Bernard, Herve.
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Dept. de Metallurgie; Grenoble-1 Univ., 38 (France)1981
CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 38 (France). Dept. de Metallurgie; Grenoble-1 Univ., 38 (France)1981
[en] The elaboration of a stabilized zirconia powder which sinters at 13000C and the influence of the sintered polycristal microstructure on its ionic conductivity have been studied. Among three investigated powder preparation processes, coprecipitation in an ammoniacal solution was chosen. After sintering at 1300 0C, the pellet density was higher than 93% of the theoretical density. It even approached up to 98% TD with addition of less than 0,5 mole % Al2O3 to the initial powder. The overall electrolyte conductivity and the inter and intragranular contributions have been determined by complex impedance spectroscopy. ZrO2-Y2O3 solid solution conductivity was scarcely improved by Y2O3 exchange with Yb2O3 or Gd2O3. This conductivity greatly increases with grain size, its improvement with decreasing porosity, which has been quantified, is less sensible. Moreover, two original properties were noticed: small amounts of Al2O3 and quenching greatly enhanced the overall conductivity. At temperatures below 5000C, grain boundaries only insured a partial migration of conductive ions. A parallel type electrical equivalent circuit suited well with this blocking effect
L'elaboration d'une poudre de zircone stabilisee apte au frittage a 13000C et l'influence de la microstructure du polycristal fritte sur sa conduction ionique ont ete etudiees. Parmi les trois methodes de preparation de poudre essayees, la coprecipitation en milieu ammoniacal a ete retenue. La densite des comprimes, frittes a 13000C est superieure a 93% de la densite theorique; elle atteint meme 98% dsub(th), apres addition a la poudre de moins de 0,5 mole % de Al2O3. La conductivite globale de la zircone, ses composantes inter et intragranulaire ont ete determinees par spectroscopie d'impedance complexe. La conductivite de la solution solide ZrO2-Y2O3 n'est pratiquement pas amelioree par le remplacement de Y2O3 par Yb2O3 et Gd2O3. Elle augmente fortement avec la taille des grains; son augmentation avec la diminution de porosite qui a ete mise en equation, est moins sensible. En outre, constatations originales, l'addition de faibles quantites de Al2O3 et l'effet de trempe de la zircone accroissent notablement la conductivite globale du materiau. Aux temperatures inferieures a 5000C, les joints de grains n'assurent que le transfert partiel des ions de conduction. Le blocage resultant a ete interprete selon un schema electrique equivalent de type paralleleOriginal Title
Microstructure et conductivite de la zircone stabilisee frittee
Primary Subject
Apr 1981; 102 p; These (D. Ing.).
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Godet, Jean-Luc; Lahaye, Thierry; Bernard, Herve
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, B.P. 72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)2014
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, B.P. 72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses Cedex (France)2014
[en] Started in 2008, the updating works of the existing EURATOM directives are now completed with the publication in December 5, 2013 of the new 2013/59 Euratom Directive in the Official Journal of the European Union. The new directive establishes the basic protection standards relative to the health protection against ionizing radiation exposure hazards. This update allows to consolidate 5 existing directives, to take into consideration the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) published in 2007 (ICRP Publication 103), and to ensure consistency between the European framework with the new IAEA basic standards published in 2011. From January 17, 2014, France has a period of 4 years to transpose the new directive into national right and thus, to adjust the French national regulation included in the health, labor and environment laws to the European and international standards. This document brings together the 3 presentations (slides) made at this round table and dealing with: 1 - The transposition of Euratom directive 2013/59/ relative to basic radioprotection standards (J.L. Godet); 2 - The application in France of the new Euratom directive (T. Lahaye); 3 - A nuclear operator point of view regarding the daily application of Directive 2013-59 (H. Bernard)
