Barbut, Monique
Institut de Relations Internationales et Strategiques - IRIS, Observatoire geopolitique de la durabilite - OGeoD, 2 bis rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris (France)2014
Institut de Relations Internationales et Strategiques - IRIS, Observatoire geopolitique de la durabilite - OGeoD, 2 bis rue Mercoeur, 75011 Paris (France)2014
[en] While the IPCC report focuses on the impacts of climate change and warns of the possibility of increased floods, drought, conflict and economic losses if carbon emissions continue unabated, it fails to capture the key role of adaptation; that is, ecosystem-based solutions for managing climate risks. According to the author, these solutions are at hand without additional finance; all that is required is a realignment of investment flows. This should not be seen as a threat to vested interests but rather as an opportunity for more equitable development. Investing in practical solutions that transform lives and increase adaptive capacity would be cheaper and work better than investing in walls, wars and relief. Improving the resilience and well-being of the rural poor and other land-dependent communities will improve our own well-being, our national security, and help ensure international stability today and in the future
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Apr 2014; 5 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Colombier, Michel; Barbut, Monique); Blaustein, Edgar; Rialhe, Anne; Ray, Jean Claude; Zerbib, Jean Claude; Dessus, Benjamin; Laponche, Bernard; Boilley, David
Association Global Chance, 5 avenue de Trivaux, 92190 Meudon (France)2015
Association Global Chance, 5 avenue de Trivaux, 92190 Meudon (France)2015
[en] A first set of article addresses the issue negotiations for the COP 21. A first author proposes a chronicle of a success foretold; a second author outlines the crucial issue of a better management of soils for a better management of climate; and a third article proposes an overview of actions in favour of climate in Western Africa. The second part addresses the issue of agriculture: development of GMOs and GM seeds, consequences of the various pollutions (air, soil, water), social and economic issues, impact of pesticides, development of alternatives (biological, sustainable, natural or organic, bio-dynamic, or wild agriculture) and new techniques (perma-culture, agro-forestry), and issues raised by these alternatives and new techniques. The author also evokes and discusses the results of various studies. The third part addresses the French nuclear sector and its perspectives. Several topics are thus addressed: health and environmental consequences of Chernobyl and health impact of the Fukushima accident; the always higher rate of increase of nuclear costs (soon four times every 10 years); a presentation of the ATMEA reactor proposed by Mitsubishi and Areva (performance, safety issues, opinion of the safety authority, and industrial status of its competitors, i.e. Westinghouse AP-1000, different models developed in China which are derived from the 900 MW PWR series, and exported Russian and Korean reactors); a critical discussion of the ASTRID project which is considered as highly risky and exorbitantly costly (description of the operation principle of a fast neutron reactor, fuels, use of sodium, safety issues, proliferation issue, cost and economy) and a recall on Superphenix operation; a discussion of the content of an ADEME's report stating that a 100 per cent renewable energy policy is possible; a comment of the position of the IPCC with respect to nuclear energy as it appears in its different publications
Original Title
Imaginer l'inimaginable ou cultiver notre jardin? Les Cahiers de Global Chance No. 37 - juin 2015
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Jun 2015; 100 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
Euzen, Agathe; Thiebault, Stephanie; Laville, Bettina; Fuchs, Alain; Barbut, Monique; Zaccai, Edwin; Schoenfeld, Sarah; Jouzel, Jean; Magnan, Alexandre K.; Duvat, Virginie K.E.; Banks, William E.; Errico, Francesco d'; Garnier, Emmanuel; Grunau, Christoph; Joly, Dominique; Gibert, Patricia; Till-Bottraud, Irene; Vlassopoulos, Chloe Anne; Chenorkian, Robert; Abbadie, Luc; Courtois, Elodie A.; Chave, Jerome; Hossaert-Mckey, Martine; Boeuf, Gilles; Gardel, Antoine; Fromard, Francois; Anthony, Edward J.; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Gaill, Francoise; Courchamp, Franck; Bellard, Celine; Guegan, Jean-Francois; Torre-Schaub, Marta; Mathy, Sandrine; Weikmans, Romain; Bonduelle, Antoine; Berdoulay, Vincent; Soubeyran, Olivier; Brun, Eric; Duvernoy, Jerome; Mondon, Sylvain; Schafferer, Frederic; Girault, Anne; Francoise, Yann; Bertrand, Francois; Heulin, Thierry; Hatte, Christine; Abbadie, Luc; Dubost, Christian; Cochran, Ian; Depoues, Vivian; Hubert, Romain; Nicol, Morgane; Dutertre, Philippe; Garreau, Francois; Nahon, Claude; Maucort, Eric; Torres, Javier; Slaoui, Abdelilah; Brault, Pascal; Flamant, Gilles; David, Sylvain; Bouzeghoub, Mokrane; Sultan, Benjamin; Lalou, Richard; Sanni, Mouftaou Amadou; Oumarou, Amadou; Soumare, Mame Arame; Quenol, Herve; Yiou, Pascal; Jezequel, Aglae; Buclet, Nicolas; Simonet, Guillaume; Maris, Virginie2017
[en] Adapting to climate change and global change have become vital goals for all societies. These same societies are faced at times with unexpected meteorological phenomena that are becoming increasingly frequent and intense, including flooding, droughts and tornadoes. They are also having to wrestle with rising temperatures and the follow-on effects on the balance of ecosystems, the evolution of species, and animal and plant life, not to mention the development of human populations, their living conditions and social organisation. Although the capacity of ecosystems to adapt or convert has been demonstrated by studies on climate variations over time, the growing pace of some phenomena may well lead to a point of no return. In fact, with the global rise in temperature - caused by human activities in particular - we might already have reached this stage. This book, which consists of some fifty articles by scientists and experts, is unique. It makes us think about what lies behind the notions of adaptation and mal-adaptation, drawing on several disciplines, sectors and regional fields. It also highlights the checks and limitations of adaptation, as well as reflecting and suggesting ways of acting and adjusting. The contributions made to this work serve to reinforce the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement (2015), especially the COP 23 climate conference (23. Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, 2017), where adaptation, its objectives and financing, are some of the priorities. This book is the result of a partnership between the CNRS and Comite 21. It was jointly edited by Agathe Euzen (deputy scientific director at the CNRS Ecology and Environment Institute); Bettina Laville (state councillor and Comite 21 chair); and Stephanie Thiebault (director of the CNRS Ecology and Environment Institute)
Original Title
L'adaptation au changement climatique. Une question de societes
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Secondary Subject
19 Oct 2017; 812 p; CNRS Editions; Paris (France); ISBN 978-2-271-09482-7; ; ISBN 978-2-35113-343-9;
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue