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Lorenzo, Magdalena; Reyes, Arlyn; Blanco, Idania; Vasallo, Maria C, E-mail:
[en] The determination of Ca, Cu, Fe and Pb in sugarcane raw spirits by atomic absorption spectrophotometry was carried out. For 20 μL injected sample, calibration within the 0,5-25,0 mg. L-1 Ca; 0,25-5,0 mg. L-1 Cu, Pb and Cu intervals were established using the ratios Cu, Ca, Fe and Pb absorbance versus analyte concentration, respectively. Typical linear correlations of r = 0,999 were obtained. The proposed method was applied for the direct determination of Ca, Cu, Fe and Pb in sugar cane spirits, and in samples. The results obtained were in accordance to those obtained at 95% confidence level
Original Title
Determinacion de Ca, Cu, Fe y Pb por espectrofotometria de absorcion atomica en aguardientes de canna
Primary Subject
Record Type
Journal Article
Revista ICIDCA. Sobre los Derivados de la Canna de Azucar; ISSN 1025-3076; ; v. 44(3); [vp.]
Country of publication
Reference NumberReference Number
INIS VolumeINIS Volume
INIS IssueINIS Issue