Original Title
Table ronde sur l'application en France de la nouvelle directive EURATOM fixant les normes de base en radioprotection
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 2014; 81 p; Application in France of the new EURATOM directive establishing the basic radioprotection standards; Application en France de la nouvelle directive EURATOM fixant les normes de base en radioprotection; Paris (France); 3 Jun 2014; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Popiolek, Nathalie; Devezeaux, Jean-Guy; Bernard, Herve; Behar, Christophe; Birraux, Claude; Cesarsky, Catherine; Sabourin, Didier; Imbach, Juliette; Le Duigou, Alain
La Lettre de l'I-tese - CEA - Batiment 125 - 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France)2011
La Lettre de l'I-tese - CEA - Batiment 125 - 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France)2011
[en] The first part of this issue reports a meeting (the third I-tese Day which took place in June 2011), the theme of which was the way to boost innovation towards a less carbonated economy, or how to pass from fundamental science to the market. Several topics have been addressed: the definition, nature and impacts of innovation, innovation in the field of energy (role of public authorities, of the relationship between actors, and of education). The texts of some contributions are proposed. They dealt with the CEA's contribution to innovation in the field of energy, with management as a tool to promote innovation, with innovation challenging fears and risks, with the role of research, with the way I-tese takes innovation into account in its research activities, with a competitive analysis of the biomass-to-liquid sector, with the application of real options theory to the R and D investment for tomorrow's nuclear, with the relationship between technical innovation and social acceptability (in the case of hydrogen within the AIDHY project). Then, articles discuss a macro-economic theoretical approach of R and D subsidies for de-carbonated energetic technologies, and the end of the HyFrance project for the development of hydrogen markets
Original Title
La lettre de l'I-tese - Numero 13 - Ete 2011
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Sum 2011; 32 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Champion, Didier; Devin, Patrick; Tanguy, Loic; Bernard, Herve; Minon, Jean-Paul; Leclaire, Arnaud; Gilli, Ludivine; Lheureux, Yves; Pescatore, Claudio; Barbey, Pierre; Schneider, Thierry; Gay, Didier; Forest, Isabelle; Hemidy, Pierre-Yves; Baglan, Nicolas; Desnoyers, Bruno; Pieraccini, Michel; Poncet, Philippe; Seguin, Bertille; Calvez, Marianne; Leclerc, Elisabeth; Bancelin, Estelle; Fillion, Eric; Segura, Yannick; Vernaz, Etienne; Granier, Guy; De Preter, Peter; Petitfrere, Michael; Laye, Frederic; Nakamura, Takashi; Gin, Stephane; Lebaron-Jacobs, Laurence; Dinant, Sophie; Vacquier, Blandine; Crochon, Philippe; Griffault, Lise; Smith, Graham
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, B.P. 72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses CEDEX (France)2013
Societe Francaise de Radioprotection - SFRP, B.P. 72, 92263 Fontenay-aux-Roses CEDEX (France)2013
[en] These technical days were organized by the Environment section of the French Society of Radiation Protection (SFRP). Time was given to some exchange about the societal aspects of radioactive waste management as well as about the legal context but the most part of the debates delt with the actual management modalities of the different types of wastes, both in France and in foreign countries, and with the related stakes, in particular in terms of impact. This document brings together the presentations (slides) of the following talks: - Contributions of radiation protection to the long-term safety management of radioactive wastes (Jean-Paul MINON - ONDRAF); - The national