Bergallo, J.E.; Barcelo, G.N.
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1990
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1990
[en] The present work pretends to evaluate the benefits that may be obtained from changing the natural uranium cycle that is presently used instead of that of Pu spiking which consists in changing a few elements with mixed oxides fuel with the plutonium reprocessed from all the fuel elements on the periphery of the reactor, maintaining the actual reactor's operating conditions. (Author)
El presente trabajo pretende evaluar los beneficios que se pueden obtener al cambiar el ciclo de uranio natural que se usa actualmente por el spiking de Pu, que consiste en cargar unos pocos elementos con combustible de oxidos mixtos con el plutonio reprocesado de todos los elementos combustibles, en la periferia del reactor, manteniendo las actuales condiciones de operacion de los reactores. (Autor)Original Title
Evaluacion financiera del proyecto de spiking de Pu en las centrales nucleares argentinas
Primary Subject
1990; 8 p; 18. Annual meeting of the Argentine Association of Nuclear Technology; 18. Reunion anual de la Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Nuclear; Buenos Aires (Argentina); 22-26 Oct 1990; Pre-conference paper.
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Gugelmeier, R.; Barcelo, G.N.; Boado, J.H.; Fernandez, C.
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1986
Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Centro Atomico Bariloche1986
[en] The boron state, contained in the steel microestructure, is determined. The autoradiography by neutrons is used, permiting to obtain boron distribution images by means of additional information which is difficult to acquire by other methods. The application of the method is described, based on the neutronic irradiation of a polished steel sample, over which a celulose nitrate sheet or other appropriate material is fixed to constitute the detector. The particles generated by the neutron-boron interaction affect the detector sheet, which is subsequently revealed with a chemical treatment and can be observed at the optical microscope. In the case of materials used for the construction of nuclear reactors, special attention must be given to the presence of boron, since owing to the exceptionaly high capacity of neutron absorption, lowest quantities of boron acquire importance. The adaption of the method to metallurgical problems allows the obtainment of a correlation between the boron distribution images and the material's microstructure. (M.E.L.)
Se determina el estado del boro en la microestructura de aceros que lo contienen. Se emplea la autoradiografia por neutrones, que produce imagenes de distribucion de dicho elemento, mediante las cuales se consigue informacion adicional de dificil obtencion por otros metodos. Se describe la utilizacion del metodo basado en la irradiacion neutronica de una muestra de acero pulida, sobre la que se fija una placa de nitrato de celulosa u otro material apropiado que constituye el detector. Las particulas generadas por la interaccion neutron-boro impresionan a la placa-detector; la cual es posteriormente revelada con un ataque quimico y puede ser observada al microscopio optico. Para el caso de los materiales utilizados en la construccion de reactores nucleares se debe prestar especial atencion a la presencia del boro, ya que debido a la capacidad excepcionalmente alta de absorcion de neutrones, infimas cantidades de boro adquieren importancia. La adaptacion del metodo a los problemas metalurgicos permite la obtencion de una correlacion entre las imagenes de distribucion de boro y la microestructura del material. (M.E.L.)Original Title
El metodo de la autorradiografia de boro aplicado al estudio de aceros
Primary Subject
1986; 17 p; Also available from Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires (AR)
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] It has been analyzed the nuclear fuel cycle cost for a CANDU reactor which has change his natural uranium cycle for another using recycled fuel from a PWR. It has been considered three different technically fuel cycles and compared with natural uranium one. (author)
Original Title
Analisis economico sobre el desarrollo de un ciclo tandem entre reactores PWR y PHWR
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Secondary Subject
Associacao Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); FURNAS, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 496 p; 1992; p. 191-195; 4. General Congress on Nuclear Energy; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 5-9 Jul 1992; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The present work shows a comparative and homogeneous analysis of advanced fuel cycles, expected to be used in heavy water moderated reactors. This analysis was focused on two most important parameters used by decision makers in the field of the nuclear fuel cycle: one of them, leveled energy cost due to fuel cycle activities; and the other, the uranium ore consumption per unit of generated electricity. Analysis were made for CANDU (Canadian Deuterium Uranium) reactors, and pressure vessel heavy water reactor type, designed by KWU (Kraftwerk Union). Results obtained show savings of around 25% uranium ore reserves consumption and fuel cycle costs when slightly enriched uranium is used. In TANDEM, expected savings will be 25% of fuel cycle costs and more than 50% of uranium ore consumption. 21 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab
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Secondary Subject
Rouben, B. (ed.) (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Sheridan Park, ON (Canada). CANDU Operations); Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, ON (Canada); [1500 p.]; ISBN 0-919784-34-8; ; Nov 1993; (v.2) [8 p.]; INC93: international nuclear congress; Toronto, ON (Canada); 3-6 Oct 1993
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