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No abstract available
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Secondary Subject
European nuclear conference; Paris, France; 21 Apr 1975; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; v. 20 p. 79-81
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[en] The development of electro-nuclear industries has a powerful impact on the production of special steels, although the quantity of material applied to the non-conventional parts of nuclear power plants is quite small as compared to the total production requirements in this industrial field. Evolution bears on the product research, development and testing methods, on the technical and marketing services - in particular the establishment of quality control teams and assurance manuals - and the implementation of high performance production equipments. Manufacturing must however take place under normal work load and productivity conditions of production tools, and thus ensure a satisfactory profitability on investments entailed
Le developpement des industries electro-nucleaires exerce un puissant effet d'entrainement sur la siderurgie fine, bien que les quantites d'aciers mises en oeuvre dans les parties non conventionnelles des centrales soient relativement modestes en regard de la production totale de cette branche d'industrie. Les evolutions portent sur les methodes d'etudes, de mise au point et de controle des produits, sur l'organisation technique et commerciale - notamment l'introduction d'un systeme d'organisation de la qualite - et sur la mise en place de moyens de production a hautes performances. Cependant, les operations de fabrication doivent s'effectuer dans des conditions normales de charge et de productivite des engins de production, et assurer une rentabilite satisfaisante des investissements realisesOriginal Title
Le developpement de la production d'aciers speciaux destines aux industries nucleaires
Primary Subject
2. Colloquium on special steels and nuclear energy; Paris, France; 14 - 15 Dec 1976
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Materiaux et Techniques; (Special no.6); p. 321-339
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Evolution of needs of steels and of relations between users and producers is reviewed in the field of nuclear power stations. Very important components are needed now with specifications concerning corrosion, mechanical properties under irradiation. Performances and fiability of steels are now improved by vacuum degassing, new refining methods giving a better control of purity, additions, homogeneity, transition temperature. Testing methods are improved too. Some examples are given of steels for reactor vessel, primary coolant circuit and different smaller components of reactors
On passe en revue l'evolution des besoins, des aciers et des relations entre utilisateurs et fournisseurs dans le domaine de la construction des centrales nucleaires. Actuellement on a besoin de pieces de dimensions tres importantes de bonne tenue en service en ce qui concerne la corrosion ou les proprietes mecaniques sous irradiation. On a ameliore les performances et la fiabilite des aciers par degazage sous vide et de nouvelles methodes d'affinage permettant de mieux controler la purete, les additions, l'homogeneite et la temperature de transition. Les methodes de controle sont egalement ameliorees. On donne quelques exemples d'aciers pour cuve de reacteurs, circuit de refroidissement primaire et pieces forgees de petites dimensions pour reacteursOriginal Title
Aciers speciaux pour centrales nucleaires
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Aciers Speciaux; (no.43); p. 14-21
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Vieillard-Baron, B.
International symposium on nuclear energy and the environment ('96 NEE) abstracts of papers1996
International symposium on nuclear energy and the environment ('96 NEE) abstracts of papers1996
[en] Short communication
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Chinese Society of Radiation Protection, Beijing (China); Chinese Nuclear Society, Beijing, BJ (China); Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences, Beijing (China); 312 p; 1996; p. 53-54; '96 NEE: international symposium on nuclear energy and the environment; Beijing (China); 14-18 Oct 1996; Available from China Nuclear Information Centre
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[en] The aim of this paper is to present the principal materials used for the building of nuclear reactors, their preparation and their technical evolution. The first part gives a general description of the needs of structural materials in terms of quality, quantity and regulations. In the second part some examples taken in PWR, fast breeder sodium cooled and other type of reactors (boiling water, heavy water) are shown to illustrate how these needs have been answered (steels for pressure vessels, nuts and bolts, stainless steels, alloys for steam generator tubes, other uses of nickel-based alloys etc..). (J.S.)
Original Title
Structures des reacteurs nucleaires. Aciers speciaux
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Bacher, P. (Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France)); v. B8,II; [630 p.]; Apr 1998; p. BN3730.1-BN3730.14; Techniques de l'Ingenieur; Paris (France); 30 refs.