inventory of radioactive materials and wastes (Arnaud LECLAIRE - ANDRA); - The high activity, medium activity-long living wastes in debate - a co-building approach (ANCCLI/Clis of Bure/IRSN) to share stakes, enlighten, and develop thought (Ludivine GILLI - IRSN, Yves LHEUREUX - ANCCLI); - Social aspects of Radioactive Waste Management - The International Learning (Claudio PESCATORE - AEN/OCDE); - Citizens involvement and ACRO's point of view on radioactive wastes management (Pierre BARBEY - ACRO); - New CIPR recommendations about the geologic disposal of long-living radioactive wastes (Thierry SCHNEIDER - CEPN); - Overview of processes under the views of radiation protection principles (Didier GAY - IRSN); - The national plan of radioactive materials and wastes management (Loic TANGUY - ASN); - Joint convention on spent fuel management safety and on radioactive waste management safety - status and main stakes (Isabelle FOREST - ASN); - Transport of radioactive wastes (Bruno DESNOYERS - AREVA); - Optimisation and limitation of the environmental impacts of very-low level wastes - valorisation and processes selection (Michel PIERACCINI - EDF), Philippe PONCET - AREVA); - Management of hospital wastes - Example of Montpellier's University Regional Hospital (Bertille SEGUIN - CHRU de Montpellier); - Waste studies - Safety and continuous improvements (Estelle BANCELIN - EDF, Eric FILLION - CEA); - Comparative analysis between a very-low level waste storage facility and a conventional waste storage facility (Yannick SEGURA - ANDRA); - Research on nuclear wastes (Etienne VERNAZ - CEA); - Wastes characterization and intercomparison exercise (Guy GRANIER - CETAMA); - Belgium situation with respect to the long-term management of radioactive wastes (Peter DE PRETER - ONDRAF); - Wastes management in post-accident situation - the CODIRPA works (Frederic LAYE - ASN); - Wastes management in contaminated areas: Japanese situation and experience feedback 2 years after the Fukushima accident (Takashi NAKAMURA - JANUS); Radioactive waste management in the USA (Stephane GIN - CEA) - Monitoring and environmental impact of radioactive waste storage sites (Sophie DINANT - ANDRA); - Lessons learnt from a mortality and cancer impact study in the vicinity of the Aube storage facility (Blandine VACQUIER - InVS); - Evaluation of dosimetric impacts of uranium mine tailings using modeling and comparison with environmental monitoring results (Philippe CROCHON - AREVA); - Cigeo's long-term impact - methodology and presentation of the biosphere approach (Lise GRIFFAULT - ANDRA); - Evaluation of long-term impacts of radioactive waste storage facilities - Lessons learnt and perspectives of the BIOPROTA program (Graham SMITH - GMS Abingdon Ltd)
Original Title
La gestion des matieres et des dechets radioactifs: etat des lieux, enjeux et perspectives
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Oct 2013; 560 p; SFRP conference on the management of radioactive materials and wastes: status, stakes and perspectives; Journees SFRP sur la gestion des matieres et des dechets radioactifs: etat des lieux, enjeux et perspectives; Paris (France); 1-2 Oct 2013; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Literature Type
Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Andrieux, Jean-Luc; Auguste, Paul; Barbey, Pierre; Bernard, Herve; Blanchon, Bruno; Boissier, Fabrice; Boiteux, Marcel; Bonnemains, Jacky; Compagnat, Gilles; Delalonde, Jean-Claude; Devaux, Jean-Yves; Dupraz, Bernard; Gatignol, Claude; Gilloire, Christine; Godin, Jean-Claude; Goellner, Jerome; Jamet, Philippe; Lahaye, Thierry; Laurent, Michel; Leurette, Marc; Minon, Jean-Paul; Pochitaloff, Pierre; Revol, Henri; Rollinger, Francois; Rousselet, Yannick; Sene, Monique; Sorin, Francis; Tandonnet, Jean; Thiebaut, Yann; Bainier, Jean-Philippe; Godet, Jean-Luc; Houdre, Thomas; Legrand, Henri; Majnoni D'Intignano, Sofia; Mays, Claire; Quentin, Pascal; Breton, Agnes; Chantrenne, Nicolas; Chapalain, Estelle; Delafalize, Fabien
Haut comite pour la transparence et l'information sur la securite nucleaire - HCTISN, C/O DGPR, La Grande Arche, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2012
