebe aus den Hohlraeumen durch eine Aufwaertsbewegung an. (DG)Original Title
Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Herstellung eines nuklearen Brennelementstabes
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
17 Apr 1975; 13 p; DE PATENT DOCUMENT 2447745/A/; 7 figs.
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Ballard, A.S.; Cooper, R.G.; Davis, D.E.
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1976
General Atomic Co., San Diego, Calif. (USA)1976
[en] A method of manufacturing a nuclear rod is described. It comprises only partially filling a mold cavity with nuclear fuel particles, closing the mold cavity and reducing the volume thereof such that the fuel particles substantially fill the mold cavity, injecting a fluid solidifiable binder into the particle-filled mold cavity to fill the interstices between the fuel particles. The volume of particle-filled mold cavity is reduced by applying pressure to the contents thereof via a movable portion of mold cavity, and solidifying binder in cavity to form a fuel rod
On decrit une methode de fabrication d'une barre de combustible nucleaire. Cela comporte le remplissage partiel de la cavite d'un moule avec des particules de combustible nucleaire, la fermeture de la cavite du moule, et la reduction de son volume de facon que les particules de combustible remplissent substantiellement cette cavite, puis l'injection dans celle-ci d'un liant fluide solidifiable pour combler les interstices entre les particules de combustible. Le volume de la cavite du moule rempli de particules est reduit en appliquant une pression au contenu par une partie mobile de la cavite du moule, puis par solidification du liant dans la cavite afin de former une barre de combOriginal Title
Fabrication de barres de combustible nucleaire
Primary Subject
8 Jun 1976; 10 p; FR PATENT DOCUMENT 2314562/E/; Available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle, Paris (France); Addition to the French patent document 7433451; priority claim: 10 Jun 1975, US.
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