Petrescu, S; Borcila, B; Costea, M; Popescu, G; Boriaru, N; Stanciu, C; Dobre, C; Banches, E, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: dobre.catalina.g@gmail.com2016
[en] This paper presents the basic concepts and fundamental equations of the Thermodynamics with Finite Speed (TFS) resulted by the systematically study of the thermal reciprocating machine in relation with the piston finite speed and thermal molecular speed measured in the considered thermodynamic system. These concepts are based on the idea that any propagation of the interaction in the thermodynamic systems of finite dimensions is achieved by finite speeds: (1) - piston speed, (2) - average speed of the gas molecules inside the cylinder. A specific approach (scheme of calculation) for non-equilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamic processes is developed within TFS in order to find the fundamental equations appropriate for Optimizing Efficiency or COP and Power of thermal reciprocating machines. Analytical equations for all 5 irreversible thermodynamic processes in gases (isometric, isothermal, isobaric, adiabatic, polytropic) are deduced by integration of the combined First and Second Laws equation for processes with Finite Speed . This paper is limited to Irreversible Processes with Finite Speed, without taking into account the Friction and Throttling effects. It also notes the main moments in the development of TFS that led to these concepts and fundamental equations . (paper)
Primary Subject
7. international conference on advanced concepts in mechanical engineering; Iasi (Romania); 9-10 Jun 2016; Available from; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
IOP Conference Series. Materials Science and Engineering (Online); ISSN 1757-899X; ; v. 147(1); [13 p.]
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
Banches, E.; Constantin, M.; Nicolae, R., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:
Nuclear Agency, Mendeleev nr. 21-25, Sector 1, Bucuresti (Romania); Institute for Nuclear Research-Pitesti, PO Box 78, 1 Campului Str., RO-115400 Mioveni, Arges (Romania); Center of Technology and Engineering of Nuclear Projects, CITON, PO Box MG-4-5204, Str. Atomistilor no.409, Bucharest - Magurele, Ilfov (Romania). Funding organisation: National Authority for Scientific Research, Bucharest (Romania)
Proceedings of NUCLEAR 2009 international conference on sustainable development through nuclear research and education2009
Nuclear Agency, Mendeleev nr. 21-25, Sector 1, Bucuresti (Romania); Institute for Nuclear Research-Pitesti, PO Box 78, 1 Campului Str., RO-115400 Mioveni, Arges (Romania); Center of Technology and Engineering of Nuclear Projects, CITON, PO Box MG-4-5204, Str. Atomistilor no.409, Bucharest - Magurele, Ilfov (Romania). Funding organisation: National Authority for Scientific Research, Bucharest (Romania)
Proceedings of NUCLEAR 2009 international conference on sustainable development through nuclear research and education2009
[en] INPRO objectives and status of the IAEA project started in 2001 and concerns the deployment of Innovative Nuclear Systems (INS) in 21st century, as solution to sustainable power development. The last achievements and the new INPRO Steering Committee directions established for 2010-2011 period, are presented. A balanced analysis of needs, resources and expectations, justifies the Romanian Statement at the 14th Steering Committee Meeting (SCM), and participant as an observer in three Collaborative Projects, in Common User Considerations (CUC) by Developing Countries for Future NPP and in SCM. The feedback of the last participatory actions in the project, justifies the Nuclear Agency recommendations for Nuclear National Program (PNN) adjustments: first, the need to apply INPRO methodology in a new national study regarding INS perspective and opportunity in Romania to use CANDU NPPs for LWRs fuel closing cycle at international level; secondly, the need to improve commitment of policy makers in forecasting financial INS support; and thirdly, to sustain the European legislation and international and national arrangements in order to facilitate nuclear regional services. (authors)
Primary Subject
Constantin, Marin; Turcu, Ilie (Institute for Nuclear Research-Pitesti, PO Box 78, 1 Campului Str., RO-115400 Mioveni, Arges (Romania)) (eds.); Institute for Nuclear Research-Pitesti, PO Box 78, 1 Campului Str., RO-115400 Mioveni, Arges (Romania); University of Pitesti, Bd. Republicii, 71, Pitesti (Romania). Funding organisation: National Authority for Scientific Research, Bucharest (Romania); 707 p; ISSN 2066-2955; ; 2009; p. 630-639; NUCLEAR 2009: 2. international conference on sustainable development through nuclear research and education; Pitesti (Romania); 27-29 May 2009; Available from author(s) or Institute for Nuclear Research-Pitesti, 1 Campului Str., RO-115400 Mioveni, Arges (RO); Available from Institute for Nuclear Research-Pitesti, 1 Campului Str., RO-115400 Mioveni, Arges (RO); University of Pitesti, Bd. Republicii, 71, Pitesti (RO); 7 refs., 1 tab.
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