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Fel'dshtejn, Ya.I.; Levitin, A.E.; Afonina, R.G.; Belov, B.A.
Interplanetary space and the Earth maanetosphere1982
Interplanetary space and the Earth maanetosphere1982
[en] Obervations of large-scale longitudinal currents in the Earth magnetosphere are reviewed. Main attention is given to the longitudinal current relation, in the region of high-latitude ionosphere, to the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). A model is proposed which permits to calculate space-time distribution of longitudinal currents depending on the IMF vector components. According to the proposed model, in a particular point of a high latitude space at a given time moment the magnitude and orientation of longitudinal currents are the function of the solar wind parameters. The satellite magnetograms obtained in the daytime cusp and in the auroral zone are analyzed
Original Title
Magnitosferno-ionosfernye svyazi
Primary Subject
Fel'dshtejn, Ya.I.; Levitin, A.E. (eds.); p. 64-116; 1982; p. 64-116; Nauka; Moscow; 152 refs.; 15 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Analysis of modern models of electrical and magnetic fields, electrical current and plasma convection is carried out with the purpose of quantitative description of the near-earth electrodynamic parameters. Possibility of utilizing such models simultaneously with radar and geomagnetic observations for continuous real time control of electromagnetic weather in the earth magnetosphere is considered. Refs. 24, refs. 3
Original Title
Ehlektromagnitnaya pogoda v okolozemnom prostranstve v zavisimosti ot parametrov solnechnogo vetra
Primary Subject
6. International seminar on physics of ferroelectrics and insulators; 6. Mezhdunarodnyj seminar po fizike segnetoelectrikov; Voronezh (Russian Federation); Sep 1994
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Belov, B.A.; Nazarov, T.Kh.; Bobodjanov, G.; Khaitov, T.I.
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe (Tajikistan)1976
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe (Tajikistan)1976
[en] In this article of book authors described elaborated by them amultichannel electronic commutator for automation of scientific research.Created electronic commutator has high stability, accuracy, low-currentdemand and more reliability
Original Title
Mnogokanal'niy elektronniy kommutator v avtomatizatsii nauchnikhissledovaniy
Primary Subject
Available from the library of Academy of Sciences of the Republic ofTajikistan
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Space-time distributions of vertical currents in the range of latitudes PHI > 60 deg dependent on the effect of an interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and are not related to it, for summer and winter seasons are given. Determined were model parameters permitting to evaluate the direction and amplitude of the vertical current density in different ranges of high latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The obtained space-time characteristics of vertical currents and model calculations oare compared with the Triad satellite data. It follows from the model calculations that the direction of longitudinal current in latitudes of day cusp is determined with Bsub(y) and Bsub(z) components of IMF. At that, the relation of Bsub(z) and Bsub(y) signs and intensities - IMF components - is of decisive importance
Original Title
Svyaz' komponent vektora MMP s vertikal'nymi tokami v vysokikh shirotakh severnogo polushariya
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (Translation) (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Geomagnetizm i Aehronomiya; ISSN 0016-7940; ; p. 21(6) p. 1053-1063
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Afonina, R.G.; Belov, B.A.; Gajdukov, V.Yu.; Levitin, A.E.; Rudneva, N.M.
Geomagnetic activity and its forecasting1978
Geomagnetic activity and its forecasting1978
[en] Considered are the significance and applicability of certain statistical couplings between the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and the magnetic activity indexes for the purposes of forecasting of the geomagnetic situation. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the correlation coupling between the Bsub(z) component of the IMF and AE index. It is shown that the coupling between the Bsub(z) and the AE index differs for various time intervals. Three basic trends of the likely forecast of the geomagnetic activity have been worked out. The first trend must be devoted to the study of the geomagnetic field components behaviour at the polar caprock, depending on the IMF components. The second trend deals with the statistical peculiarities of the IMF, solar wind parameters and geomagnetic activity. The third trend studies the relations between the Sun parameters and parameters of the IMF solar wind on the Earth orbit
Original Title
Analiz svyazi struktury mezhplanetnogo magnitnogo polya s AE-indeksom i prognozirovaniem magnitnoj aktivnosti
Primary Subject
Pudovkin, M.I.; Shevnin, A.D. (eds.); AN SSSR, Moscow. Inst. Zemnogo Magnetizma, Ionosfery i Rasprostraneniya Radiovoln; p. 197-210; 1978; p. 197-210; Nauka; Moscow; 15 refs.; 4 figs.