Haut comite pour la transparence et l'information sur la securite nucleaire - HCTISN, C/O DGPR, La Grande Arche, 92055 La Defense Cedex (France)2012
[en] This document gathers several contributions and reports which respectively presents the work themes, activities and recommendations of Work Group 3 within the frame of the Aarhus Convention and in the particular field of access to information and public participation; recalls the Aarhus Convention's history and discusses recommendations related to public information and participation before and after decisions; presents the activities, observations and recommendations of Work Group 2 within the Aarhus Convention and more particularly regarding the modalities of public participation to the decision process on environmental issues; reports an event which occurred in the Penly nuclear power station in April 2012 and actions performed by the ASN after this event; presents a project of long-term management of all radioactive wastes produced in France and the objectives of the public debate the ANDRA wants to organise about this project; reports meetings with managers of the Russian nuclear sector and visits of Russian nuclear sites by a delegation of the HCTISN; presents the main axis of a plan of management of the risk related to radon in France, its 8 main measures, its governance, and the progress of some actions. These contributions are respectively entitled: 'Context and objectives of Work Group 3-Access to expertise and competence building' (Demet and Rollinger), 'Recommendations to improve public information and participation to decision processes by linking local and national levels' (Monique Sene), 'Public participation to the decision process in the nuclear sector' (Sophia Majnoni d'Intignano and Henri Legrand), 'Withdrawal of the reactor after a failure of the 2 RCP 051 PO primary motor-pump group which entailed an AAR' (Pascal Quentin), 'The Cigeo Project: preparation to public debate', 'Mission report: Visit of a HCTISN delegation in Russia from 1 to 6 April 2012', 'Action plan 2011-2015 for the management of risk related to radon (Jean-Luc Godet)
Original Title
HCTISN - Reunion pleniere du 21 juin 2012
Primary Subject
21 Jun 2012; 146 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Report Number
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Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
External URLExternal URL
Alazard-Toux, Nathalie; Allard, Francis; Becue, Thierry; Bernard, Herve; Bourgoin, Jean-Philippe; Brault, Pascal; Carre, Franck; Chabrelie, Marie-Francoise; Charrue, Herve; Colonna, Paul; Compere, Chantal; Criqui, Patrick; David, Sylvain; Devezeaux, Jean-Guy; Dollet, Alain; Duplan, Jean-Luc; Fabre, Francoise; Ferrant, Pierre; Flamant, Gilles; Forti, Laurent; Gentier, Sylvie; Gouy, Jean-Philippe; Hadj-Said, Nouredine; Lacour, Jean-Jacques; Latroche, Michel; Legrand, Jack; Lemoine, Fabrice; Le Net, Elisabeth; Le Thiez, Pierre; Lhomme-Maublanc, Julie; Lucchese, Paul; Malbranche, Philippe; Mermilliod, Nicole; Most, Jean-Michel; Rondot, Yolande; Tilagone, Richard; Touboul, Francoise; Uster, Guillaume; Vidal, Olivier
French National Alliance for Energy Research Coordination - Ancre (France)2017
French National Alliance for Energy Research Coordination - Ancre (France)2017
[en] Created on 17 July 2009, ANCRE (French National Alliance for Energy Research Coordination) brings together 19 research and innovation bodies and higher education institution consortia in the field of energy. Its missions, carried out in liaison with competitiveness clusters and funding agencies, are to: - reinforce synergies and partnerships between research bodies, universities and companies, - identify scientific and technical challenges hampering industrial development, - propose research and innovation programs and approaches to their implementation, - contribute to the development of national research strategy in the field of energy, as well as funding agency program development. Its 2 main societal challenges are: Clean, secure and efficient energy, and Sustainable mobility and urban systems. ANCRE mobilizes 200 scientists involved