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Bender, O.W.
Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1986
Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1986
[en] The influence of external resonant helical fields (RHF) in the tokamak TBR plasma discharges was investigated. These fields were created by helical windings wounded on the TBR vessel with the same helicity of rational magnetic surfaces, producing resonant efects on these surfaces. The characteristics of the MHZ activity (amplitude, frequency and poloidal and toroidal wave numbers, m=2,3,4 and n=1, respectively) during the plasma discharges were modified by eletrical winding currents of the order of 2% of the plasma current. These characterisitics were measured for diferent discharges safety factors at the limiter (q) between 3 and 4, with and without the RHF, with the atenuation of the oscillation amplitudes and the increasing of their frequencies. The existente of expontaneous and induced magnetic islands were investigated. The data were compared with results obtained in other tokamaks. (author)
Neste trabalho foi investigada a acao de campos ressonantes helicoidais (CRH) externos, nas descargas de plasma no tokamak TBR. Estes campos foram obtidos por espiras, enroladas helicoidalmente ao redor do vaso do TBR, com helicidades iguais as das superficies racionais do campo magnetico, criando efeitos ressonantes nessas superficies. As caracteristicas da atividade MHD (amplitude, frequencia e numeros de onda poloidal m=2,3,4 e toroidal n=1), durante as descargas de plasma eram alteradas, para intensidades de corrente eletrica, nas espiras helicoidais, da ordem de 2% da corrente de plasma. Essas caracteristicas foram medidas em descargas diferentes, para fatores de seguranca no limitador (q) entre 3 e 4, com e sem o acionamento dos CRH, constantando-se o amortecimento de suas amplitudes e o aumento de suas frequencias. Foi investigada tambem a formacao de ilhas magneticas expontaneas e as criadas pelos CHR externos. Os resultados foram comparados com trabalhos realizados em outros tokamaks. (autor)Original Title
Campos ressonantes helicoidais no Tokamak TBR
Primary Subject
1986; 66 p; Tese (M.Sc.).
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Vicente, L.C.; Neto F, J.B.F.; Bender, O.W.; Collares, M.P.
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)1992
Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas (IPT), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)1992
[en] A plasma furnace was developed for remelting of ferro alloys and silicon fines. The furnace capacity was about 4 Kg of silicon and power about 50 kW. The fine (20 to 100 mesh) was fed into the furnace directly at the high temperature zone. This system was tested for remelting silicon fines and the results in the recovery of silicon was about 95% and it took place a refine of aluminium and calcium. (author)
Original Title
Refusao de finos metalurgicos via plasma termico
Primary Subject
1992; 7 p; 11. Brazilian congress on mechanical engineering; 13. Congresso brasileiro de engenharia mecanica; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 1991; 10 refs., 4 figs., 2 tabs.
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No abstract available
Original Title
Campos ressonantes helicoidais no TBR
Primary Subject
38. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the advancement of Science; Curitiba, PR (Brazil); 9-16 Jul 1986; Available from the Library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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Caldas, I.L.; Bender, O.W.; Fernandes, A.S.; Heller, M.V.; Kucinski, M.Y.; Nascimento, I.C. do; Tan, I.H.; Vannucci, A.
Sao Paulo Univ. (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1987
Sao Paulo Univ. (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica1987
[en] The main characteristics of Mirnov oscillations, sawtooth oscillations and disruptions on the small brazilian tokamak TBR-1 are presented. The alteration of these characteristics caused by helical fields created by external resonant helical windings are also reported. Helical winding current thresholds for the destruction of the magnetic surfaces in TBR-1 caused by the interaction of different resonant fields are estimated. The radial dependence of the perturbations and the change in the shear over the island widths are taken into account. The toroidal corrections are discussed and the exact solution of the Laplaces's equation for the magnetic scalar potential due to toroidal helical current is presented. (author)
Apresentam-se as principais caracteristicas das oscilacoes de Mirnov, oscilacoes denteadas e rupturas no pequeno tokamak brasileiro TBR-1. Sao tambem descritas as alteracoes dessas caracteristicas causadas por campos helicoidais criados por enrolamentos helicoidais ressonantes externos. Estimam-se os limiares de correntes helicoidais para a destruicao das superficies magneticas no TBR-1 causadas pela interacao de diferentes campos ressonantes. A dependencia radial das pertubacoes e a mudanca no corte nas larguras das ilhas sao levadas em consideracao. As correcoes toroidais sao discutidas e a solucao exata da equacao de Laplace para o potencial magnetico escalar devido a correntes helicoidais toroidais e apresentada. (M.W.O.)Primary Subject
Aug 1987; 12 p
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No abstract available
Original Title
Instabilidades de disruptura no Tokamak (TBR-1)
Primary Subject
36. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 4-11 Jul 1984; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Ciencia e Cultura. Suplemento; ISSN 0102-2474; ; v. 36(7); p. 371
Country of publication
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Abreu, V.A. de; Vicente, L.C.; Bender, O.W.; Sanches Junior, O.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
[en] To survey the State of the Art and Technic in Material, Process and Products by Plasma, it was needed to assemble economic, political and managerial variables that will affect the absortion and implantation of this technology in Brazil. Through a survey in industries, universities, research centers, energy agencies and financial and forster institutions it was possible to build a frame that gave us conditions to forecasting and suggest some mesures to Plasma sector. (author)
Para levantar o estado da arte e tecnica em material, processo e produtos de plasma, foi necessario reunir variaveis economicas, politicas e gerenciais que afetam a absorcao e implantacao desta tecnologia no Brasil. Atraves de um levantamento nas industrias, universidades e intituicoes foi possivel construir um sistema que fornece condicoes de prever e sugerir algumas medidas para o setor de plasma. (M.C.K.)Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 892 p; 1987; p. 259-268; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Available from the library of Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear, RJ, Brazil
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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No abstract available
Original Title
Influencia de correntes eletricas helicoidais na estabilidade do Tokamak TBR-1
Primary Subject
37. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); 10-17 Jul 1985; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
[en] Published in summary form only
Original Title
Diagnostico em tochas a plasma via sonda de entalpia
Primary Subject
40. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); 10-16 Jul 1988
Record Type
Journal Article
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
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No abstract available
Original Title
Instabilidades de disruptura no TBR-1
Primary Subject
39. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science; Brasilia, DF (Brazil); 12-18 Jul 1987; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
Journal Article
Literature Type
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Caldas, I.L.; Bender, O.W.; Fernandes, A.S.; Heller, M.V.; Kucinski, M.Y.; Nascimento, I.C. do; Vannucci, A.; Tan, I.H.
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
Proceedings of the Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics1987
No abstract available
Primary Subject
Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica, Rio de Janeiro; 135 p; 1987; p. 45; Energy Independence Conference: Fusion Energy and Plasma Physics; Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); 17-21 Aug 1987; Published in summary form only.
Record Type
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Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue