[en] Published in summary form only
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Maladie veino-occlusive du foie apres greffe de moelle osseuse. Interet possible du fractionnement de l'irradiation totale
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[en] The early response of blood cells to irradiation has been studied in leukemia patients who received total body irradiation (TBI) prior to cyclophosphamide and bone marrow transplantation. After a single session treatment (10 Gy in 4 h) the most dramatic variation was observed in the granulocytes. At the end of the irradiation their concentration was 2 to 6 times higher. Because of a subsequent rapid decline, the peak may be overlooked if the blood counts are delayed. Lymphocytes decreased to 50% at the end of the single session TBI and continue to decrease exponentially, with a half time of 30 h. During a fractionated irradiation (11 x 1.2 Gy in 4 days) the lymphocyte number dropped to 60%, 13 h after the first fraction and this decline continued with a half time of 30 h during the treatment. From the data obtained in vivo, a lymphocyte D0 value of 1.2 Gy was computed. The lymphocyte subsets (B.T. OKT4 OKT8) did not exhibit different radiosensitivities either in vivo or in vitro. The disappearance of lethally hit lymphocytes from the blood exhibits a biphasic kinetic: 50% of the cells disappear in a few hours and 50% with a half time at 30 h. Lymphocytes irradiated either in vitro or in vivo when in culture disappear slowly, contrasting with the in vivo findings. It may suggest that lethally hit lymphocytes are quickly removed from the circulating pool in vivo. (Auth.)
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37 refs.; 6 figs; 4 tabs.
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[en] The efficiency of the two irradiation modes are similar, but the hyperfractionated irradiation seems superior in term of global and specific survival. The incidence rates of pneumopathies are not different between the two groups but the incidence rate of the liver vein-occlusive illness is superior in the group treated by non fractionated whole body irradiation. The cost of the hyperfractionated whole body irradiation is superior to this one of the non fractionated whole body irradiation around a thousand dollars. (N.C.)
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[en] At the Institut Gustave-Roussy (IGR), from January 1982 to December 1986, 54 patients received total body irradiation (TBI) as a part of the conditioning regimen before allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. The patients were non-randomly assigned to either single dose TBI (STBI) (31 patients receiving 10 Gy at a 4.5 cGy/min dose rate, 8 Gy to the lungs) or to a hyperfractionated scheme (HTBI) (23 patients receiving 13.2 Gy in 11 fractions, 3 fractions per day, 9 Gy to the lungs). Relapse rate and overall survival were not significantly different in the two STBI and HTBI groups, in spite of a larger number of 2nd and 3rd remission patients in the HTBI subset. The incidence of interstitial pneumonitis (IP) was significantly reduced in the HTBI group (13%, versus 45% after STBI, p = 0.02). Lethality by IP was also lower after HTBI (4%, versus 26% after STBI, p = 0.08). There was no case of venoocclusive disease of the liver in the HTBI group, whereas three cases were observed after STBI. Based on these results, the IGR activated, in January 1987, a randomized trial comparing the single dose 10 Gy TBI (8 Gy to the lung) to a new hyuperfractionated schedule (11 fractions of 1.35 Gy, 3 fractions per day, 9 Gy to the lungs). (author). 67 refs.; 1 fig.; 5 tabs
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Is also related to TRN NL89C0891.
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