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The aim is to show how the high alloy steel manufacturers in France attempted to meet increasing demand by the electronuclear industries by the design and development at moderate cost and within a rather short period, of high level products intended to meet specific requirements. In this prospect, the qualitative and quantitative requirements are determined, the evolutions of the working methods connected to the design and manufacture of steel products are analysed. The economic implications which resulted and a few examples of the manufacture of particularly well suited products are evoked
On montre comment les entreprises francaises d'aciers speciaux se sont employees a satisfaire la demande croissante des industries electronucleaires en concevant et en realisant, a des conditions de cout et de delais raisonnables, des produits de haute qualite adaptes a des besoins specifiques. Dans cette perspective, on determine les besoins, qualitatifs et quantitatifs, des utilisateurs: on analyse les evolutions des methodes de travail liees a la conception et a la fabrication des produits siderurgiques: on evoque les implications economiques qui en ont resulte et on donne quelques exemples de fabrications de produits specialement adaptesOriginal Title
Le developpement de la production industrielle d'aciers speciaux destines aux industries electronucleaires et ses consequences sur la siderurgie fine
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Revue Generale Nucleaire; (no.2); p. 115-126
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Vieillard-Baron, B.
Nuclear energy maturity. Communications of the I. European nuclear conference. Paris, 21-25 April 19751975
Nuclear energy maturity. Communications of the I. European nuclear conference. Paris, 21-25 April 19751975
No abstract available
Original Title
Aciers speciaux pour l'energie nucleaire
Primary Subject
Lehoulier, J.; Mantega, M. (eds.); American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale, Ill.; Societe Europeenne d'Energie Nucleaire, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland); p. 39-41; 1975; Societe Francaise de l'Energie Nucleaire; Clamart, France; 1. European nuclear conference; Paris, France; 21 Apr 1975
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
No abstract available
Original Title
L'adaptation des materiaux metalliques a leurs conditions d'emploi
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Annales des Mines; (no.5); p. 55-66
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The construction of pressurised water reactors installed in France has necessitated the development, by the Societe Creusot-Loire of large forgings in structural steel of the type ASTM A 508 Class 3 for reactor pressure vessels, and of claddings, forgings and castings in stainless austenitic steels combining a good resistance against intercrystalline corrosion with good mechanical properties. This paper briefly describes the properties of these steels and recapitulates the technical evolution on which their development was based. (orig.)
Fuer die Druckbehaelter der franzoesichen Druckwasserreaktoren entwickelte die Firma Creusot-Loire grosse Schmiedestuecke der Staehle ATM A 508 Klasse 3 sowie Panzerungen, Schmiede- und Gussstuecke aus rostfreien austenitischen Staehlen, die gegen interkristalline Korrosion bestaendig sind und gute mechanische Eigenschaften besitzen. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt kurz die Eigenschaften und die technische Entwicklung dieser Staehle. (orig.)Primary Subject
8 figs.; 4 tabs.
Record Type
Journal Article
Kerntechnik; v. 18(12); p. 513-517
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] The properties of three different low-carbon Mn-Mo-Nb commercial steel plates were evaluated in the quenched and tempered condition. High yield strength and high tensile strength were measured from room temperature up to 4000C on plates measuring up to 75 mm (3 inches). Good toughness properties were observed at low temperature (below - 400C). In addition, it was shown that such plates possess excellent weldability and good characteristics for cold forming operations. Low-carbon Mn-Mo-Nb steel plates, in the quenched and tempered condition, in thicknesses up to 75 mm appear to be potential material for fabricating pressure vessels for service at elevated temperature
Les proprietes de trois aciers industriels a bas-carbone Mn-Mo-Nb ont ete determinees a l'etat trempe et revenu. Des valeurs elevees de limite d'elasticite et de resistance sont obtenues de 200C a 4000C sur des toles d'epaisseur maximale de 75 mm. Les caracteristiques de tenacite sont elevees a basses temperatures (inferieures a - 400C). De plus, il a ete montre que de telles toles possedent une excellente soudabilite et une bonne aptitude au formage a froid. Les toles en aciers bas C-Mn-Mo-Nb, a l'etat trempe revenu, pour des epaisseurs jusqu'a 75 mm paraissent etre des materiaux potentiels pour la realisation d'appareils a pression fonctionnant a temperature eleveeOriginal Title
Possibilite d'utilisation d'aciers a bas carbone Mn-Mo-Nb pour des appareils fonctionnant a temperature elevee
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Numerical Data
Materiaux et Techniques; ISSN 0032-6895; ; v. 67(9); p. 271-278
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
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