in 10 programmatic groups (1 - Energy from biomass, 2 - Fossil energy, geothermal energy, critical metals, 3 - Nuclear energy, 4 - Solar energy, 5 - Ocean, hydraulic and wind energy, 6 - Transport, 7 - Buildings, 8 - Industries and agriculture, 9 - Energy forecasting and economics, 10 - Energy networks and associated storage) and 2 cross-disciplinary groups (Strategy, Europe and international). This activity report presents the ANCRE's 2015-2016 Highlights, its future challenges, its contribution to public policy-making, its close cooperation with the French national research agency and active participation in European programs, its mobilizing, structuring and uniting communities, and its knowledge production and dissemination
Original Title
Alliance nationale de coordination de la recherche pour l'energie - Ancre, Rapport d'activite 2015-2016
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jan 2017; 64 p; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS web site for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Bittoun, Jacques; Alazard, Nathalie; Devezeaux, Jean-Guy; Fabre, Francoise; Genet, Roger; Michel, Laurent; Matlosz, Michael; Boissier, Fabrice; Bernard, Herve
Alliance nationale de coordination pour la recherche sur l'energie - Alliance ANCRE, 1-4 Avenue du Bois Preau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison (France)2015
Alliance nationale de coordination pour la recherche sur l'energie - Alliance ANCRE, 1-4 Avenue du Bois Preau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison (France)2015
[en] This document gathers Power Point presentations presented during the ANCRE (National Alliance of Coordination of Research for Energy) general assembly. In the first one, after some recalls about the ANCRE, the author presents the context, an assessment and achievements, international actions and partnerships, some return on experience, and perspectives. The second one presents the financing, missions, activities and action plan of the ANR, the French National Research Agency. The third one reports the ADEME's commitment, activities, strategy, research and development activities, investment programme in the energy and ecologic transition. The fourth contribution presents the missions and objectives, governance, programmes of the EERA (European Energy Research Alliance). The last one describes the progress of 'decarbonization wedges' project
Original Title
Le Point sur l'AG ANCRE du 12 juin 2015
Primary Subject
12 Jun 2015; 87 p; ANCRE General Assembly; Assemblee Generale de l'ANCRE; Paris (France); 12 Jun 2015; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
Literature Type
Conference; Progress Report
Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Lecourtier, Jacqueline; Pappalardo, Michele; Bucaille, Alain; Falanga, Anne; Fouillac, Christian; Amouroux, Jacques; Bouchard, Patrick; Cadet, Daniel; Fioni, Gabriele; Appert, Olivier; Le Quere, Patrick; Bernard, Herve; Moisan, Francois; Witte, Marc de; Cochevelou, Gilles; Bastien, Remi; Heitzmann, Martha; Lefebvre, Thierry; Michon, Ulysse; Perrier, Olivier; Tarascon, Jean-Marie; Lincot, Daniel; Hadziioannou, Georges; Jacquemelle, Michele; Mermilliod, Nicole; Saulnier, Jean-Bernard
Agence Nationale de la Recherche - ANR, 50 avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris (France)2009
Agence Nationale de la Recherche - ANR, 50 avenue Daumesnil, 75012 Paris (France)2009
[en] Proposed by representatives of the main involved companies, agencies and institutions, the contributions of this colloquium addressed the following issues: the role of new energy technologies in the French and World sustainable development; The programmes 'New energy technologies'; Research priorities for these new technologies; Industry Perspectives and challenges; SMEs and the ANR; Research perspectives and challenges (electrochemical storage of energy, solar photovoltaic energy, new materials for energy, integration of renewable energies in electric systems, technological innovations for new energy technologies)
Original Title
Synthese du 1er Colloque Bilan de l'ANR sur l'energie - Quelle recherche pour les energies du futur?