Record Type
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Plasma convection in the polar ionosphere along the trajectories of the ''Kosmos-184'' and ''Kosmos-484'' satellites was calculated on the base of a correlation model of the planetary distribution of longitudinal current, large-scale electric field and the plasma convection velocity, depending on the interplanetary space parameters. The calculations are compared with the results of direct measurements of the convection velocity and electric field, respectively, made with these satellites. The correlation model of electric field over the dayside polar cusp, calculated in the assumption of homogeneous ionosphere conductivity, is shown to be well consistent with the experimental data. The value of the scale factor, depending on the ionosphere conductivity, the Earth conductivity and other factors was determined from the comparison
Original Title
Konvektsiya plazmy v polyarnoj ionosfere: sravnenie izmerenij so sputnika Kosmos-184 s model'yu, zavisyashchej ot vektora MMP
Primary Subject
For English translation see the journal Cosmic Research (USA).
Record Type
Journal Article
Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya; ISSN 0023-4206; ; v. 22(2); p. 201-212
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Belov, B.A.; Galperin, Y.I.; Zinin, L.V.; Levitin, A.Y.; Afonina, R.G.; Feldshteyn, Y.I.
Joint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA (USA)1984
Joint Publications Research Service, Arlington, VA (USA)1984
[en] A problem arising in the construction of a polar cap plasma model is determination of the average quasisteady picture of the electric field, convection and lingitudinal currents, which are determined by factors external to the magnetosphere such as the interplanetary magnetic field, velocity and pressure of the solar wind, level of solar UV radiation, date and time. Satellite measurements are used to study the variations. A combination of various geophysical measurement methods showed certain characteristic structural elements of the unsteady field and current picture during substorms. The work uses the simplest model which is constructed on a correlation analysis of variations in the geomagnetic field with parameters of the solar wind. It is suggested that elimination of a number of simplifying assumptions would greatly increase the complexity and difficulty of using the model
Primary Subject
Oct 1984; v p; Available from NTIS, PC A07
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] By using statistical analysis to study the relation between the interplanetary and geomagnetic fields, geomagnetic variations have been detected that are controlled by different parameters of the solar wind. The equivalent current systems for these geomagnetic variations have been determined for the 1968 summer and winter seasons from data from 14 high latitude stations. It has been shown that the geomagnetic field at high latitudes (PHI >= 600) can be represented by a sum of fields controlled by components of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (I.M.F.) and by the velocity and density of the solar wind plasma. A correlation model is proposed by means of which hourly-mean values of the three components (X, Y, Z) of the geomagnetic field vector at high latitudes may be determined from hourly-mean values of the components Bsub(x), Bsub(y) and Bsub(z) of the I.M.F. The space-time distribution of field-aligned currents has been reconstructed and the correlation model of field-aligned currents has been obtained for high latitudes (PHI >= 600). This enables the nature of the actual magnetic disturbance registered during a given pass of the TRIAD and ISIS-2 satellites through the high latitude region to be interpreted, and enables some discrepancies between observations and the models of field-aligned currents proposed in the literature to be understood. (author)
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences; ISSN 0080-4614; ; v. 304(1484); p. 253-301
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] By magnetic field variations changes in the intensities of auroral electrojets (AU, AL, AR - indices) and ring current (DR) in the period of intensive magnetic storm on 23-24.03.1969 have been analyzed in a wide net of auroral, subauroral and low-latitude observatories. The main results are as follows: 1)geomagnetic latitude of the centre of the wertern auroral electrojet is related tp DR by the ratio Φ=65.2 deg - 0.035 DR, where DR in nTl; 2)functional relation of DR to AE-index described in literature is not confirmed. The change of DR is detemined by the ratio of values of energy entering the ring current and dissipating from it; 3)asymmetry of DR field increases with an increase in AE-indices; it is greater in the main phase of the storm than in the recovery phase. At the same intensity of auroral electrojets asymmetry is considerably higher in the recovery phase than in the main phase of the storm
Original Title
Dinamika magnitosfernoj aktivnosti v period intensivnosti magnitnoj buri
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bondarenko, G.G.; Belov, B.A.; Yakunkin, M.M.
Theses of reports of the 30. International conference on physics of interaction of charged particles with crystals2000
Theses of reports of the 30. International conference on physics of interaction of charged particles with crystals2000
No abstract available
Original Title
Anomal'nyj massoperenos v sisteme Mo-Ni pod dejstviem oblucheniya vysokoehnergeticheskimi ehlektronnymi puchkami
Secondary Subject
Tulinov, A.F. (ed.); Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Univ. im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moscow (Russian Federation); Nauchno-Issledovatel'skij Inst. Yadernoj Fiziki im. D.V. Skobel'tsyna Moskovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Univ., Moscow (Russian Federation); 162 p; 2000; p. 130; 30. International conference on physics of interaction of charged particles with crystals; 30. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po fizike vzaimodejstviya zaryazhennykh chastits s kristallami; Moscow (Russian Federation); 29-31 May 2000
Record Type
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Report Number
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