Primary Subject
Nov 2009; 44 p; 1. ANR Energy Assessment colloquium - Which research for tomorrow's energy?; 1er Colloque Bilan de l'ANR sur l'energie - Quelle recherche pour les energies du futur?; Paris (France); 19-20 Nov 2009; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
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Report Number
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INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue
Birraux, Claude; Lacoste, Andre-Claude; Lachaume, Jean-Luc; Mehl-Auget, Isabelle; Godet, Jean-Luc; Dandrieux, Geraldine; Delmestre, Alain; Gallay, Florence; Niel, Jean-Christophe; Bataille, Christian; Dederen, Guillaume; Guenon, Catherine; Repussard, Jacques; Cessac, Bruno; Champion, Didier; Miniere, Dominique; Andrieux, Jean-Luc; Bernard, Herve; Delalonde, Jean-Claude; Calafat, Alexis; Demet, Michel; Barbey, Pierre; Janssens, Augustin; Lazo, Ted; Ahier, Brian; Ugletveit, Finn; Guerson, Nathalie; Riou, Jeanine; Robert, Joel; Pirard, Philippe; Gerbeaux, Jerome; Foix, Olivier; Le Gac, Alain; Lahaye, Thierry; Wiest, Annick; Crouail, Pascal; Lochard, Jacques; Villers, Anita; Eberbach, Friedrich; Murith, Christophe; Samain, Jean-Paul; Javanni, Jean; Averin, Viktor; Trafimchik, Zoia; Liland, Astrid; Durand, Francois
Autorite de Surete nucleaire - ASN, 6 place du Colonel Bourgoin, 75012 Paris (France); Autorite de surete nucleaire, 10 Route du Panorama, 92266 Fontenay-aux-Roses cedex (France)2011
Autorite de Surete nucleaire - ASN, 6 place du Colonel Bourgoin, 75012 Paris (France); Autorite de surete nucleaire, 10 Route du Panorama, 92266 Fontenay-aux-Roses cedex (France)2011
[en] The objective of the seminar is the anticipation of the radiological emergency situations to limit the consequences of nuclear accidents. The Steering Committee to manage the post-accident of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency (CODIRPA) was started in June 2005 by the French nuclear safety authority (ASN), and was charged with developing French policy for the management of the post-accident phase of a nuclear or radiological accident situation. An ambitious program mobilising more than 200 people was put in place, including representatives of relevant national administrations and their local representatives, utility and industrial representatives, technical service organisations, nuclear safety authorities from bordering countries to France, NGOs and local elected officials. On December 2007, the previous seminar had constructively challenged the work of CODIRPA with international experiences and analysis. The 2011 seminar, organized by ASN with the support of the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific Choices and Technologies (OPECST), reports on the progress of the national doctrine's construction. The National Preparedness Guide for Exiting the Emergency Phase and drawn lessons concerning its local adaptation by regional and local community governmental organizations was presented at this occasion. The parliamentary mission headed by OPECST on the safety of nuclear installations holds its first public hearing on May 5, 2011. The seminar provides an opportunity for members of the parliamentary mission to learn about crisis management and post-accident of the major nuclear accident occurred in Japan at Fukushima. This document comprises a complete FR/EN detailed synthesis of the seminar followed by the recommendations of CODIRPA (in French) and by the slides of the available presentations for each session: Opening of the meeting; Session 1: National Preparedness Guide for Exiting the Emergency Phase; Session 2: Development of the Preparedness Guide for Exiting the Emergency Phase; Session 3: Viewpoints on French Preparation for the Post-Accidental Situation; Session 4: The Transition Phase and the long term Phase; Session 5: The Long-term Phase Guidelines; Session 6 (Round Table): Future Challenges for post accidental preparedness
Original Title
Seminaire international post-accidentel nucleaire du 5 et 6 mai 2011 - Les avancees du CODIRPA
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
13 Jul 2011; 436 p; Post nuclear accident 2011 - The CODIRPA progresses; Post-accidentel nucleaire 2011 - Les avancees du CODIRPA; Paris (France); 5-6 May 2011; Available from the INIS Liaison Officer for France, see the 'INIS contacts' section of the INIS website for current contact and E-mail addresses:
Record Type
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Report Number
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue